Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (1): 16-35 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2021.005

Exclusion from Social Relations in Later Life and the Role of Gender: A Heuristic Model

Marja Aartsen1, Kieran Walsh2, Feliciano Villar3, Ariela Lowenstein4, Ruth Katz4, Sigal Pearl Naim5, Andreas Motel-Klingebiel6, Anna Wanka7, Anna Urbaniak8, Thomas Hansen9, Lucie Vidovićová10
1 Oslo Metropolitan University
2 National University of Ireland Galway
3 University of Barcelona
4 Haifa University, Israel
5 Yezreel Academic College, Israel
6 Linköping University
7 Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main
8 University of Vienna
9 Oslo Metropolitan University
10 Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University

Being socially connected is a universal human need, but a substantial number of older men and women are or become excluded from these connections in later life. Exclusion from social relations (ESR) is unwanted as it undermines people's ability to lead a healthy, active, and independent life. Policies to reduce this form of exclusion have been limited in effectiveness, due in part to a broader lack of knowledge about the dynamics of social exclusion in older ages and the intersection of social exclusion with gender constructions. To advance our understanding of ESR in later life, we develop a heuristic model based on theories and previous empirical studies. Considering the gendered constructing forces of ESR in older age that can potentially lead to loneliness and reduced health and wellbeing, the model identifies individual drivers, such as biopsychosocial conditions, personal standards and life- -course transitions, and macro-level drivers, such as norms and welfare state provisions. This model can serve as a conceptual platform for further theoretical development and empirical study on the gendered construction of ESR in later life. While our focus is on drivers of ESR and its outcomes, potential reversed effects are also discussed.

Klíčová slova: social exclusion, social relations, older age

Vloženo: 17. září 2020; Revidováno: 29. červen 2021; Přijato: 29. červen 2021; Zveřejněno: 30. srpen 2021Zobrazit citaci

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Aartsen, Marja, Kieran Walsh, Feliciano Villar, Ariela Lowenstein, Ruth Katz, Sigal Pearl Naim, Andreas Motel-Klingebiel, Anna Wanka, Anna Urbaniak, Thomas Hansen, and Lucie Vidovićová. 2021. "Exclusion from Social Relations in Later Life and the Role of Gender: A Heuristic Model." Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 22(1):16-35.
Stáhnout citaci


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  83. BY-NC Marja Aartsen, Kieran Walsh, Feliciano Villar, Ariela Lowenstein, Ruth Katz, Sigal Pearl Naim, Andreas Motel-Klingebiel, Anna Wanka, Anna Urbaniak, Thomas Hansen, Lucie Vidovićová, 2021.BY-NC Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, 2021.
  84. Marja Aartsen, PhD, currently works as s research professor at NOVA Norwegian Social research at Oslo Metropolitan University. She is a sociologist by training and specialised in longitudinal research on social exclusion, social inequalities, loneliness, and cognitive functioning in older adults. Contact e-mail: Walsh is Professor of Ageing and Public Policy and Director of the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology at National University of Ireland Galway. His research interests include social exclusion in later life, place and life-course transitions, and informal and formal infrastructures of care. Contact e-mail: Villar, PhD, is a full professor at the Cognition, Developmental, and Educational Psychology Department of the University of Barcelona. His research focuses on generativity in later life and the participation and contributions of older people in families and communities. Contact e-mail: Emerita Ariela Lowenstein is a member of the Faculty of Welfare & Health Sciences, Haifa University, Israel. She established the Graduate Department of Gerontology and the Centre for Research & Study of Aging. Her research interests are intergenerational family relations, elder abuse and neglect, family caregiving, and gerontological education. Contact e-mail: Emerita Ruth Katz, a family sociologist, is a faculty member of the Sociology Department and the School of Social Work. She was for several years the head of the Department of Human Services and a senior researcher at the Center for Research & Study of Aging, all at the University of Haifa, Israel. Her research interests are on intergenerational family relations, family caregiving, family lifestyles, family-work conflict and balance, successful ageing, and older adults' quality of life. Contact e-mail: Naim, PhD, is a gerontologist, a lecturer at the Departments of Human Services, Yezreel Academic College, Israel, and an academic consultant for the programme of Gerontological Advisory and Treatment Management at the Academic Center for Law and Science, Israel. She also coordinates the Center for Research and Study of Aging at the University of Haifa, Israel. Her PhD thesis topic was on older adults' social media activity (mainly Facebook) - motivations, patterns of use, benefits and risks - and her post-doc dealt with digital literacy in old age. Contact e-mail: Motel-Klingebiel, Dr. phil., Sociologist and Gerontologist, is Professor in Ageing and Later Life and Head of the Division Ageing and Social Change, Department of Culture and Society, Linköping University, Sweden. His research focuses on the connections between key societal processes, life-course trajectories, human ageing, and later life. His main thematic interests are quality of life, diversity, distributions, social inequality and exclusion, the life course and individual development, and social and cultural change. Contact e-mail: Wanka, PhD, is a sociologist and postdoctoral researcher at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and at the University of Stuttgart in Germany. She is interested in the social construction of age. Her areas of expertise comprise life-course transitions, the reproduction of social inequalities across the life course and material gerontology. Contact e-mail: Urbaniak, PhD, is a sociologist who works on social exclusion in older age. She is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Vienna and Jagiellonian University and a research associate at the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology. Her interest focusses on spatial aspects of ageing, life-course transitions, the re/production of social inequalities across the life course, ageing migrants, and people living with dementia. Contact e-mail: Hansen, PhD, works as a research professor at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and at Norwegian Social Research (NOVA) at Oslo Metropolitan University. A psychologist by training, his research focuses on subjective well-being, mental health, loneliness, social isolation, and volunteering in relation to ageing and later life. Contact e-mail: Vidovićová, PhD, is a sociologist. She is a co-founder of CERA - the Centre for Research on Ageing, a working group of the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University. Her research interests include age, ageing, and social roles, and modern technology in ageing societies. Contact e-mail:

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