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In April 2020, the Institute of Czech Literature (henceforth ICL) decided to endorse principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Their Recruitment and the values of OTM-R (Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment). In doing so, the institute launched the initial phase of the process of implementing the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R). In June 2021, the ICL submitted to the European Commission for assessment a number of documents linked to this process: a GAP analysis, OTM-R checklist, and the Action Plan. By taking these steps, the institute hopes to join the prestigious club of research institutions which received the HR Excellence in Research Award. During the process of HRS4R implementation, the ICL emphasises a natural application of the strategy into the existing framework of institutional culture. This is one of the reasons why the ICL perceives the HRS4R as a valuable opportunity to reflect upon existing processes of management of its institutional processes and an occasion for discussions within the institute.

This entire process is supported from project Development of Capacities of the Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS for Research and Popularisation (DCI), which is financed from Operational Programme for Research, Science, and Education. The team at the ICL focuses on seven key activities (including management of the project). Thanks to this support, the institute was thus able to direct additional resources to its HR management, project support, international collaboration, open access to scientific information, digitalisation, and last but not least popularisation of science.

The implementation team of the institute has two main sections: a Steering Committee consisting of members of institute’s management and representatives of employees, and a Working Group, which prepares analyses, proposes solutions, and based on agreement of the Steering Committee and approved procedures conducts implementation. Due to the small size of the ICL, the two sections in terms of persons involved partly overlap. Description of the implementation process and composition of the implementation team are specified in more detail in a document entitled Process Description.


Documents submitted for assessment to the European Commission


Further outputs


Contact persons

Feel free to ask or send us your feedback to the process of implementing the HRS4R:

Tomáš Suk, coordinator of HRS4R implementation
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
phone: (+420) 775 615 515


Karel Piorecký, ICL director’s representative for HRS4R implementation
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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