Browse Articles
Longitudinal Evolution of the Velocity of Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) in Different Phases of Magnetic Storms: SuperDARN Observations
-  21 August 2021
Key Points
Increasing subauroral polarization streams (SAPS) velocity expands longitudinally from post-dusk side in main phase and shrinks back to post-dusk side in recovery phase
In the main phase, SAPS T-Slope has similar time profile with SYMH index and ring current strongly controls the velocity evolution
Good linear correlations exist between SAPS velocity and SYMH/AE/Bz while the correlations are different in different phases
Superposed Epoch Analysis of Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada
-  17 August 2021
Key Points
Superposed epoch analyses of 2 years of >6 nT/s magnetic perturbation events (MPEs) from 5 high latitude Arctic stations are presented
Of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) parameters studied, only IMF Bz showed any consistent pattern: a drop and rise prior to MPE occurrence
Most of the MPEs that occurred more than 30 min after a substorm onset did not coincide with peaks in the westward electrojet
Investigating the Coupled Magnetosphere‐Ionosphere‐Thermosphere (M‐I‐T) System's Responses to the 20 November 2003 Superstorm
-  16 August 2021
Key Points
The fountain became activated before local midnight at ∼12 UT when interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) turned southward leading to F2 layer uplift (>391 km)
Strong convection E field and subauroral polarization streams (SAPS) E field drove plasmaspheric erosions eroding the mid/high-latitude regions
At IMF BZ < 0, sunward SAPS flows developed on the dawnside and locally enhanced the NO+ content leading to low Ni and O/N2
Equatorial Nighttime Thermospheric Zonal Wind Jet Response to the Temporal Oscillation of Solar Wind
-  14 August 2021
Key Points
Deceleration of the wind jet is dominated by ion drag, with a smaller contribution from viscosity
Ion drag is the main driver for the westward wind disturbances at different altitudes
The relative effects of electron density and the relative motion between ions and neutrals vary with longitudes and altitudes
Realistic Electron Diffusion Rates and Lifetimes Due to Scattering by Electron Holes
-  14 August 2021
Key Points
Realistic electron diffusion rates are computed by incorporating the observed electron hole distributions
Electron hole distributions in velocity and parallel scale and E-field intensities control the scattering efficiency
Realistic lifetime estimates suggest efficient plasma sheet electron losses due to electron holes in plasma injections
Electromagnetic Characteristics of Fast Magnetosonic Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
-  14 August 2021
Key Points
Survey of the electromagnetic characteristics of fast magnetosonic (MS) waves has been made with observations of the Van Allen Probe A
Satellite observations verify the validation of cold plasma approximation in deriving electromagnetic characteristics of MS waves
Background magnetic field and normalized wave frequency become two key factors controlling the electromagnetic characteristics for MS waves
Influence of IMF‐By on the Equatorial Ionospheric Plasma Drifts: TIEGCM Simulations
-  13 August 2021
Key Points
East-west component of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF-By) affects the ionospheric electrodynamics beyond polar latitudes even near equator, during southward IMF
A strong IMF-By reduces prompt penetration electric field near equator, and the effects are stronger near sunset and sunrise terminators
Role of IMF-By polarity is seen during disturbance dynamo, giving dawn-dusk asymmetry; meridional wind reverses on IMF-By polarity reversal
Trapping and Amplification of Unguided Mode EMIC Waves in the Radiation Belt
-  13 August 2021
Key Points
Intense unguided mode electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves have been identified in the radiation belt
Protons with a few hundred keV provide the free energy for the growth of unguided L-mode waves
Spatial inhomogeneity of ion abundance ratios controls the potential trapping of unguided waves
Solar Wind Entry Into Midtail Current Sheet via Low‐Latitude Mantle Under Dominant IMF By: ARTEMIS Observation
-  13 August 2021
Key Points
Observed north-south lobe density asymmetries for different interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) By directions are consistent with the appearance of the low-latitude mantle
Good correlations between the current sheet plasma and asymmetric lobe parameters indicate the low-latitude mantle as an important source
The solar wind entry into tail current sheet via low-latitude mantle become more important when IMF By becomes more dominant
Measurability of the nonlinear response of electron distribution function to chorus emissions in the Earth’s radiation belt
-  3 September 2021
Key Points
We analyze perturbations in a hot electron distribution caused by nonlinear interactions with a model chorus element with fine structure
A stripe structure of phase space density depletions and elevations is observed, associated with individual subpackets
Resolution of spacecraft instruments required to observe the leading most prominent stripe is estimated
Understanding the total electron content variability over Europe during 2009 and 2019 SSWs
-  2 September 2021
Key Points
The mid-latitude TEC variability over Europe is observed and simulated during 2009 and 2019 SSWs
Observations and simulation results show that the TEC variability over Europe was caused predominantly by geomagnetic forcing for the 2019 SSW
The TEC variability at European mid-latitudes due to SW2 and M2 tidal changes during both SSWs remain within
20-25% of the background TEC
Two‐azimuth co‐seismic ionospheric disturbances following the 2020 Jamaica earthquake from GPS observations
-  2 September 2021
Key Points
Two-azimuth co-seismic ionospheric disturbances are found in SW and SE direction from GPS observations following the 2020 Jamaica earthquake
The two-azimuth co-seismic ionospheric disturbances are triggered by the Rayleigh surface waves
The two-azimuth ionospheric disturbances display different polarity and amplitude characteristics due to the fault system
Nighttime ionosphere perturbed by the annular solar eclipse on 21 June 2020
-  2 September 2021
Key Points
Response of prereversal enhancement to solar eclipse
Ne perturbations occurred after the eclipse in nighttime
The Ne perturbations behave as a solar terminator wave after sunset
Seasonal Variation of the D‐region Ionosphere: Very Low Frequency (VLF) and Machine Learning Models
-  2 September 2021
Key Points
Previous machine learning model of D-region extended to cover many days and include nighttime
Daytime ionospheric height varies by 1.5-2 km from winter to summer, with ∼1 hour of memory
Daily ionospheric D-region height flutters by 3-4 km within and across nights, with only minutes of memory
