Researchers’ Night in Dolni Brezany


Researchers’ Night, an event that brings to life hundreds of scientific buildings in one evening that are inaccessible to the average mortal. Visitors cruise through labs, lecture rooms, exploding experiments and go in-depth on current topics. Kids, adults, seniors, anyone passionate about science is welcome.


Meet our scientists on Friday, 24 September 2021 and they’ll teach you to love science.

This year’s topic for Researchers’ Night is time. We are just preparing the programme together with the ELI Beamlines laser centre and the Institute of Physics of the CAS. You can already look forward to interesting lectures, guided tours and activities for kids and adults. For the latest information, follow us at or on Facebook.

The Researchers’ Night has been held in the Czech Republic since 2005 and the HiLASE Centre is not to be missed! Together with us, universities, institutes, observatories and other institutions join the event. In 2020, the coordinators (University of Ostrava and VŠB – TUO) succeeded in obtaining the prestigious European Marie Curie-Skłodowska project, thanks to which the Czech Researchers’ Night is also on the European map.