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Potential of Regional Ionosphere Prediction Using a Long Short‐Term Memory Deep‐Learning Algorithm Specialized for Geomagnetic Storm Period
-  18 August 2021
Key Points
We developed a new long short-term memory (LSTM) specialized for geomagnetic storm periods by training examples of past geomagnetic storm events
Our LSTM storm model improves performance for foF2 by about 32%, 34%, and 37% compared to the LSTM quiet, SAMI2, and IRI-2016 models
We propose that the prediction model less than 3 h using the deep-learning method can effectively forecast the ionosphere state
Frequency Considerations in GIC Applications
-  11 August 2021
Key Points
Study of spectral content and sampling rate of geophysical and power network data is presented
Analysis is based on geomagnetic and power network data recorded during the geomagnetic storms of March 31, 2001 and July 26–27, 2004
Recommendations on sampling rate, and other results related to the GIC applications, are provided
Beating 1 Sievert: Optimal Radiation Shielding of Astronauts on a Mission to Mars
-  7 August 2021
Key Points
Space missions to Mars should be scheduled to be launched during solar max
Optimal spacecraft shielding is ~30 g/cm2, which allows long-duration flights of ~4 years
Increase of shielding thickness beyond ~30 g/cm2 results in dose increase
Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of the SET HASDM Database
-  5 August 2021
Key Points
We conduct principal component analysis of High Accuracy Satellite Drag Model (HASDM) and JB2008 database covering almost two solar cycles
HASDM models the movement of lighter species during solar minimum conditions
HASDM exhibits the ability to capture/model NO and CO2 cooling mechanisms
Predictability of Geomagnetically Induced Currents as a Function of Available Magnetic Field Information
-  31 July 2021
Key Points
Performance ceilings are established in the context of both peak geomagnetically induced current (GIC) prediction and the probability of GIC exceeding a threshold
Accurate characterization of surface B up to 30 mHz suggested to keep peak GIC error less than 10% across multiple regions in the US
Predicting if GIC will cross a threshold over the next 30 min is reasonably possible with an accurate prediction of peak dB/dt magnitude
Evaluating Auroral Forecasts Against Satellite Observations
-  29 July 2021
Key Points
The OVATION-Prime 2013 nowcast model used at the UK Met Office is compared with auroral boundaries from IMAGE far-ultraviolet (FUV) using forecasting metrics
As a deterministic forecast, the OVATION-Prime 2013 nowcast predicts the location of the auroral oval well with a relative operating characteristic (ROC) score of 0.82
As a probabilistic forecast, the OVATION-Prime 2013 nowcast tends to underpredict the occurrence of the aurora by a factor of 1.1–6
The Influence of Spacecraft Latitudinal Offset on the Accuracy of Corotation Forecasts
-  27 July 2021
Key Points
Solar wind speed corotation forecast error is affected by solar activity and spacecraft longitudinal and latitudinal separation
Latitudinal separation has little effect when it is below 6°, but increasing importance above this
A period in solar minimum gives a 46% increase in mean absolute error (MAE) from low to high latitudinal offset for Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO)-A and B corotations
PreMevE Update: Forecasting Ultra‐relativistic Electrons inside Earth’s Outer Radiation Belt
-  25 August 2021
Key Points
Machine-learning based PreMevE model is extended to predict ultra-relativistic electron flux distributions during MeV electron events
This new PreMevE-2E model makes reliable 1- and 2- day ensemble forecasts of ≥2 MeV electrons inside Earth’s outer radiation belt
Nonlinear components play a major role in this new model at small L-shells (< ∼4) in contrast to previous PreMevE for 1 MeV electrons
