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FZU is the largest institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and our scientists are achieving worldwide success in a wide range of physical sciences - from elementary particles to laser physics. We work with schools, students, industry and the public sphere. Read about our latest research and look up events where you can meet us.

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Researchers contributed to dealing with drug-induced liver injury


How can physicists contribute to dealing with drug-induced liver injury? The answer to this question is, for example, by applying cutting-edge imagining techniques. Researchers from the Institute of Physic of the Czech Academy of Sciences have joined an international interdisciplinary research team which is conducting a research to generate new knowledge and approaches to dealing with drug-induced liver injury, aiming to create a liver model for timely detection of drug toxicity. A comprehensive interdisciplinary research summary of this subject was published in the prestigious Journal of Hepatology.

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Pracovník FZU při práci s experimentální aparaturou

About the Institute of Physics

The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences is a public research institution that contributes basic and applied research in the field of physics to new revolutionary discoveries and innovations, helps in the education of students and makes physics accessible to the public.


Contact us

Contact person for the public
+420 26605 2124
+420 606 099 528
Contact person for the media
+420 26605 2124
+420 702 206 680
Contact person for schools
+420 26605 2677