The electronic interaction of SWCNT and conduction polymers in nanotube/polymer composites.

Grant Agency
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Year from
Year to
The aim of this work is the detailed knowledge of molecular interactions in SWCNT/Conducting polymer composites in the doped state of these composites. For this purpose model structures like SWCNT of different diameters and conduction mechanism on the carbon side and aniline oligomers and polymers on the polymer side are used to understand the doping of each components in a composite and the influence of the doping on the type and extension of the interaction of the components.
Experimentally the study is preferably done by electrochemical and in situ spectroelectrochemical methods like in situ UV-Vis-NIR spectroelectrochemistry and in situ Raman spectroelectrochemistry. Using these in situ method we obtain a selective information on the state of the carbon/polymer interface upon doping.
202, 203, 08
+420 26605 3804, 3445, 2101