Magnetic signatures of ionospheric disturbance dynamo for CME and HSSWs generated storms
-  23 August 2021
Key Points
A least square fitting method has been used to evaluate the magnetic signatures of ionospheric disturbance currents and disturbance dynamo electric fields (DDEF)
Differences in the magnetic signatures of CME and HSSWs generated magnetic storms are identified
We have analyzed disturbance dynamo for 19 magnetic storms in three different longitudinal sectors, as affected by seasonal and longitudinal variations
Reconstructing the dynamics of the outer electron radiation belt by means of the standard and ensemble Kalman filter with the VERB‐3D code
-  21 August 2021
Key Points
We verify the convergence of the EnKF to the optimal state estimate given by KF
We develop, test, and successfully implement two new three-dimensional EnKF approaches that account for radial and local diffusion
We assimilate Van Allen Probes and GOES data, and compare different EnKF techniques in terms of the time evolution of PSD radial profiles
Worst‐Case Severe Environments for Surface Charging observed at LANL satellites as Dependent on Solar Wind and Geomagnetic Conditions
-  21 August 2021
Key Points
Presence, not magnitude, of substorm activity (as AE/AL index) is the strongest characteristics for severe environments for surface charging
Occurrence of even a moderate storm is not necessary for severe environments for surface charging to occur
Solar wind velocity and its magnitude is a direct indicator for the highest risk of severe environments for surface charging
Geomagnetically Induced Currents at Middle Latitudes: 1. Quiet‐time Variability
-  19 August 2021
Key Points
Variability in quiet-time GICs at middle latitudes follows a semi-diurnal and annual cycle
Middle-latitude GIC observations are sensitive to quiet-time magnetic perturbations associated with the Sq current
GIC quiet-day curves provide a robust baseline for significance analysis of GICs during geomagnetically disturbed times
Geomagnetic Storm Occurrence and Their Relation With Solar Cycle Phases
-  18 August 2021
Key Points
Geomagnetic storms are characterized by solar cycle and phases using a log-normal distribution fitted using maximum likelihood method
Solar cycle 24 behaved similarly to the minimum phase of the past 5 solar cycles in terms of the intensity of the storms that occurred
Descending phase characteristic lognormal coefficient correlates with the following maximum phase and may predict strength of solar cycle 25
Wavelet and network analysis of magnetic field variation and geomagnetically induced currents during large storms
-  10 August 2021
Key Points
Wavelet analysis of spatial and temporal magnetic variation during large geomagnetic storms
Network correlation analysis of coherently induced currents form long range connections across the high voltage grid
Network connections indicate a time-localized coherent response to the electrojet and are a proxy for geomagnetically induced currents
Forecasting the Probability of Large Rates of Change of the Geomagnetic Field in the UK: Timescales, Horizons and Thresholds
-  10 August 2021
Key Points
Three neural network variants can use solar wind inputs to provide skillful and reliable probabilistic forecasts of large dB/dt in the UK
The forecast skill/reliability increases with forecast horizon, maximizing at a horizon of 180 minutes
Increasing the volume of input solar wind input data without increasing the model complexity does not boost performance
Quantifying Contributions of External Drivers to the Global Ionospheric State
-  2 August 2021
Key Points
We apply transfer entropy to quantify contributions from various external drivers to the global ionospheric state at various future time.
Solar EUV irradiance contributes most to the global ionospheric state within three days into the future.
Lower atmospheric migrating tidal sources contribute most to the global ionospheric state beyond three days into the future.
