22. 3. 2018 | Videozáznam semináře s Dr. Zsoltem Némethem z Maďarského statistického úřadu.

 Seminář proběhl v anglickém jazyce bez tlumočení.

National statistical offices collect a wealth of data on individuals and firms. Besides being the base for official statistics, the data also represent an invaluable resource for the research community. Statistical offices thus provide access to the anonymized micro data for research purposes through various channels. Hungarian Central Statistical Office – similarly to many advanced countries – arranges access to confidential statistical data in a dedicated safe centre and more recently through remote access and remote execution. The seminar will bring first-hand experience from these schemes and provide a platform for discussing their potential in the Czech Republic.

The seminar primarily addressed these questions:

  • Why a how do statistical offices provide access to confidential micro data?
  • What are the benefits and challenges of running a safe centre for researchers?
  • What data is accessible, what for and what are the main results in Hungary?
  • What implications can be derived from the Hungarian experience for the Czech Republic?
  • Should the micro data be accessible also for legitimate policy evaluation purposes?

Pozvánku na seminář si můžete stáhnout zde

The keynote speaker: Dr. Zsolt Németh from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office

Safe Centre at the Statistical Office: Hungarian Experience, the keynote presentation by Dr. Zsolt Németh

Comments and reflections, by Martin Srholec

The video is accessible in full screen including the interactive ppt presentations.