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2020 2021 2022
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30 Apr 21 - 1 Dec 21
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 Seminar and a panel discussion „Smart specialization: From academic concept to European policy and Czech practice

A video from the seminar is now available in this article.

Moderator: Štěpán Jurajda

The key note speaker was the founder of the smart specialization concept (RIS3), Professor Dominique Foray from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Issues for dicsussion:

What are the most promising developments in research on smart specialization?

How could be smart specialization measured and hence th epolicy evaluated accross Europe?

Who are the winners and losers of the RIS3 agenda in the Czech Republic?

Wha are the main benefits of the RIS3 implementation in the Czech context?

What is the future of the smart specialization concept?



Christiane Hamacher, ROCHE

Mathieu Doussineau, European Commission – DG JRC

Petr Chládek, JIC – South Moravian Innovation Centre.

Marek Jetmar, Section for Science, Research and Innovation, the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic.

Josef Lazar, Institute of Scientific Instruments and a Member of Academy Council of CAS.

Vladimír Mařík, CIIRC ČVUT and a Chairperson of the Scientific Board of TACR

Martin Srholec, IDEA at CERGE-EI

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