New detailed modelling of GICs in the Spanish power transmission grid
-  30 July 2021
Key Points
Improvements are achieved by using a 3D inversion of MT data to derive the electric field and adding the 220 kV level to the network model
More accurate GIC estimates for all power transmission lines, nodes and transformers are provided
The system experiences a reduction in GICs flowing to ground, but at the transformer winding level they exhibit, in general, an augmentation
International Reference Ionosphere 2016: From ionospheric climate to real‐time weather predictions
- Space Weather
-  418-429
-  13 February 2017
Key Points
- New models for the F2 peak height hmF2 in IRI-2016
- Development of the Real-Time International Reference Ionosphere (IRI)
- Improved description of IRI ion composition at low and high solar activities
The 10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7)
- Space Weather
-  394-406
-  14 June 2013
Key Points
- To provide a source point for user information about the solar radio flux
- How it's measured and how accurate it is
- Cautionary information about how it should be used
The Challenge of Machine Learning in Space Weather: Nowcasting and Forecasting
- Space Weather
-  1166-1207
-  4 July 2019
Key Points
- Machine learning (ML) has enabled advances in industrial applications; space weather researchers are adopting and adapting ML techniques
- This introduction to machine learning concepts is tailored for the Space Weather community, but applicable to many other communities
- This introduction describes forecasting opportunities in a gray-box paradigm that combines physics-based and machine learning approaches
Measures of Model Performance Based On the Log Accuracy Ratio
- Space Weather
-  69-88
-  3 January 2018
Key Points
- The median symmetric accuracy and symmetric signed percentage bias are introduced to address some drawbacks of current metrics
- The spread of a multiplicative linear model can be robustly estimated using the log accuracy ratio
- The properties of the median symmetric accuracy and the symmetric signed percentage bias are demonstrated on radiation belt examples
Geomagnetically induced currents: Science, engineering, and applications readiness
- Space Weather
-  828-856
-  30 January 2017
Key Points
- We provide a broad overview of the status of the GIC field
- We utilize the Applications Readiness Levels (ARL) concept to quantify the maturity of our GIC-related modeling and applications
- This paper is the high-level report of the NASA Living With a Star GIC Working Group findings
Geomagnetic storm of 29–31 October 2003: Geomagnetically induced currents and their relation to problems in the Swedish high‐voltage power transmission system
- Space Weather
-  25 August 2005
On the probability of occurrence of extreme space weather events
- Space Weather
-  23 February 2012
Key Points
Probability of a Carrington event occurring over next decade is ~12%
Space physics datasets often display a power-law distribution
Power-law distribution can be exploited to predict extreme events
Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of interplanetary propagation of multiple coronal mass ejections with internal magnetic flux rope (SUSANOO‐CME)
- Space Weather
-  56-75
-  15 January 2016
Key Points
- A model to inject multiple CMEs into a 3-D MHD simulation of the inner heliosphere is developed
- Halloween storms are simulated to test the arrival times and southward Bz of magnetic clouds
- A complex time profile of the solar wind could be understood by the interaction of CMEs
Midlatitude Plasma Bubbles Over China and Adjacent Areas During a Magnetic Storm on 8 September 2017
- Space Weather
-  321-331
-  9 March 2018
Key Points
- Postsunset midlatitude plasma bubbles were observed over China and adjacent areas using GNSS TEC, Swarm Ne, and ionosonde data
- The plasma bubbles were triggered by PPEF and TID in equatorial regions and extended along the magnetic field lines to 50°N (45.5 MLAT)
- Plasma bubbles might reach an altitude of 6,600 km over the magnetic equator with the upper limit of upward drift speed being around 700 m/s
A 21st Century View of the March 1989 Magnetic Storm
- Space Weather
-  1427-1441
-  10 October 2019
Key Points
- The extreme space weather conditions in March 1989 were the result of successive CMEs
- A secondary CME (resulting from a less intense flare) was the “trigger” for the extreme event
- The Hydro-Québec system collapse occurred well before Dst reached its extreme value
The Great Storm of May 1921: An Exemplar of a Dangerous Space Weather Event
- Space Weather
-  950-975
-  23 June 2019
Key Points
- A review of scientific papers, newspapers, and other reports is used to build a timeline of the great geomagnetic storm of May 1921
- The first part of the storm created conditions that enabled later activity to cause some of the most severe geoelectric fields on record
- This timeline adds to the knowledge we can use to develop the scenarios needed to plan mitigation of future severe space weather
Plain Language Summary
The severe space weather event of 13-16 May 1921 produced some spectacular technological impacts, in some cases causing destructive fires. It was characterized by extreme solar and geomagnetic variations, and spectacular aurora, recorded at many locations around the world. A wealth of information is available in scientific journals, newspapers, and other sources, enabling us to reconstruct the storm timeline. This shows that a series of major coronal mass ejections (CMEs) bombarded Earth in May 1921. The first pair may have prepared the way for latter intense activity, clearing density from the region between Sun and Earth, and energizing Earth's magnetosphere. Thus, a subsequent CME could travel more quickly and drive even more energy into the already active magnetosphere. This CME arrived late on 14 May, driving very intense activity early on 15 May, and leading to the spectacular technological effects. However, some effects, attributed at the time to space weather, were probably coincidental with the storm, and due to more prosaic faults. The timeline of the 1921 event, including the confusion caused by prosaic faults, can be used to construct scenarios for use today by those emergency managers planning how to reduce the adverse impacts of future space weather events.
