Matthew Rampley

Prof. Matthew Rampley, Ph.D.

Department of Historiography and Art Theory


Researcher at the Department of Historiography and Art Theory.

Matthew Rampley studied Germand and Classics at Oxford University (BA, 1988) and history of art at the University of St. Andrews (PhD 1993). Between 2010 and 2019 he was Chair of Art History at the University of Birmingham, where he was also Head of the School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music. Since 2019 he has been the Principal Investigator of the project: Continuity / Rupture: Art and Architecture in Central Europe 1918-1939 (, financed by the European Resarch Council, at Masaryk University, where he i salso adjunct professor. Within the Institute of Art History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic he is focusing on memory and cultural diffusion in art history, especially in relation to Aby Warburg. He is also exploring naturalistic descriptions of art, proceeding from evolutionary theory and neuroscience.

Research outputs (selection):

Matthew Rampley – Markian Prokopovych – Nóra Veszprémi, Liberalism and Design Reform in the Habsburg Empire: Museums of Design, Industry and the Applied Arts, 1864–1918, New York 2020.

Matthew Rampley, The Seductions of Darwin: Art, Evolution and Neuroscience, University Park, Pennsylvania 2017.

Matthew Rampley, The Vienna School of Art History: Empire and the Politics of Scholarship, 1847–1918, University Park, Pennsylvania 2013.

Matthew Rampley – Charlotte Schoell-Glass – Andrea Pinotti – Kitty Zijlmans – Hubert Locher – Thierry Lenain (eds.), Art History and Visual Studies in Europe. Transnational Discourses and National Frameworks, Leiden 2012.

Matthew Rampley – Marta Filipová (eds.), Možnosti vizuálních studií, Brno 2007.

Matthew Rampley (ed.), Exploring Visual Culture, Edinburgh 2005.

Matthew Rampley, The Remembrance of Things Past: Aby M. Warburg and Walter Benjamin, Wiesbaden 2000.

Matthew Rampley, Nietzsche, Aesthetics and Modernity, Cambridge 2000.

Current projects:

He is preparing an edition of essays and lectures of Aby Waburg for the series Ars – Philosophia, Aesthetica, Theoria with Academia Publishing.