In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.
- Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 215 (2014) 742-752.
- Nature Communications 5 (2014) 4671(1)-4671(7).
- Nature Nanotechnology 9 (2014) 211-217.
- Physical Review B 89 (2014) 085203(1)-085203(14).
- Nature Materials 13 (2014) 932-937.
- Nature Materials 13 (2014) 367-374.
- Materials Chemistry and Physics 146 (2014) 018-025.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 356 (2014) 87-94.
- Optical Materials 36 (2014) 1942-1945.
- Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 47 (2014) 215501(1)-215501(7).
- Astrophysical Journal Letters 789 (2014) L34(1)-L34(7).
- Astrophysical Journal 789 (2014) 160(1)-160(12).
- Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 31 (2014) B1-B7.
- Atmospheric Research 149 (2014) 120-135.
- Physical Review D 90 (2014) 012012(1)-012012(15).
- Vertices for correlated electron systems with anomalous propagatorsScienceJet 3 (2014) 66(1)-66(10).
- Astrophysical Journal 794 (2014) 172(1)-172(15).
- Acta Crystallographica Section A 70 (2014) 626-635.
- Journal of High Energy Physics 1411 (2014) 056(1)-056(32).
- Nuclear Physics B 889 (2014) 486-548.
- Physical Review D 90 (2014) 072010(1)-072010(19).
- Physics Letters B 738 (2014) 234-253.
- Physics Letters B 738 (2014) 428-447.
- Physical Review Letters 113 (2014) 171801(1)-171801(18).
- Physical Review Letters 113 (2014) 161802(1)-161802(19).
- European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields 74 (2014) 3117(1)-3117(27).
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds 607 (2014) 48-49.
- Journal of High Energy Physics 1409 (2014) 112(1)-112(61).
- Journal of High Energy Physics 1410 (2014) 24(1)-24(53).
- Journal of High Energy Physics 1410 (2014) 96(1)-96(52).
- European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields 74 (2014) 3109(1)-3109(32).
- Physics Letters B 739 (2014) 320-342.
- Preparation and functional properties of photoactive FeS2 pyrite thin filmsJemná mechanika a optika 59 (2014) 35-38.
- Journal of High Energy Physics 1409 (2014) 176(1)-176(52).
- Physical Review Letters 113 (2014) 141803(1)-141803(20).
- Search for high-mass dilepton resonances in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detectorPhysical Review D 90 (2014) 052005(1)-052005(18).
- Physics Letters B 737 (2014) 357-365.
- European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields 74 (2014) 2982(1)-2982(25).
- Physical Review D 90 (2014) 072011(1)-072011(16).
- Physical Review D 90 (2014) 072001(1)-072001(17).
- Physical Review B 90 (2014) 014109(1)-014109(9).
- Physica Scripta 89 (2014) 1-5.
- Optics and Spectroscopy 116 (2014) 811-817.
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (2014) 495301(1)-495301(6).
- Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 8 (2014) 800-804.
- Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 117 (2014) 377-381.
- Inorganic Chemistry 53 (2014) 11699-11709.
- New Journal of Physics 16 (2014) 113041(1)-113041(19).
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series 505 (2014) 012024(1)-012024(4).
- Journal of High Energy Physics 1410 (2014) 141(1)-141(49).