The paper is based on the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data from the research into sexual harassment in a higher education in the CR and discusses the causes of the gap between the high prevalence rates of sexual harassment and a low proportion of students who label their experience with a certain types of sexualized or sexist conduct as sexual harassment. The analysis showed that students feel a high degree of uncertainty concerning the definition of sexual harassment and they tend to reduce sexual harassment only to physical form of harassment. While, towards the “softer” forms of (gendered) harassment they remain tolerant. The article concludes that this uncertainty and tolerance has a few main reasons, among them the absence of university policies that would tackle this problem, and negative attitudes of the Czech public to gender issues.
recenzovaný článek
Vohlídalová, Marta
„Kdybych o tom mluvila, asi bych to nenazvala sexuálním obtěžováním“: sexuální obtěžování ve vysokoškolském prostředí z perspektivy studujících
Vohlídalová, Marta. 2011. „„Kdybych o tom mluvila, asi bych to nenazvala sexuálním obtěžováním“: sexuální obtěžování ve vysokoškolském prostředí z perspektivy studujících.“ Aula – časopis pro vysokoškolskou a vědní politiku 19 (2): 23-34. ISSN 1210-6658.
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