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ACS Publications American Chemical Society
American Institute of Physics - Complete
American Physical Society - APS All
Institute of Physics
Royal Society of Chemistry
Springer Link
Taylor and Francis - Science and Technology Library
Wiley Online Library - STM

Nakladatelská nabídka a časopisecké knihovny

Časopisy Akademie věd ČR
Czech Digital Mathematics Library
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
EBSCOhost Web
EDP Sciences
JSTOR - Journal Storage
Free Electronic Chemistry Journals
Free Electronic Mathematics Journals
MAIK Nauka
NUMDAM – Archives de revues mathématiques numérisées
Obščerossijskij matěmatičeskij portal
World Scientific

Informace o podmínkách používání licencovaných elektronických zdrojů najdete zde


* - přístup k plným textům nejnovějších článků je omezen vydavatelem.

 2D Materials 1 (2014) -

ACS Nano 1 (2007) –
Acta Crystallographica 1 (1948) – 23 (1967)
Acta Crystallographica A 24 (1968) –
Acta Crystallographica B 24 (1968) –
Acta Crystallographica C 39 (1983) –
Acta Crystallographica D 53 (1997) –
Acta Crystallographica E 57 (2001) –
Acta Crystallographica F 61 (2005) –
Acta Materialia 44 (1996) –
Acta Metallurgica 1 (1953) – 37 (1989)
Acta Metallurgica et Materialia 38(1990) – 43 (1995)
Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 1 (1951) – 53 (1982)
Acta Physica Hungarica 54 (1983) – 75 (1994)
Acta Physica Hungarica Series A, Heavy Ion Physics 1 (1995) – 27 (2006)
Acta Physica Polonica A 79 (1991) –
Acta Physica Polonica B 1 (1970) –
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceeding Supplement 1 (2008) –
Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition) 1 (1992) – 8 (1999) [dále viz Chinese Physics]
Acta Physica Slovaca 1 (1951) –
Adsorption 1 (1995) –
Advanced Electronic Materials 2 (2016) –
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (2016) –
Advanced Engineering Materials 1 (1999) –
Advanced Functional Materials 11 (2001) – [dříve viz Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics]
Advanced Materials 10 (1998) –
Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics 6 (1996) – 10 (2000) [dále viz Advanced Functional Materials]
Advanced Materials Research 1 (1994) – [jen knihovna Slovanka a oddělení 17 a 18]
Advances in Natural Science: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 1 (2010) –
Advances in Optics and Photonics 1 (2009) –
Advances in Physics 1 (1952) –
Advances in Physics X 1 (2016) –
Advances in Science and Technology 45 (2006) – [jen knihovna Slovanka a oddělení 17 a 18]
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1 (1997) – 20 (2016)
AIP Advances 1 (2011) –
AIP Conference Proceedings 1 (1970) –
American Journal of Physics 1 (1933) –
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 1 (1962) –
Annalen der Physik 1 (1799) –
Annales de l´Institut Henri Poincaré 1 (1930) – 18 (1964)
Annales de l´Institut Henri Poincaré (A) Physique théorique 1 (1964) – 71 (1999)
Annales Henri Poincaré 1 (2000) –
Annals of Physics 1 (1957) –
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 34 (1996) – 43 (2005)
Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure 26 (1997) – 34 (2005)
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 1 (2010) –
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 29 (1997) – 37 (2005)
Annual Review of Materials Research 27 (1997) –
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 46 (1996) –
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 47 (1996) –
APL Materials 1 (2013) –
APL Photonics 1 (2016) –
Applications of Surface Science 1 (1977) – 23 (1985) [dále viz Applied Surface Science]
Applied Mechanics and Materials 1 (2004) – [jen knihovna Slovanka a oddělení 17 a 18]
Applied Nanoscience 1 (2011) –
Applied Optics 1 (1962) –
Applied Physics 1 (1973) – 25 (1981)
Applied Physics A 26 (1981) –
Applied Physics B 26 (1981) –
Applied Physics Express 1 (2008) – [dříve viz Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. Part 2]
Applied Physics Letters 1 (1962) –
Applied Physics Reviews 1 (2014) –
Applied Superconductivity 1 (1993) – 6 (1999)
Applied Surface Science 24 (1985) – [dříve viz Applications of Surface Science]
APS News 4 (1995) –
Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies Bulletin 1 (1991) -
Astrofizika [angl. viz Astrophysics]
The Astronomical Journal 115 (1998) –
Astronomy and Astrophysics 1 (1969) – 364 (2000)
Astronomy and Astrophysics 365 (2001) – *
Astronomy and Astrophysics Review 1 (1989) –
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 116 (1996) – 147 (2000)
Astroparticle Physics 1 (1992 - 1993) -
The Astrophysical Journal 471 (1996) –
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 447 (1995) –
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 107 (1996) –
Astrophysics 1 (1965) –
Astrophysics and Space Science 1 (1968) –
Australian Journal of Physics 6 (1953) – 53 (2000/01)