The Challenge of Machine Learning in Space Weather: Nowcasting and Forecasting
- Space Weather
-  1166-1207
-  4 July 2019
Key Points
- Machine learning (ML) has enabled advances in industrial applications; space weather researchers are adopting and adapting ML techniques
- This introduction to machine learning concepts is tailored for the Space Weather community, but applicable to many other communities
- This introduction describes forecasting opportunities in a gray-box paradigm that combines physics-based and machine learning approaches
Plain Language Summary
In the last decade, machine learning has achieved unforeseen results in industrial applications. In particular, the combination of massive data sets and computing with specialized processors (graphics processing units, or GPUs) can perform as well or better than humans in tasks like image classification and game playing. Space weather is a discipline that lives between academia and industry, given the relevant physical effects on satellites and power grids in a variety of applications, and the field therefore stands to benefit from the advances made in industrial applications. Today, machine learning poses both a challenge and an opportunity for the space weather community. The challenge is that the current data science revolution has not been fully embraced, possibly because space physicists remain skeptical of the gains achievable with machine learning. If the community can master the relevant technical skills, they should be able to appreciate what is possible within a few years time and what is possible within a decade. The clearest opportunity lies in creating space weather forecasting models that can respond in real time and that are built on both physics predictions and on observed data.
Temporal and Spatial Evolutions of a Large Sunspot Group and Great Auroral Storms Around the Carrington Event in 1859
- Space Weather
-  1553-1569
-  29 August 2019
Key Points
- Original sunspot drawings during the 1859 storms are revealed and analyzed
- New auroral reports from Eurasia and Oceania fill the spatial and temporal gaps of the auroral visibility during the 1859 storms
- The 1859 storms are compared and contextualized with the other extreme space weather events
Plain Language Summary
The Carrington event is considered to be one of the most extreme space weather events in observational history. In this article, we have studied the temporal and spatial evolutions of the source active region and visual low-latitude aurorae. We have also compared this storm with other extreme space weather events on the basis of the spatial evolution. We have compared the available sunspot drawings to reconstruct the morphology and evolution of sunspot groups at that time. We have surveyed visual auroral reports in the Russian Empire, Ireland, Iberian Peninsula, Oceania, and Japan and fill the spatial gap of auroral visibility and revised its time series. We have compared this time series with magnetic measurements and shown the correspondence between low-latitude to midlatitude aurorae and the phase of magnetic storms. We have compared the spatial evolution of the auroral oval with those of other extreme space weather events in 1872, 1909, 1921, and 1989 as well as their storm intensity and concluded that the Carrington event is one of the most extreme space weather events but is likely not unique.
The 10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7)
- Space Weather
-  394-406
-  14 June 2013
Key Points
- To provide a source point for user information about the solar radio flux
- How it's measured and how accurate it is
- Cautionary information about how it should be used
Numerical Simulations of the Geospace Response to the Arrival of an Idealized Perfect Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection
- Space Weather
-  16 December 2020
Key Points
A “perfect” ICME arrival at Earth is simulated using the Space Weather Modeling Framework
Predicted surface dB/dt surpasses 30 nT/s above 45° latitude and 290 nT/s at local noon and 65° latitude
Simulated response surpasses that of historically recorded extreme events, advancing our understanding of a space weather worst-case scenario
Plain Language Summary
Space weather can induce strong currents through the power grid, damaging and disabling the network. Previous work produced idealized estimates of the worst-case-scenario space weather event and its impact on Earth. This study uses state-of-the-art computer models to further investigate the worst-case-scenario space weather storm and the effects on the Earth's surface. The rate of change of the magnetic field, a proxy for the induced current, is calculated. The previous work only considered the equatorial region; at mid and high latitudes, it is now found that the rate of change of the magnetic field can exceed the equatorial values by a factor of 10 or more. The latitude and longitude about the globe most strongly affected by such a storm is also investigated. This result exceeds values observed during historic extreme events, including the March 1989 event that brought down the Hydro-Québec power grid in eastern Canada.
The May 1967 great storm and radio disruption event: Extreme space weather and extraordinary responses
- Space Weather
-  614-633
-  9 August 2016
Key Points
- The 23-27 May 1967 event was a “Great” solar and geospace storm
- First Air Force Solar Forecasting Unit partially mitigated the impacts of extreme solar radio bursts on U.S. military
- The storm led to military recognition of space environment effects as an operational concern and helped establish a forecasting system
On the Little‐Known Consequences of the 4 August 1972 Ultra‐Fast Coronal Mass Ejecta: Facts, Commentary, and Call to Action
- Space Weather
-  1635-1643
-  25 October 2018
Key Points
- The 4 August 1972 flare, shock, and geomagnetic storm are components of a Carrington-class event
- The event was associated with a nearly instantaneous, unintended detonation of dozens of sea mines near Hai Phong, North Vietnam
- The entire series of events in August 1972 should be viewed as a grand challenge to current-day space weather models
Plain Language Summary
The extreme space weather events of early August 1972 had significant impact on the U.S. Navy, which have not been widely reported. These effects, long buried in the Vietnam War archives, add credence to the severity of the storm: a nearly instantaneous, unintended detonation of dozens of sea mines south of Hai Phong, North Vietnam on 4 August 1972. This event occurred near the end of the Vietnam War. The U.S. Navy attributed the dramatic event to magnetic perturbations of solar storms. In researching these events we determined that the widespread electric- and communication-grid disturbances that plagued North America and the disturbances in southeast Asia late on 4 August likely resulted from propagation of major eruptive activity from the Sun to the Earth. The activity fits the description of a Carrington-class storm minus the low-latitude aurora reported in 1859. We provide insight into the solar, geophysical, and military circumstances of this extraordinary situation. In our view this storm deserves a scientific revisit as a grand challenge for the space weather community, as it provides space-age terrestrial observations of what was likely a Carrington-class storm.
Intensity and Impact of the New York Railroad Superstorm of May 1921
- Space Weather
-  1281-1292
-  16 July 2019
Key Points
- The magnetic storm of May 1921 attained a maximum −Dst of 907 ± 132 nT
- Low-latitude geomagnetic disturbance exhibited extreme local time asymmetry
- Anecdotal evidence from impacts across New York State underscores importance of recent research on geomagnetically induced currents
Plain Language Summary
Historical records of ground-level geomagnetic disturbance are analyzed for the magnetic superstorm of May 1921. This storm was almost certainly driven by a series of interplanetary coronal mass ejections of plasma from an active region on the Sun. The May 1921 storm was one of the most intense ever recorded by ground-level magnetometers. It exhibited violent levels of geomagnetic disturbance, caused widespread interference to telephone and telegraph systems in New York City and State, and brought spectacular aurorae to the nighttime sky. Results inform modern projects for assessing and mitigating the effects of magnetic storms that might occur in the future.
A cellular automata‐based model of Earth's magnetosphere in relation with Dst index
- Space Weather
-  259-270
-  16 April 2015
Key Points
- Modeling of geomagnetic storm by a sandpile-like cellular automata model
- Real-time data of IMF and solar wind are used as the inputs
- Dynamic statistical properties of model resembles real-time Dst index series