We have launched the call for SUMTRAIC
IPP is happy to announce the application opening for its 18th Summer Training School called SUMTRAIC.
Since 2003, the aim of the event is to give participants a practical training on all aspects of fusion research. Participants will be provided with a relevant scientific topic, mentored by experienced staff members of the IPP and analyzed experimental data coming from the COMPASS tokamak. The last day, participants will present their two-weeks work (in English) in front of the broad audience of the IPP. Any students interested in fusion science can apply to the event by providing a CV, a cover letter and a motivation letter on the event's website.
- Deadline for application: June 30 th (2021) - answer by mid July.
- Event's dates: from Monday, August 30 th to Friday, September 10 th (2021)
- Accommodation of students: covered by the IPP Prague
- Application and more information: https://indico.ipp.cas.cz/e/sumtraic2021
- Contact: Jordan Cavalier (cavalier@ipp.cas.cz)
26. 4. 2021