Beiträge aus der Plasmaphysik 1 (1960) – 25 (1985) [dále viz Contributions to Plasma Physics]
Biointerphases 1 (2006) –
Biomaterials 1 (1980) –
Biomedical Materials 1 (2006) –
Biomicrofluidics 1 (2007) –
BioNanoScience 1 (2011) –
Biophysik 1 (1963) – 10 (1973) [dále viz Radiation and Environmental Biophysics]
British Journal of Applied Physics 1 (1950) – 18 (1967) [dále viz Journal of Physics D]
Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams 1 (1980) – 11 (1990) [dále viz Journal of Phase Equilibria]
Bulletin of Materials Science 1 (1979) –
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 1993 –
Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 34 (2007) –
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 71 (2007) –

Calphad 1 (1977) –
Canadian Journal of Physics 79 (2001) – *
Carbon 1(1963) –
Central European Journal of Physics 1 (2003) – 12 (2014) [dále viz Open Physics]
Ceramics International 7 (1981) – [dříve viz Ceramurgia International]
Ceramurgia International 1 (1975) – 6 (1980) [dále viz Ceramics International]
Classical and Quantum Gravity 1 (1984) –
Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves 1 (1965) –
Comments on Modern Physics 1 (1999) – 2 (2000)
Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 (1965) –
Communications in Theoretical Physics (China) 1 (1982) –
Complexity 1 (1996) – 21 (2016)
Complexity 1 (2017) -
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences (1835) – (1996)
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IV - Physics - Astrophysics 1 (2000) – 2 (2001)
Comptes Rendus Physique 3 (2002) –
Computational Materials Science 1 (1992) –
Computer Physics Communications 1 (1969) –
Computer Physics Reports 1 (1983 - 1984) – 12 (1990)
Condensed Matter Physics (Lvov) 1993 –1997, 1 (1998) –
Contemporary Physics 1 (1959) –
Contributions to Plasma Physics 26 (1986) – [dříve viz Beiträge aus der Plasmaphysik]
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Science 1 (1970) –
Cryogenics 1 (1961) –
Crystal Research and Technology 16 (1981) – [dříve viz Kristall und Technik]
Crystal Engineering 1 (1998) – 6 (2003)
Crystallography Reports 45 (2000) –
Crystallography Reviews 7 (1998) –
Crystals 1 (2011) –
Current Applied Physics 1 (2001) –
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 1 (1996) –
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 1 (1952) – 56 (2006)

Časopis pro pěstování matematiky a fysiky 1 (1872) – 75 (1950)
Československý časopis pro fyziku 58 (2008) – s individuální registrací

Defect and Diffusion Forum 1 (1967) – [jen knihovna Slovanka a oddělení 17 a 18]
Diamond and Related Materials 1 (1991) –
Doklady Akademii nauk [angl. viz Doklady Physics, Doklady Physical Chemistry]
Doklady Physical Chemistry 375 (2000) –
Doklady Physics 45 (2000) –

e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 1 (2003) –
Electrochimica Acta 38 (1993) –
electronic-Liquid Crystal Communications (e-LC) (2003) –
Endeavour 19 (1995) –
Entropy 1 (1999) –
EPJ Applied Metamaterials 1 (2014) –
EPJ Direct 1 (2000) – 4 (2002)
EPJ Photovoltaics 1 (2010) –
EPJ Quantum Technology 1 (2014) -
EPJ Web of Conferences 1 (2009) -
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 77 (2007) – [dříve Europhysics Letters]
European Journal of Physics 1 (1980) -
The European Physical Journal A 1 (1998) –
The European Physical Journal B 1 (1998) –
The European Physical Journal C 1 (1998) –
The European Physical Journal D 1 (1998) –
The European Physical Journal E 1 (2000) –
The European Physical Journal H 35 (2011) – [dříve Annales de Physique]
The European Physical Journal Plus 126 (2011) – [dříve viz Nuovo Cimento B]
The European Physical Journal - Special Topics 140 (2007) – [dříve viz Journal de Physique IV]
European Polymer Journal 1 (1965) –
Europhysics Letters 1 (1986) – 76 (2006) [dále viz EPL (Europhysics Letters)]
Europhysics News 1 (1968) –

