Ústav dějin umění Akademie věd ČR, v. v. i.

Identity and Crisis in (Semi)private Cultural Spaces in the Czech Lands during the Nineteenth Century

We kindly ask those interested to send their proposals for a roundtable at the workshop Identity and Crisis in (Semi)private Cultural Spaces in the Czech Lands during the Nineteenth Century, which will take place in Prague on 19 October 2021.

Deadline for proposals: 31 August 2021

During the nineteenth century the Czech lands witnessed a number of crises. The term crisis is understood here in its broadest possible sense as a difficult and potentially dangerous political, financial-economic, social, cultural, and/or personal situation which resulted in major changes for large parts of the population. Nineteenth-century culture in the Czech lands as a whole was largely influenced by the idea of a Czech national revival, which went hand in hand with the formation, changing, and merging of different identity concepts. Within this context, the concept of identity embraces such categories as social standing, belonging to a certain language community, gender, family background, political anchoring and/or engagement in certain political movements, profession, professional and personal networks, and/or any combination of those. In the light of the socio-political circumstances of the time, it can be especially fruitful to focus on private and semi-private cultural spaces, as these spaces could offer valuable opportunities for open and less-censored intellectual exchange and artistic performance outside of the public domain.

This interdisciplinary workshop is devoted to concepts of identity within the context of (semi)private artistic practices during times of crisis in the Czech lands in the long nineteenth century. The event will be divided into two parts: a series of research papers, and a roundtable discussion centring on the phenomenon of resilience within artistically oriented parts of society in the long nineteenth century. We invite proposals for contributions to the roundtable discussion from researchers and practitioners originating in all relevant areas including but not limited to art history, cultural studies, history, literary studies, media studies, musicology, philosophy, social psychology, sociology, and theatre studies. These contributions may include the following formats, among others: short impulse papers (max. 5 minutes in length), posters, discussion and/ or performance of creative outputs.

The official workshop language will be Czech; for ease of communication German and English will also be possible during discussions. Proposals of roundtable contributions including a brief biographical note should be sent in a format compatible with MS Word to Dr Anja Bunzel ( no later than 31 August 2021.

The event is planned to be held in a hybrid format, enabling a vivid face-to-face exchange in Prague and at the same time online through ZOOM.

This event takes place as part of the Strategy AV21 programme ‘Odolná společnost pro 21. století. Potenciály krize a efektivní transformace. Historické a transkulturní modely: identifikace, reprezentace a prožívání krizí v minulosti’ and is organised by Dr Anja Bunzel and Dr Markéta Kratochvílová (both Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences).

For further information and inspiration, please find the preliminary workshop morning programme below:

10:00 Dr Viktor Velek, Masaryk Institute and Archive, Czech Academy of Sciences, Soukromá a polosoukromá hudební kultura s vazbou na české revoluční prostředí roku 1848 [Private and Semiprivate Musical Culture within the Czech Revolutionary Environment of the Year 1848]

10:20 Dr Václav Petrbok, Institute for Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, ["Birmingham od Slander": The Prague Literature and Language World(s) in the First Half of the 19th Century]

10:40 Prof. Jindřich Vybíral, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, František Antonín Thun-Hohenstein v boji za tradiční hodnoty [František Antonín Thun-Hohenstein and His Fight for Traditional Values]

11:00 Mgr. Berenika Zemanová, Arts and Theatre Institute Prague / Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice, Hrabě hraje divadlo. Veřejně přístupné zámecké divadlo Leopolda II. Lažanského v Chyši [The Count Is Playing Theatre: Leopold Lažanský´s Public Theatre at Chyše Castle]

11:20-11:50 Pauza [Break]

11:50 Dr Olga Mojžíšová, National Museum – Czech Museum of Music, Bedřich Smetana v dlouhém 19. století [Bedřich Smetana in the Long Nineteenth Century]

12:10 Mgr. Otto Drexler and Mgr. Kristýna Sýbová, Arts and Theatre Institute Prague, Divadelní aktivity v Umělecké besedě jako forma utváření kolektivní identity v období společenských změn na přelomu 19. a 20. století [Theatrical Activities in the Artistic Society within the Context of Collective Identity Formation in Times of Social Change at the Turn of the Twentieth Century]

12:30 Prof. Milena Lenderová, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice, Elegance prvních sportovkyň. Sport jako únik z feminního konstruktu a oblečení mezi konformitou a protestem [Elegance of the First Sportswomen: Sport as an Escape from the Construct of Femininity and Clothing as a Means of Identification between Conformity and Protest]

12:30-14:00 Oběd [Lunch]

14:00-16:00 Kulatý stůl / Roundtable: Odolnost v umělecky orientované části společnosti 19. století [Resilience in Artistically Oriented Parts of Society in the Nineteenth Century]