Welcome to Laserlab Europe

Laserlab-Europe, the Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures, understands itself as the central place in Europe where new developments in laser research take place in a flexible and co-ordinated fashion beyond the potential of a national scale. The Consortium currently brings together 35 leading organisations in laser-based inter-disciplinary research from 18 countries. Its main objectives are to maintain a sustainable inter-disciplinary network of European national laboratories; to strengthen the European leading role in laser research through Joint Research Activities; and to offer access to state-of-the-art laser research facilities to researchers from all fields of science and from any laboratory in order to perform world-class research.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 871124


24-26 Aug 21

24 - 26 August 2021, ELI Summer School - ELISS 2021, online event

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05-09 Sep 21

5-9 September 2021, Ultrafast Dynamic Imaging of Matter 2021 - UFDIM, online event

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06-10 Sep 21

6-10 September 2021, The Future of Open Science, session at the Geneva Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication, virtual event

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06 Sep 21

6 September 2021, FELs of Europe Tutorials: Nina Rohringer (DESY): tba

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13-17 Sep 21

13-17 September 2021, Extremely High Intensity Laser Physics Conference (ExHILP 2021), online event

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Laserlab-Europe for a better future – Position Paper published more »

Call for Access to the PHELIX facility at GSI more »

Laserlab-Europe Symposium "Lasers Fighting Cancer", 25 May 2021 more »

Training Workshop on Data Analysis in Time-Resolved Imaging and Spectroscopy, 27 May 2021 more »

Jens Biegert and Britta Redlich elected Chair and Vice-Chair of General Assembly of Laserlab-Europe AISBL more »