Inter‐calibrated Measurements of Intense Whistlers by Arase and Van Allen Probes
-  2 September 2021
Key Points
Measurements of electromagnetic waves on Van Allen Probes and Arase are inter-calibrated with intense whistlers during a close conjunction
Magnetic search coil measurements are the same within 14%, polarization and propagation parameters are consistent, timing is within 10 ms
Electric field amplitudes match within 33% when we include the newest results on antenna-plasma interface with measured plasma densities
Characterizing Unexpectedly Localized Slowing of the Thermospheric Cross‐Polar Jet of Neutral Wind Over Alaska in the Midnight Sector
-  1 September 2021
Key Points
Localized stalling of the thermospheric cross-polar jet was observed equatorward of the auroral zone
Stalling occurs over short meridional distances of
100-200 km
Abrupt stalling was found to occur more frequently during quiet solar and geomagnetic conditions
Advection of Martian crustal magnetic fields by ionospheric plasma flow observed by the MAVEN spacecraft
-  1 September 2021
Key Points
The crustal magnetic fields on Mars are being displaced relative to their expected location
The displacement increases with solar zenith angle and altitude
Ionospheric plasma flow is most likely responsible for this process
Energetic charged particles in the terrestrial magnetosphere: Cluster/RAPID result
-  1 September 2021
Key Points
Energetic particles at energies >40 keV have to be considered for the plasma temperature and pressure calculations
Effective acceleration is due to interaction of charged particles with multi-scale magnetic structures and/or electromagnetic fluctuations
Direction of Interplanetary Magnetic Field leads to ion distribution asymmetries between Northern and Southern hemispheres
High Mach Number Quasi‐Perpendicular Shocks: Spatial Vs. Temporal Structure
-  1 September 2021
Key Points
Hybrid simulation of a high Mach number quasi-perpendicular shock shows a spatial structure consisting of a foot, ramp and overshoot
Using a simulated spacecraft we show the same shock to have a seemingly turbulent temporal structure
Major differences between spatial and temproal structure of the shock is observed due to the presence of surface waves
NRLMSISE‐00 empirical model of the atmosphere: Statistical comparisons and scientific issues
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  SIA 15-1-SIA 15-16
-  24 December 2002
What is a geomagnetic storm?
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  5771-5792
-  1 April 1994
Solar wind spatial scales in and comparisons of hourly Wind and ACE plasma and magnetic field data
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  16 February 2005
Modeling the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere during strong geomagnetic storms
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  15 March 2005
Geospace Environmental Modeling (GEM) Magnetic Reconnection Challenge
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  3715-3719
-  1 March 2001
Magnetic loop behind an interplanetary shock: Voyager, Helios, and IMP 8 observations
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  6673-6684
-  1 August 1981
Magnetopause location under extreme solar wind conditions
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  17691-17700
-  1 August 1998
Collision frequency of artificial satellites: The creation of a debris belt
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  2637-2646
-  1 June 1978
The ionospheric disturbance dynamo
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  1669-1686
-  1 April 1980
Effect of the altitudinal variation of the gravitational acceleration on the thermosphere simulation
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  4 September 2008
Possible modification of the cooling index of interstellar helium pickup ions by electron impact ionization in the inner heliosphere
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  7142-7150
-  7 September 2014
Key Points
- The influence of electron impact ionization is negligible
- Its influence is also small even in the compressions
A Low Signal Detection of X‐Rays From Uranus
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  31 March 2021
Key Points
A Chandra ACIS observation reveals a 10.3 sigma detection of X-rays from Uranus with a probability of chance occurrence of 10−6–10−7
Uranus' X-rays are concentrated between 0.6 and 1.1 keV, consistent with emission observed from Jupiter and Saturn
The X-ray fluxes seem to exceed scattered solar emission alone, which may suggest X-ray aurora and/or X-ray fluorescence from the rings
Earth's Van Allen Radiation Belts: From Discovery to the Van Allen Probes Era
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  8319-8351
-  23 November 2019
Key Points
- A brief historical background on the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belts and their response to solar activity is introduced
- Recent advances in understanding mechanisms responsible for radiation belt electron acceleration, transport, and loss are reviewed
- Outstanding challenges for developing future radiation belt models are summarized
Plain Language Summary
Discovery of the Earth's Van Allen radiation belts by instruments flown on Explorer 1 in 1958 was the first major discovery of the Space Age. The dynamic properties of trapped outer zone electrons and the outer boundary of the inner zone proton population, along with source populations, have recently been studied in great detail by instruments on National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Van Allen Probes spacecraft, as well as other data sources like operational spacecraft designed for navigation and terrestrial weather forecasting. The vulnerability of the myriad of spacecraft that is strongly affected by space weather disruptions, as compared to 1958, has motivated the radiation belt community to develop essential improved models for forecasting the space environment we will inhabit in the 21st century and evaluate its impacts on our technological society. In this paper, we provide a review on historical background and recent advances in understanding and modeling acceleration, transport, and loss processes of energetic particles in the Earth's Van Allen radiation belts, followed by outstanding challenges for developing future radiation belt models. The findings on the fundamental physics of the Van Allen radiation belts potentially provide insights into understanding energetic particle dynamics at other magnetized planets in the solar system, exoplanets throughout the universe, as well as in astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. Given the potential Space Weather impact of radiation belt variability on technological systems, these new radiation belt models are expected to play a critical role in our technological society in the future much as meteorological models do today.
NRLMSISE‐00 empirical model of the atmosphere: Statistical comparisons and scientific issues
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  SIA 15-1-SIA 15-16
-  24 December 2002
Magnetic Reconnection in the Space Sciences: Past, Present, and Future
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  15 December 2019
Key Points
- Magnetic reconnection is a key energy conversion and transport process in plasmas
- There has been recent, considerable, research progress understanding how reconnection works
- Many exciting research challenges await, while we can reap the benefits of our new understanding
Plain Language Summary
In space, huge amounts of energy are released explosively by a mysterious mechanism: magnetic reconnection. Reconnection can abruptly convert energy stored in magnetic fields to energy in charged particles, and power such diverse phenomena as solar and stellar flares, magnetic storms and aurorae in near-Earth space, and major disruptions in magnetically confined fusion devices. It is behind many of the dangerous effects associated with space weather, including damage to satellites, endangering astronauts, and impacting the power grid and pipelines. Understanding reconnection enables us to quantitatively describe and predict these magnetic explosions. Therefore, magnetic reconnection has been at the forefront of scientific interest for many years, and will be for many more. Measuring reconnection is incredibly difficult. However, recently scientists have been able to peek into its machinery. Combining measurements from NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale mission with supercomputer modeling, scientists have now been able to analyze the inner workings of this elusive mechanism. Even though open questions remain, this new understanding has broad implications. Here, we describe magnetic reconnection, where it plays a role, its impacts on society, and what we now know about it. We point to future research challenges, including implications and the utility of our recently developed knowledge.
Editorial: Reviewer selection process and new areas of expertise in GEMS
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  5566-5570
-  23 May 2016
Key Points
- Methods for selecting potential reviewers for manuscripts are described, including filtering user Areas of Expertise in the GEMS database
- The Journal Editors have just added 18 new Areas of Expertise in GEMS, increasing the list by 33% to 73 entries
- Space physicists are urged to update their GEMS profiles, especially their Areas of Expertise, to improve potential reviewer selection
Correcting the Dst index: Consequences for absolute level and correlations
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  24 August 2006
Challenges to Understanding the Earth's Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
-  27 February 2020
Key Points
- Winds and currents dependent on external drivers and internal processes need improved descriptions
- Coupling to the magnetosphere should include hemispheric differences in energy and mass flow
- Formation and evolution of multiscale structures require detailed investigation
Plain Language Summary
The ionosphere is the region of Earth's upper atmosphere made up of a mixture of charged and neutral gases between approximately 50 and 1,000 miles (80–1,600 km) above the Earth's surface. Sandwiched between the lower atmosphere and the magnetosphere, the ionosphere reacts to weather and climate near the Earth's surface and to eruptions and sunspot activity on the Sun. The ionosphere absorbs the harmful radiation from the Sun and determines the fidelity of all radio communication, navigation, and surveillance transmissions through it. It is part of a complex, coupled system that changes on scales from meters to the planetary radius, and from seconds to decades. Understanding how the behavior of this region is controlled, by internal interactions and by the external regions to which it is coupled, is the preeminent challenge for the next generation of scientists. These challenges in understanding Earth's ionosphere are associated with deciphering the many changes in neutral and plasma density and their relationships to the coupling with the Earth's lower atmosphere, the generation and flow of currents within the region, and the coupling to the magnetosphere. Addressing these challenges requires advances in observing the composition and dynamics of the neutral particles and simultaneous observations of the charged particles, as well as the particles and field-aligned current describing the coupling of the ionosphere to the magnetosphere. Additionally, our modeling capability must advance to include better descriptions of the processes affecting the ionosphere and thermosphere region and to incorporate coupling with the regions below and above at smaller spatial and temporal scales.