Ferroelectrics 1 (1970) –
Ferroelectrics Letters Section 1 (1983) –
Fiber and Integrated Optics 1 (1977) –
Fizika A 1 (1992) – 19 (2010)
Fizika B 1 (1992) – 20 (2011)
Fizika elementarnych častic i atomnogo jadra 1 (1970) –
Fizika i technika poluprovodnikov 22 (1988) – [angl. viz Semiconductors]
Fizika metallov i metallovedenije [angl. viz The Physics of Metals and Metallography]
Fizika nizkich temperatur 4 (1978) – s individuální registrací
Fizika nizkich temperatur [angl. viz Low Temperature Physics]
Fizika plazmy [angl. viz Plasma Physics Reports]
Fizika tverdogo tela 30 (1988) – [angl. viz Physics of the Solid State]
Fortschritte der Physik 1 (1953) –
Foundations of Physics 1 (1970) –
Foundations of Physics Letters 1 (1988) – 19 (2006)
Frontiers of Optoelectronics 1 (2008) -
Frontiers of Physics 6 (2011) – [dříve viz Frontiers of Physics in China]
Frontiers of Physics in China 1 (2006) – 5 (2010) [dále viz Frontiers of Physics]
Functional Materials Letters (FML) 1 (2008) –

General Relativity and Gravitation 1 (1970) –
Gravitation and Cosmology 14 (2008) –

Helvetica Physica Acta 1 (1928) – 72 (1999)
High Energy Density Physics 1 (2005) –
High Energy Chemistry 34 (2000) –
High Power Laser Science and Engineering 1 (2013) –
High Pressure Research 1 (1988) –
High Temperature 38 (2000) –
Hungarica Acta Physica 1 (1947 - 1949) [dále viz Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae]
Hyperfine Interactions 1 (1975) –

Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 1 (1991) –
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1 (1991) –
Chemical Physics 1 (1973) –
Chemical Physics Letters 1 (1967) –
Chemické listy 91 (1997) –
ChemistryOpen 1 (2012) –
ChemPhysChem 1 (2000) -
Chimija vysokich energij [angl. viz High Energy Chemistry]
Chinese Journal of Physics 1 (1963) –
Chinese Physics 9 (2000) – 16 (2007) [dále Chinese Physics B, dříve Acta Physica Sinica]
Chinese Physics B 17 (2008) – [dříve Chinese Physics]
Chinese Physics C 32 (2008) –
Chinese Physics Letters 1 (1984) –

Icarus 1 (1962) –
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 41 (2005) –
IEEE Photonics Journal 1 (2009) –
Indian Journal of Physics 83 (2009) –
Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 37 (1999) –
Infrared Physics 1 (1961) – 34 (1993) [dále viz Infrared Physics and Technology]
Infrared Physics and Technology 35 (1994) – [dříve viz Infrared Physics]
Inorganic Chemistry 35 (1996) –
Inorganic Materials 36 (2000) –
Integrated Ferroelectrics 1 (1992) –
Interface Science 1 (1993) – 12 (2004) [dále sloučen s Journal of Materials Science]
Intermetallics 1 (1993) –
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 1 (2004) –
International Journal of High Technology Ceramics 1 (1985) – 4 (1988) [dále viz Journal of the European Ceramic Society]
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 1 (1980) – 29 (2008) [dále viz Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves]
International Journal of Modern Physics A 16 (2001) –
International Journal of Modern Physics B 15 (2001) –
International Journal of Modern Physics C 12 (2001) –
International Journal of Modern Physics D 10 (2001) –
International Journal of Modern Physics E 10 (2001) –
International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series (IJMPCS) 1 (2011) -
International Journal of Plasticity 11 (1995) –
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 57 (1996) –
International Journal of Quantum Information 1 (2003) –
International Journal of Radiation Biology 71 (1997) – *
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 1 (1968) –
Inverse Problems 1 (1985) –
Ionics 1 (1995) –
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2009 –
IUCrJ 1 2014 –
Izvestija Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Serija fizičeskaja [angl. viz Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics]
Izvestija vysšich učebnych zavedenij. Fizika [angl. viz Russian Physics Journal]

Jadernaja fizika [angl. viz Physics of Atomic Nuclei]
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 1 (1962) –
JJAP Conference Proceedings 1 (2013) –
Journal de Physique 24 (1963) – 51 (1990) [dříve viz Journal de Physique et le Radium]
Journal de Physique I 1 (1991) – 7 (1997)
Journal de Physique II 1 (1991) – 7 (1997)
Journal de Physique III 1 (1991) – 7 (1997)
Journal de Physique IV 1 (1991) – 12 (2002), 103 (2003) – 139 (2006)
Journal de Physique et le Radium (1920) – (1963) [dále viz Journal de Physique]
Journal de Physique Colloques 27 (1966) – 51 (1990) [dále viz Journal de Physique IV]
Journal de Physique Lettres 35 (1974) – 46 (1985)
Journal de Physique Théorique et Appliquée (1872) – (1919) [dále viz Journal de Physique et le Radium]
Journal of Advanced Dielectrics (JAD) 1 (2011) -
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 176 (1991) – [dříve viz Journal of the Less Common Metals]
Journal of Applied Crystallography 1 (1968) –
Journal of Applied Physics 1 (1931) –
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 1 (1980) –
Journal of Chemical Crystallography 24 (1994) – [dříve viz Journal of Crystallographic and Spectroscopic Research]
Journal of Chemical Physics 1 (1933) –
Journal of Coatings Technology 69 (1997) – 75 (2003)
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 1 (2004) –
Journal of Complexity 1 (1985) –
Journal of Computational Physics 1 (1966) –
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport 43 (2014) – [dříve viz Transport Theory and Statistical Physics]
Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Science) 42 (2007) –
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1 (2003) –
Journal of Crystal Growth 1 (1967) –
Journal of Crystal and Molecular Structure 1 (1971) – 11 (1981) [dále viz Journal of Crystallographic and Spectroscopic Research]
Journal of Crystallographic and Spectroscopic Research 12 (1982) – 23 (1993) [dříve viz Journal of Crystal and Molecular Structure, dále viz Journal of Chemical Crystallography]
Journal of Electroceramics 1 (1997) –
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 61 (1993) –
Journal of Electronic Materials 1 (1972) –
Journal of Energetic Materials 1 (1983) –
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 1 (1955) – 83 (1996)
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 84 (1997) –
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 1 (1965) – 62 (1995)
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 63 (1996) –*
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 65 (1997) –
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 426 (2001) – *
Journal of Fluorescence 7 (1997) –
Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 (1984) –
Journal of High Energy Physics 1997 – 2009
Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 –
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves 30 (2009) – [dříve viz International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves]
Journal of Instrumentation 1 (2006) –
Journal of Laser Applications 1 (1989) –
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 1 (1969) –
Journal of Luminescence 1 (1970) –
Journal of Macromolecular Science B : Physics 1 (1967) –
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 1 (1975) –
Journal of Materials Research 1 (1986) –
Journal of Materials Science 1 (1966) –
Journal of Materials Science Letters 1 (1982) – 22 (2003)
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 1 (1990) –
Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 (1960) –
Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials 1 (1999) – 26 (2005) - [jen knihovna Slovanka a oddělení 17 a 18]
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 1 (1991) –
Journal of Microscopy 185 (1997) –
Journal of Modern Optics 34 (1987) – [dříve viz Optica Acta]
Journal of Molecular Structure 290 (1993) –
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 1 (1999) –
Journal of Nano Research 1 (2008) – [jen knihovna Slovanka a oddělení 17 a 18]
Journal of Neutron Research 1 (1993) – 5 (1996)
Journal of Neutron Research 10 (2002) –
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 1 (1968) –
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 1 (1994) –
Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials 10 (2001) –
Journal of Nuclear Energy C 1 (1959) – 8 (1966) [dále viz Plasma Physics]
Journal of Nuclear Materials 1 (1959) –
Journal of Optics 8 (1977) – 29 (1998) [dříve viz Nouvelle Revue d'Optique, dále viz Journal of Optics A, Journal of Optics B]
Journal of Optics 12 (2010) – [dříve viz Journal of Optics A]
Journal of Optics A 1 (1999) – 11 (2009) [dále viz Journal of Optics]
Journal of Optics B 1 (1999) – 7 (2005) [dále viz Journal of Physics B]
Journal of Phase Equilibria 12 (1991) – 24 (2003) [dříve viz Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams]
Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 19 (1998) – *
Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 25 (2004) –
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 1 (1972) –
Journal of Physical Studies (Lvov) 1 (1996) –
Journal of Physics Communications 1 (2017) –
Journal of Physics – Condensed Matter 1 (1989) –
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1 (2004) –
Journal of Physics A 1 (1968) –
Journal of Physics B 1 (1968) –
Journal of Physics C 1 (1968) – 21 (1988) [dále viz Journal of Physics – Condensed Matter]
Journal of Physics D 1 (1968) –
Journal of Physics E 1 (1968) – 22 (1989) [dále viz Measurement Science and Technology]
Journal of Physics F 1 (1971) – 18 (1988) [dále viz Journal of Physics – Condensed Matter]
Journal of Physics G 1 (1975) –
Journal of Physics Energy 1 1 (2019) –
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 1 (1956) –
Journal of Physics Materials 1 (2018) –
Journal of Physics Photonics 1 (2019) –
Journal of Plasma Physics 65 (2001) – *
Journal of Porous Materials 1 (1995) –
Journal of Power Sources 1 (1976) –
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 27 (1996) –
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards 1 (1928) – 93 (1988) [dále viz Journal of Research of NIST]
Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology 94 (1989) – [dříve viz Journal of Research of NBS]
Journal of Russian Laser Research 1 (1980) –
Journal of Scientific Computing 1 (1986) –
Journal of Scientific Instruments 1 (1923) – 44 (1967) [dále viz Journal of Physics E]
Journal of Semiconductors 30 (2009) –
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 1 (1997) –
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 1 (1969) –
Journal of Statistical Physics 1 (1969) –
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2004 –
Journal of Superconductivity 1 (1988) – 18 (2005) [dále viz Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism]
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 19 (2006) – [dříve viz Journal of Superconductivity]
Journal of Surface Investigation 1 (2007) –
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 4 (1997) –
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 1 (1918) –
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 5 (1989) – [dříve viz International Journal of High Technology Ceramics]
Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid publication 1 (2006) – 11 (2016)
Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid publication 12 (2016) -
Journal of the Korean Physical Society 1 (1968) – 59 (2011)
Journal of the Korean Physical Society 60 (2012) –
Journal of the Less Common Metals 1 (1959) – 175 (1991) [dále viz Journal of Alloys and Compounds]
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 (1952) –
Journal of the Optical Society of America 1 (1917) – 73 (1983)
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 1 (1984) –
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 1 (1946) –
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 1 (1969) –
Journal of Thermal Science 1 (1992) –
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics 6 (2012) –
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 1 (1964) – 21 (1982)
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 1 (1983) –
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 1 (1983) –
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 4 (1993) – 7 (1997)
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 7 (1997) – *
JPS Conference Proceedings 1 (2014) –

Key Engineering Materials 1 (1982) – [jen knihovna Slovanka a oddělení 17 a 18]
Kratkije soobščenija po fizike [angl. viz Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute]
Kristallografija [angl. viz Crystallography Reports]
Kristall und Technik 1 (1966) – 15 (1980) [dále viz Crystal Research and Technology]
Kvantovaja elektronika (1971) – *

Landolt-Börnstein - Group III Condensed Matter Springer Materials (úplná databáze LB)
Langmuir 12 (1996) –
Laser and Particle Beams 15 (1997) –
Laser & Photonics Reviews 1 (2007) –
Laser Physics 16 (2006) – 22 (2012)
Laser Physics 23 (2013) –
Laser Physics Letters 1 (2004) –
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 18 (1996) –
Lecture Notes in Physics 1 (1969) – 475 (1996)
Lettere al Nuovo Cimento Series 1 1 (1969) – 4 (1970)
Lettere al Nuovo Cimento Series 2 1 (1971) – 44 (1985)
Letters in Mathematical Physics 1 (1975) –
Light: Science & Applications 1 (2012) –
Liquid Crystals 22 (1997) –
Liquid Crystals Reviews 1 (2013) –
Liquid Crystals Today 1 (1991) –
Living Reviews in Relativity 1 (1998) –
Low Temperature Physics 23 (1997) –

Materials 1 (2008) –
Materials Characterization 24 (1990) – [dříve viz Metallography]
Materials Chemistry 1 (1976) – 7 (1982)
Materials Chemistry and Physics 8 (1983) –
Materials Letters 1 (1982) –
Materials Research Bulletin 1 (1966) –
Materials Research Express 1 (2014) –
Materials Science and Engineering 1 (1966) – 100 (1988)
Materials Science and Engineering A 101 (1988) –
Materials Science and Engineering B 1 (1988) –
Materials Science and Engineering C 1 (1993) –
Materials Science and Engineering R: 10 (1993) –
Materials Science Forum 1 (1984) – [jen knihovna Slovanka a oddělení 17 a 18]
Materials Science Reports 1 (1986) – 10 (1993)
Materials Structure 1 (1994) –
Materials Today 1 (1998) –
The Mathematical Intelligencer 1 (1978) –
Mathematical Physics,Analysis and Geometry 1 (1998) –
Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal 1 (1995) – 15 (2009)
Measurement Science and Technology 1 (1990) – [dříve Journal of Physics E]
Mechanics of Composite Materials 15 (1979) – [dříve viz Polymer Mechanics]
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 1 (1997) –
Metallography 1 (1968) – 23 (1989) [dále viz Materials Characterization]
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 6 (1975) –
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 6 (1975) –
Metallurgical Transactions 1 (1970) – 5 (1974) [dále viz Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B]
Metamaterials 1 (2007) – 6 (2012)
Microelectronic Engineering 1 (1983) –
Microelectronics Journal 10 (1979) –
Microscopy and Microanalysis 8 (2002) – *
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 1 (1992/93) –
Modern Physics Letters A 16 (2001) –
Modern Physics Letters B 15 (2001) –
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 292 (1997) –
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 1 (1827) – *
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters 356 (2005) – *
MRS Bulletin 36 (2011) – *
MRS Communication 1 (2011) – *

NanoLetters 1 (2001) –
Nanomaterials 1 (2011) –
Nano Research 1 (2008) –
NanoToday 1 (2006) –
Nanoscale Research Letters 1 (2006) –
Nanostructured Materials 1 (1992) – 12 (1999) [dále viz Acta Materialia a Scripta Materialia]
Nanotechnology 1 (1990) –
Nature 343 (1990) – *
Nature 385 (1997) –
Nature Communications 1 (2010) –
Nature Chemistry 1 (2009) – *
Nature Energy 1 (2016) –
Nature Materials 1 (2002) –
Nature Nanotechnology 1 (2006) –
Nature Photonics 1 (2007) –
Nature Physics 1 (2005) –
Nature Reviews Materials 1 (2016) –
Nature Reviews Physics 1 (2019) –
Naturwissenschaften 1 (1913) – 101 (2014) [dále viz The Science of Nature]
Neorganičeskije materialy [angl. viz Inorganic Materials]
New Journal of Physics 1 (1998-9) –
Nonlinearity 1 (1988) –
Nouvelle Revue d'Optique 4 (1973) – 7 (1976) [dříve viz Nouvelle Revue d'Optique Appliquée, dále viz Journal of Optics]
Nouvelle Revue d'Optique Appliquée 1 (1970) – 3 (1972) [dále viz Nouvelle Revue d'Optique]
Nuclear Fusion 1 (1960) –
Nuclear Instruments 1 (1957) – 3 (1958)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods 4 (1959) – 184 (1981)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 185 (1981) – 225 (1984)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 226 (1984) –
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 1 (1984) –
Nuclear Physics 1 (1956) – 89 (1966)
Nuclear Physics A 90 (1967) –
Nuclear Physics B 1 (1967) –
Nuclear Physics B – Proceedings Supplements 1 (1987) –
Il Nuovo Cimento (1843) – (1954)
Il Nuovo Cimento Series 10 1 (1955) – 39 (1965)
Il Nuovo Cimento Series 10 A 40 (1965) – 70 (1970)
Il Nuovo Cimento Series 10 B 40 (1965) – 70 (1970)
Il Nuovo Cimento Series 11 A 1 (1971) – 112 (1999)
Il Nuovo Cimento Series 11 B 1 (1971) – 111 (1996)
Il Nuovo Cimento C 1 (1978) – 19 (1996)
Il Nuovo Cimento C 20 (1997) –
Il Nuovo Cimento C – Colloquia on Physics 31 (2008) –
Il Nuovo Cimento D 1 (1982) – 20 (1998)

Open Physics 13 (2015) – [dříve viz Central European Journal of Physics]
Optica Acta 1 (1954) – 33 (1986) [dále viz Journal of Modern Optics]
Optical and Quantum Electronics 29 (1997) –
Optical Fiber Technology 1 (1994) –
Optical Materials 1 (1992) –
Optical Materials Express 1 (2011) –
Optical Nanoscopy 1 (2012) – 3 (2014)
Optical Review 4 (1997) –
Optics and Laser Technology 3 (1971) – [dříve viz Optics Technology]
Optics and Photonics Letters (OPL) 1 (2008) - 5 (2012)
Optics and Spectroscopy 88 (2000) –
Optics Communications 1 (1969) –
Optics Express 1 (1997) –
Optics Letters 1 (1977) –
Optics Technology 1 (1968) – 2 (1970) [dále viz Optics and Laser Technology]
Optik 112 (2001) –
Optika i spektroskopija [angl. viz Optics and Spectroscopy]

