Researchers' Night in the THz lab

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Petr Kužel and his colleagues from the THz science and technology group introduced their research themes in a general public video during the European Researchers' Night.

During the European Researchers' Night, numbers of scientific institutions and infrastructures are animated by popular science activities. The visitors have a unique opportunity to see the labs from inside, to observe some experiments and to listen to lectures on up-to-date topics. Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences is one of such sites, and its THz science and technology group is traditionally involved in outreach activities for general public. Its leader Petr Kužel explains specific measures of this year's Researchers' Night: “Undergoing epidemy circumstances did not allow us to organize popular experiments in the THz lab for visitors. Therefore, in a collaboration with our PR division, we created a general public video which introduces the little-known spectral window in the terahertz (THz) range and which gives a flavor of the research and applications with THz radiation.”

Populární video o terahertzové oblasti elektromagnetického spektra

General public video about the spectral window in the terahertz and applications with THz radiation (in Czech only, Youtube).