Autonomous Vehicles and AI: A Question of Liability


Autonomous Vehicles and AI: A Question of Liability is an international conference organized by the Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The aim of the conference is to discuss topics related to the liability for autonomous vehicles and more broadly for artificial intelligence.


25 October 2021


Národní 3, Prague 1, Czech Republic

The conference will be held simultaneously online and on site, or only online depending on the epidemiological situation.


If you prefer to attend the conference in person, please register until 17 October 2021.


The participation at the conference is free of charge. 


Liability and responsibility 

Ethics principles


Testing and certification

The future of liability framework

The conference is organized within the project Civil Liability for Damage Caused by the Operation of Autonomous Vehicles (TAČR TL02000085) supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.