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The CERGE-EI Second-Year RSJ Research Fellowship 2021 call for applications is now open!

30 March, 2021

Our second year students are welcome to submit their applications for CERGE-EI Second Year RSJ Research Fellowship 2021! The purpose of these fellowships sponsored by the RSJ Foundation is to facilitate the transition from coursework to dissertation research and increase the probability that students will successfully complete their studies at CERGE-EI in an expeditious manner.

Deadline for submissions: June 1, 2021

Results by: June 15, 2021

Three fellowships will be awarded and first, second and third prizes will be determined. Each fellowship will eliminate the student’s normal assistantship obligation for the next three semesters. The intention is to enable these students to spend the time that otherwise would be devoted to an assistantship obligation on independent research under the supervision of a CERGE-EI faculty member. In addition, the first, second and third prizes will carry a fellowship in the amount of CZK 55,000, CZK 45,000 and CZK 38,000 that will be paid off over the fellowship duration monthly as a to-up of the stipend.

Fellowships are limited to full-time students in good academic standing for the duration of the fellowship. This research competition is part of the second-year Research Methodology Seminar (RMS), which involves both the Academic Skills Center and Economics faculty. 

Proposal Submission

Applicants must submit a proposal of 5-10 pages (exclusive of bibliography) indicating the subject of their proposed research. Applications should be also submitted as email attachments to Marek Kapička and Paolo Zacchia.

Proposals must include the following components:

A cover sheet clearly specifying the project title, the name of the principal researcher, and an e-mail contact address. An abstract of no more than 200 words outlining the significance of the research and the methodology to be used. A research proposal of 5-10 double-spaced pages (exclusive of bibliography) showing sufficient familiarity with the topic and methodology to provide confidence in the project’s successful completion. Proposals will usually include:

  1. Introduction/ statement of the problem
  2. A brief review of the relevant literature
  3. Research objectives
  4. Methodology and data (if applicable)
  5. Expected output/results (if possible) and their relevance for economic research
  6. A bibliography of relevant literature

Evaluation and Selection Criteria

  • The primary criterion will be the scientific merit of the proposed research.
  • Scientific merit will be evaluated on: clarity of the proposal, originality of the research question, and care taken in preparing the proposal.
  • The evaluation committee will consist of RMS coordinators and (an) Academic Skills Center faculty member.
  • It is expected that winners will employ their research agenda at the Dissertation Proposal Workshop in the autumn of 2021.

Thank you to our sponsor! RSJ Foundation


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