In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.
- Ferroelectrics 495 (2016) 105-115.
- Phase Transitions 89 (2016) 885-893.
- Physica B: Condensed Matter 480 (2016) 14-22.
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A A 807 (2016) 61-63.
- Science 351 (2016) 587-590.
- Solid-State Electronics 116 (2016) 111-118.
- Chemical Communications 52 (2016) 2366-2369.
- Journal of Luminescence 169 (2016) 811-815.
- Journal of Luminescence 169 (2016) 682-689.
- Optical Materials 53 (2016) 54-63.
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 128, Number 961, 2016
- Astroparticle Physics 76 (2016) 9-18.
- Journal of Electronic Materials 0 (2016) 1-6.
- Materials Science and Technology 31 (2016) 1886-1893.
- Physical Review B 93 (2016) 064417(1)-064417(7).
- Physical Review B 93 (2016) 064110(1)-064110(7).
- Acta Physica Polonica A 129 (2016) A-75-A-78.
- Chapter 7 Ferroelectric Domain Walls and their Intersections in Phase-Field Simulations, eds. J. Seidel, Topological Structures in Ferroic Materials. Springer Series in Materials Science, vol. 228, 2016, pp.161-180.
- Introduce Scanning Probe Microscopy into EducationChemické listy 110 (2016) 153-159.
- Analyst 141 (2016) 2639-2656.
- Journal of Luminescence 173 (2016) 141-148.
- Physical Review Letters 117 (2016) 017202(1)-017202(5).
- Scripta Materialia 116 (2016) 21-25.
- Physical Review B 93 (2016) 041302-1-041302-4.
- physica status solidi (b) 253 (2016) 591-600.
- Proceedings of SPIE 9755 (2016) 97552R(1)-97552R(1).
- Vibrational Spectroscopy 83 (2016) 108-114.
- Luminescence Spectroscopy of SemiconductorsI. Pelant & J. Valenta: Luminescence Spectroscopy of Semiconductors, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 542 pp. First published in paperpback 2016
- Solid-State Electronics 118 (2016) 30-35.
- Diamond and Related Materials 63 (2016) 97-102.
- Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 22481(1)-22481(10).
- Vibrational Spectroscopy 84 (2016) 67-73.
- Journal of Applied Physics 119 (2016) 105303-1-105303-7.
- RSC Advances 6 (2016) 25286-25292.
- CrystEngComm 18 (2016) 2036-2040.
- Computer Physics Communications 202 (2016) 1-11.
- Acta Crystallographica Section E 72 (2016) 509-511.
- Diamond and Related Materials 63 (2016) 186-191.
- Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99 (2016) 996-1005.
- Ferroelectrics 495 (2016) 17-27.
- Acta Crystallographica Section E 72 (2016) 512-515.
- Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (2016) 5073-5082.
- Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 54 (2016) 2962-2970.
- Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (2016) 5326-5333.
- Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 27 (2016) 90 (1)-90 (12).
- Nature Communications 7 (2016) 10653(1)-10653(7).
- Journal of Instrumentation 11 (2016) C03050(1)-C03050(11).
- Recent Patents on Nanotechnology 10 (2016) 59-65.
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 (2016) 175901(1)-175901(7).