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Watch the Conference "The Future of Education in the Czech Republic" with Jan Švejnar

25 March, 2021

The first 2021 episode of the three interactive virtual conferences Moonshot by Aspen CE took place last week, during which Jan Švejnar served as a guest speaker. The Future of Education in the Czech Republic, as this conference was titled, supplied examples of outstanding practices. The pandemic has deepened existing problems and intensified the need for rapid and far-reaching transformation, whose ability to succeed lies in the quality and modernization of educational systems for children and adults.

A diverse lineup of experts from the government, business and non-profit sectors provided unique insight into the topics discussed: educational leadership and upskilling. Participants had equally the opportunity to challenge the speakers to help shape and advance the dialogue. You can watch the recording of the conference (in Czech) on Youtube here.

Moonshot by Aspen CE follows a successful series of conferences, which offered creative solutions to the effects of the pandemic and won several international awards. The Moonshot Platform pilot project was launched in September 2020 in Washington DC in collaboration with the Aspen Global Leadership Network and Yemi A.D.

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