PRASSADCO processing of the Polar PWI-HFWR data

Ondrej Santolik, Aug 17, 2007

Processing of HFWR calibrated waveforms, using University of Iowa local reader program and data archives. PRASSADCO is a computer program designed to analyze multicomponent measurements of electromagnetic waves. It implements methods used to estimate polarization and propagation parameters, such as the degree of polarization, sense of elliptic polarization and axes of polarization ellipse, the wave vector direction. The results can be represented in different visual and numerical formats.


  1. Download files README.txt, hfwrprassadco.tar, guide.pdf
  2. Untar the distribution file: tar -xvf hfwrprassadco.tar
  3. Move and/or rename the distribution directory hfwrprocessing to your location
  4. Following README.txt set the path variables and run the processing chain


Processed data sets:

Additional links: