Ústav dějin umění Akademie věd ČR, v. v. i.

Epigraphica & Sepulcralia 8th

The proceedings of the jubilee 15th international session on the issue of sepulchral monuments, which took place in Prague on 19 October – 21 October 2016. These regular conferences, organized since 2000 by the Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, are focused on sepulchral monuments as material artefacts of sepulchral culture and as works of art in the traditional sense of the word, with a factual or methodological relation to Central European issues. However, they do not not avoid themes that more widely explain the context in which these monuments were created and were functionally applied. An emphasis is placed on the nature of interdisciplinary expert meetings. Through their focus and periodicity, they are unique in the pan-European context. A novelty of this session was the inclusion of an independent block devoted to Hebrew monuments. The proceedings are divided into three parts, in terms of the religious context of the discussed themes – hence into parts devoted to Christian, Jewish and finally supplemental, but still in the Central European milieu, Islamic sepulchral monuments. It contains twenty-five papers in total, which deal directly or contextually with sepulchral monuments from the Late Middle Ages to the 21st century. Besides, the territorially Bohemian and Moravian issue as well as the German, Slovak and Polish issues make up a significant share of the work. The series Epigraphica & Sepulcralia has been the publication forum of these sessions since 2005.

Jiří Roháček (ed.)

First edition, in Czech, English, German, Polish, Slovak, with English and Czech summaries, 530 pages., black and white illustrations, Prague 2018
ISBN: 978-80-88283-17-1, ISSN 2336-3363

Epigraphica & Sepulcralia 8th Epigraphica & Sepulcralia 8th