Phase Transitions 1 (1979) –
Philosophical Magazine series 1 (1798-1826) – series 7 (1926-1955), 1 (1956) – 36 (1977)
Philosophical Magazine A 37 (1978) –82(2002)
Philosophical Magazine B 37 (1978) – 82 (2002)
Philosophical Magazine 83 (2003) –
Philosophical Magazine Letters 55 (1987) –
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 1 (1665) – 374 (2016)
Photonics 1 (2014)–
Photonic Sensors 1 (2011)–
Photonics and Nanostructures 1 (2003) –
Physica 1 (1934) – 78 (1974)
Physica A 79 (1975) –
Physica B 152 (1988) –
Physica B + C 79 (1975) – 151 (1988)
Physica C 152 (1988)–
Physica D 1 (1980) –
Physica E 1 (1997) –
Physica Scripta 1 (1970) –
Physica Scripta Topical Issues T1 (1982) –
Physica Status Solidi 1 (1961) – 42 (1970)
Physica Status Solidi A 1 (1970) –
Physica Status Solidi B 43 (1971) –
Physica Status Solidi C 0 (2003) –
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters 1 (2007) –
Physical Review (1893) –(1969)
Physical Review A 1 (1970) –
Physical Review B 1 (1970) –
Physical Review C 1 (1970) –
Physical Review D 1 (1970) –
Physical Review E 47 (1993) –
Physical Review X 1 (2011) –
Physical Review Applied 1 (2014) –
Physical Review Fluids 1 (2016) –
Physical Review Focus 1 (1998) – 28 (2011) [dále viz Physics]
Physical Review Letters 1 (1958) –
Physical Review Materials 1 (2017) –
Physical Review Research 1 (2019) –
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams 1 (1998) –
Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research 1 (2005) –
Physics 1 (2008) –
Physics Physique Fizika (PPF) 1 (1964/65) – 4 (1968)
Physics Essays 1 (1988) – *
Physics in Medicine and Biology 1 (1956) –
Physics in Perspective (PIP) 1 (1999) –
Physics in Technology 4 (1973) –19 (1988) [dříve viz Review of Physics in Technology]
Physics Letters 1 (1962) – 23 (1966)
Physics Letters A 24 (1967) –
Physics Letters B 24 (1967) –
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 63 (2000) –
Physics of Condensed Matter 17 (1973) – 19 (1975) [dříve viz Physik der kondensierten Materie, dále viz Zeitschrift für Physik B]
Physics of Fluids 1 (1958) – 31 (1988), 6 (1994) -
Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics 1 (1989) – 5 (1993)
Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics 1 (1989) - 5 (1993)
The Physics of Metals and Metallography 101 (2006) -
Physics of Particles and Nuclei 37 (2006) –
Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 3 (2006) –
Physics of Plasmas 1 (1994) –
Physics of the Solid State 39 (1997) –
Physics of Wave Phenomena 15 (2007) –
Physics Procedia 1 (2008) – 90 (2017)
Physics Reports 1 (1971) –
Physics Today 1 (1948) –
Physics-Uspekhi 1 (1958) –
Physics World 1 (1988) –
Physik der kondensierten Materie 1 (1963) – 16 (1973) [dále viz Physics of Condensed Matter]
Physik in unserer Zeit 1 (1970) -
Pis´ma v Žurnal eksperimentalnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki 1 (1965) – [angl. viz Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters]
Pis’ma v Žurnal techničeskoj fiziki 14 (1988) – [angl. viz Technical Physics Letters]
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 1 (1981) –
Plasma Devices and Operations 1 (1990) – 17 (2009)
Plasma Physics 9 (1967) – 25 (1983) [dříve viz Journal of Nuclear Energy C, dále viz Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion]
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 26 (1984) – [dříve viz Plasma Physics]
Plasma Physics Reports 26 (2000) –
Plasma Processes and Polymers 1 (2004) –
Plasma Science and Technology 1 (1999) –
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 1 (1992) –
PMC Physics A 1 (2007) – 4 (2010)
PMC Physics B 1 (2008) – 3 (2010)
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie 1 (1956) – *
Polymer Mechanics 1 (1965) – 14 (1978) [dále viz Mechanics of Composite Materials]
Practical Metallography 42 (2005) – [jen knihovna Slovanka]
Pramana 1 (1973) –
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1 (1915) – 114 (2017)
Proceedings of the Physical Society of London 1 (1874) – 92 (1967)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 1 (1800) – 472 (2016)
Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization 1 (1977) – 19 (1989)
Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 20 (1990) –
Progress in Materials Science 9 (1961) –
Progress in Metal Physics 1 (1949) – 8 (1959)
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 1 (1978) –
Progress in Photovoltaics 4 (1996) –
Progress in Polymer Science 1 (1967) –
Progress in Quantum Electronics 1 (1969) –
Progress in Solid State Chemistry 1 (1964) –
Progress in Surface Science 1 (1971) –
Progress of Theoretical Physics 1 (1946) – 128 (2012)
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 1 (1955) – 197 (2012)
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 1 (2012) –
Pure and Applied Optics 1 (1992) – 7 (1998) [dále viz Journal of Optics A]

Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 7 (1995) – 10 (1998) [dříve viz Quantum Optics, dále viz Journal of Optics B]
Quantum Electronics 1 (1971) –
Quantum Information Processing 1 (2002) –
Quantum Optics 1 (1989) – 6 (1994) [dále viz Quantum and Semiclassical Optics]

Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 11 (1974) – [dříve viz Biophysik]
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 1 (1969) –
Radiation Measurements 23 (1994) –
Radiation Research 1 (1954) – 182 (2014)
Radiation Research Supplement 1 (1959) – 8 (1985)
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 8 (1965) –
Radiotherapy and Oncology 34 (1995) –
Le Radium 1 (1904) – 11 (1919) [dále viz Journal de Physique et le Radium]
Reports on Mathematical Physics 1 (1970) –
Reports on Progress in Physics 1 (1934) –
Results in Physics 1 (2011) –
Review of Physics in Technology 1 (1970) – 3 (1972) [dále viz Physics in Technology]
Review of Scientific Instruments 1 (1930) –
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 13 (2001) –
Reviews of Modern Physics 1 (1929) –
Reviews on Advanced Materials Science 1 (2000) –
Revue de Physique Appliquée 1 (1966) – 25 (1990) [dále viz Journal de Physique III]
La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento Series 1  1 (1969) – 2 (1970)
La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento Series 2  1 (1971) – 7 (1977)
La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento Series 3 1 (1978) – 22 (1999)
La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento Series 3 23 (2000) –
Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 13 (2006) –
Russian Physics Journal 8 (1965) –

