Authors: Podaná Zuzana, Eva Krulichová
Research on adolescent fear of crime is still relatively limited and often simply applies theoretical explanations proposed for adults. This study strives to extend current knowledge in this field by analyzing the impact of parenting style on fear of crime, namely parental attach...
Authors: Křížková, Alena, Marta Vohlídalová
The paper focus on the position of women with children on the Czech labour market and the role of social policy. It deals with their working conditions, discriminations and the conditions for work and family reconciliation. The first part of the paper concerns the basic indicator...
Authors: Hašková, Hana (ed.), Petra Šalamounová, Hana Víznerová, Lenka Zamykalová
The study examines the phenomenon of voluntary and involuntary childlessness, focusing in particular on its occurrence in Czech society. The aim of the study is to analyse childlessness (the current increase in the number of people who remain childless, the decline in fertility,...
Authors: Maříková, Hana
Analyses of chances in the labour market (especially wages) in contex of no/having a child was done by the prevalent life cycle od women, e.g. by their age. The analyse of statistical data confirmes the enequalities between woman according to the period of nohaving a child and ha...
Authors: Křížková, Alena
The chapter raises parallels between the countries in the study and the dynamics of organisational processes in those countries – CR, Germany, France and Sweden. The substantial differences between the employee policy of companies in their home countries and in the Czech br...
Authors: Chaloupková, Jana
This chapter focuses on attitudes towards marriage and unmarried cohabitation of Czechs and their actual family behavior. Firstly, it answers the question if unmarried cohabitations are becoming more popular and who prefer it. Can we explain an increase of non-marital fertility b...
Authors: Chaloupková, Jana, Eva Mitchell
The paper explores the timing of the return from parental leave to the labour market according the family situation of mothers and the reasons of their decision to return to an employment or stay at home. The paper is based on analyses data from social survey Social and economic...
Authors: Mitchell, Eva
The article discusses in detail policies of maternity leave in several European countries. The prime focus is on the length and conditions of maternity leave and the amount of compensation paid through the maternity benefit. The outcome is a scale of all the countries based on a...
Authors: Křížková, Alena
Authors: Maříková, Hana
The paper analyses impact of parenting on the women´s and men´s lives by using data from quantitative researches as well as qualitative probes. 
Authors: Blum, S., L. Formánková, I. Dobrotič
The economic crisis has significantly challenged national welfare states and has often led to retrenchment. The question arises how countries have reacted to the crisis in the area of family policy – not directly connected to rising unemployment and also not as demanding fo...
6. 11. 2017 - 10. 11. 2017
Sociologický ústav na letošním Týdnu vědy a techniky AV ČR nabízí řadu tématických přednášek našich vědkyň a vědců. Tématy letošního ročníku jsou: Potraviny budoucnosti, Superlasery, Medicína, Nanotechnologie, Robotika a umělá inteligence. Spolu se studenty a studentkami středníc...
Authors: Gorčíková, M., J. Šafr
Parent-child interaction and early literacy development in the beginning of the schoolThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of selected social interaction indicators within pupil’s family on early literacy development through the first grade. We carried out a l...
Authors: Vohlídalová, Marta
The publication explores gender aspects of researchers’ career plans, academic mobility, combination of research and parenthood, image of science in the media and gender equality policies in science. The introductory chapter discusses current changes in research and positio...
Authors: Uhde, Zuzana
The final chapter systematically summarizes the debate about the politics of care, respectively family policy in the Czech Republic with the references to the context of European Union. With the references to the up-to-date analysis of contemporary paradoxical societal developmen...
Authors: Hašková, Hana
The study examines the phenomenon of voluntary and involuntary childlessness, focusing in particular on its occurrence in Czech society. The aim of the study is to analyse childlessness (the current increase in the number of people who remain childless, the decline in fertility,...
