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11. 4. 2018 Série akcí: Příklad dobré praxe z Německa pro politiku zaměstnanosti

IDEA pořádá 11. dubna sérii akcí, kterých se můžete zúčastnit i Vy. Všechny akce jsou v anglickém jazyce bez simultánního tlumočení.

Institute for Democracy and Economic Analysis (IDEA) of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Institute for Employment Research IAB (Germany) invite you to participate in particular or all events (plenary presentation of IAB, panel discussion, parallel seminars):


How to govern the country better | An example of good practice for employment policy


WHEN: 11th April, 2018 |10:00-16:30
WHERE: CERGE-EI, Politických vězňů 7, Prague 1


10:00 |Welcome

10:15-11:45 |Plenary presentation of IAB
The Role of a Research Institute for German Politics
Interplay between Politics, Research and Operational Business
Processing, Anonymizing and Providing Data from Administrative Processes for Researchers

12:00-12:45 |Panel Discussion of the National Experts
The Role of Research for Labour Market Politics

13:30-14:30 |Parallel Seminars
Labour Market and Industry 4.0
Minimum Wages

14:45-15:45 |Parallel Seminars
Women´s Labour Force
Active Labour Market Policies

15:45-16:15 |Good Bye with a Glass of Wine

About the seminar:
High quality public policy, including employment policy, relies upon knowledge gained through high quality research. That research must be thematically relevant, available in time, and based on up-to-date figures and rigorous scientific methods. Connecting research to the formation of public policy nevertheless demands a working institutional set-up that has not yet been established in the Czech Republic. As an example of good practice, we will give a detailed presentation of the German Federal Institute for Employment Research (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung or IAB). In parallel seminars, examples of the IAB´s research that have had a major impact on German public policy will be presented and a panel discussion will discuss potential use IAB´s example in the Czech Republic.  

All events of the day are English without simultaneous interpretation.

Register by e-mail: idea@cerge-ei.cz or by filling out this form: http://bit.ly/politika_zamestnanosti, this link is also available here: https://idea.cerge-ei.cz.

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