Scanning 1 (1978) – 38 (2016)
Scanning 2017 -
Science 1 (1880) – 346 (2014)
Science 275 (1997) –
Science Advances 1 (2015) –
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 1 (2000) –
The Science of Nature 102 (2015) – [dříve viz Naturwissenschaften]
Scientific American 296 (2007) – *
Scientific Reports 1 (2011) –
Scripta Materialia 34 (1996) –
Scripta Metallurgica 1 (1967) – 23 (1989)
Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia 24 (1990) – 33(1995)
Semiconductor Science and Technology 1 (1986) –
Semiconductors 31 (1997) –
Sensors 1 (2001) –
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 35 (1993) –
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 10 (1993) –
Shock Waves 1 (1991) –
SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) 1 (2005) –
Small 1 (2005) –
Smart Materials and Structures 1 (1992) –
Soft Materials 1 (2003) –
Solar Cells 1 (1979) – 31 (1991)
Solar Energy 1 (1957) –
Solar Energy Materials 1 (1979) – 24 (1991)
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 25 (1992) –
Solar Physics 1 (1967) –
Solid State Communications 1 (1963) –
Solid-State Electronics 1 (1960) –
Solid State Ionics 1 (1980) –
Solid State Phenomena 1 (1988) – [jen knihovna Slovanka a oddělení 17 a 18]
Solid State Sciences 1 (1999) –
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics 1 (1971) – 22 (1992)
Space Science Reviews 1 (1962) –
Spectrochimica Acta A 51 (1995) –
Spectrochimica Acta A 49 (1993) – 50 (1994)
Structural Dynamics 1 (2014) –
Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 26 (1995) –
Superconductor Science and Technology 1 (1988) –
Superlattices and Microstructures 1 (1985) –
Supplément au Journal de Physique 12 (1951) – 25 (1964) [dříve viz Journal de Physique et le Radium, dále viz Revue de Physique Appliquée]
Surface and Coatings Technology 27 (1986) – [dříve viz Surface Technology]
Surface and Interface Analysis 24 (1996) –
Surface Review and Letters 8 (2001) –
Surface Science 1 (1964) –
Surface Science Letters 91 (1980) – 295 (1993)
Surface Science Reports 1 (1981) –
Surface Technology 4 (1976) – 26 (1985) [dále viz Surface and Coatings Technology]
Surveys in High Energy Physics 1 (1979 - 1980) – 9 (1995 - 1996)
Surveys in High Energy Physics 17 (2002) – 20 (2006)
Symmetry 1 (2009) –
Synchrotron Radiation News 1 (1988)-
Synthetic Metals 1 (1979) –

Technical Physics 42 (1997) –
Technical Physics Letters 14 (1988) –
Teoretičeskaja i matematičeskaja fizika 1 (1969) - * [angl. viz Theoretical and Mathematical Physics]
Teplofizika vysokich temperatur [angl. viz High Temperature]
Tetrahedron 49 (1993) –
Tetrahedron Letters 34 (1993) –
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1 (1969) –
Thermochimica Acta 213 (1993) –
Thin Solid Films 1 (1967) –
Transactions of the Magnetics Society of Japan 1 (2001) – 5 (2005)
Transactions of the Optical Society 1 (1899) – 33 (1932)
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 1 (1971) – 42 (2013) [dále viz Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport]
Tribology International 26 (1993) –
Tribology Letters 3 (1997) –
Třípól (2001) – (2018)

Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics 1 (2000) –
Ukrainian Journal of Physics 49 (2004) –
Ultramicroscopy 1 (1975) –
Universum (2010) – *
Uspechi fizičeskich nauk 1 (1918) – [angl. viz Physics-Uspekhi] s individuální registrací

Vacuum 1 (1951) –
Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis 1 (1989) –
Vesmír 1 (1872) – 94 (2015)
Vesmír 73 (1994) – [dostupné ve studovně knihovny Slovanka]
Věda kolem nás (2014) –

Wear 1 (1957) –
Wave Motion 1 (1979) –
Waves in Random and Complex Media 1 (1991) –

Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 (1950) –
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials 210 (1995) –
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 212 (1997) –
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 1 (1946) – 69 (2014)
Zeitschrift für Physik 1 (1920) – 271 (1974)
Zeitschrift für Physik A 272 (1975) – 359 (1997) [dále viz The European Physical Journal A]
Zeitschrift für Physik B 20 (1975) – 104 (1997) [dříve viz Physics of Condensed Matter, dále viz The European Physical Journal B]
Zeitschrift für Physik C 1 (1979) – 76 (1997) [dále viz The European Physical Journal C]
Zeitschrift für Physik D 1 (1986) – 42 (1997) [dále viz The European Physical Journal D]
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 229 (2015) – *
Zygon 32 (1997) – 48 (2013)

Žurnal eksperimental'noj i teoretičeskoj fiziki 28 (1955) – [angl. viz Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics]
Žurnal techničeskoj fiziki 58 (1988) – [angl. viz Technical Physics]

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