Lect. dr. Marius Eppel

Curriculum Vitae
- 2015: Habilitation in History, Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- 2012–2014: Postdoctoral studies in History, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Centre de Recherches Historiques, Paris, France.
- 2006: PhD in History, Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- 1999–2000: MA degree in Historical Theology, The Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.
- 1995–1999: BA degree in Theology, The Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania.
Research interest
history of Transylvania, church history, political history, religious anthropology, cultural anthropology
Research projects as Principal Investigator or Team Leader (since 2010)
- Social and professional trajectories in concurrent confessional spaces: Transylvania (1850–1918); UEFISCDI Romania, PN-III- PCE-2016-0661, Principal Investigator, 2017–2019;
- Voices of the Churches, voices of the Nationalities. Competing loyalties in the Hungarian House of Magnates (1867–1918); UEFISCDI Romania, PN-III-TE-2014-4-1231, Principal Investigator, 2015–2017;
- Historical Population Database for Transylvania 1850-1914, EEA Grants, workpackage co-leader (Work package 1: Sources), 2014–2017;
- At the borderline of the Romanian Orthodoxy. The Vicarage of Oradea (1848–1918); UEFISCDI Romania, PN-II-PD_430, Principal Investigator, 2010–2012.
Teaching practice
- 2018–ongoing: Lecturer, Department of Modern History, Archive and Ethnology, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- 2016–ongoing: Doctoral supervisor, Doctoral School Population Studies and the History of Minorities, Centre for Population Studies, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- 2014–ongoing: Senior Researcher, Centre for Population Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- 2012–ongoing: Enseignant-chercheur, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Centre de Recherches Historiques, Paris, France.
Membership in Editorial Boards and Scholarly Societies
- 2018–ongoing: Scientific Advisory Board, Joint Commission of Serbian-Romanian History, Belgrade, Serbia.
- 2017–ongoing: Editorial Board, Revue Roumaine d’Histoire, Bucarest, Romania.
- 2012–ongoing: Reviewer, The History of the Family (Hist Fam), Publisher: Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
- 2016–ongoing: Member of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, USA.
- 2014–ongoing: Member of the European Society of Historical Demography, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- 2010–ongoing: Member of the Commission Internationale de Démographie Historique, Geneva, Switzerland.
- 2008–ongoing: Member of the Social Science History Association, New York, USA.
Research stays (selected)
- Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár, Budapest, Hungary (2001, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2012);
- Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, Vienna, Austria (2008, 2013);
- International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2008, 2009);
- Aрxив Cpпcka Akaдemиja Hayka и Умetнoctи Kapловцима, Sremski Karlovci, Republic of Serbia (2012);
- L’Institut d’Ethnologie Méditerranéenne, Européenne et Comparative (IDEMEC), Aix-en-Provence, France (2013).
Most important publications
- Voices of the Churches, Voices of the Nationalities. Competing Loyalties in the Upper House of the Hungarian Parliament (1867–1918), Peter Lang, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 2019, 259 pp. ISBN 978-3-631-73555-8 (with Andreea Dăncilă-Ineoan, Ovidiu-Emil Iudean)
- La frontiera ortodoxiei românești. Vicariatul de la Oradea 1848-1918 [At the limits of the romanian orthodoxy. Oradea Vicarage 1848–1918], Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2012, 239 pp. ISBN 978-973-595-409-3
- Politics and Church in Transylvania 1875–1918, Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2012. 199 pp. ISBN 978-3-631-63460-8 pb.
- Un mitropolit si epoca sa. Vasile Mangra (1850–1918) [A Metropolitan and His Age: Vasile Mangra (1850–1918)], Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2006, 540 pp. ISBN: 978-973-610-462-6.
- Vasile Mangra. Activitatea politica (1875–1918) [The Political Activity of Vasile Mangra (1875–1918)], Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, 314 pp. ISBN: 973-610-317-X.
- Vasile Mangra (1850–1918). Contributii la cunoasterea vietii şi activitatii lui [Insights into the Life and Activities of Vasile Mangra (1850–1918)], Mirador, Arad, 2000, 123 pp.
Coordinated works
- Connecting Faiths and Nationalities: A Social History of the Clerical Profession in Transylvania (1848–1918), Marius Eppel (ed.), Peter Lang Publishing House, Berlin, 2020. ISBN 978-3-631-80746-0
- Intermarriage throughout History, coordonatori: Luminița Dumănescu, Daniela Mârza, Marius Eppel, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2014, 505 p. ISBN: 978-1-4438-5950-9
- Many Paths to Happiness? Studies in Population and Family History. A Festschrift for Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, under the supervision of Marie-Pierre Arrizabalaga, Ioan Bolovan, Marius Eppel, Jan Kok, Mary Louise Nagata, Editura Aksant, Amsterdam, 2010, 593 p. ISBN: 978-90-5260-382-7
- Recent Studies on Past and Present. Tradition and Invention, IV, Supplement no. 5 of the Transylvanian Review, vol. XIX, under the supervision of Alexandru Simon, Marius Eppel, Loránd Mádly, Tudor Sălăgean, Attila Varga, , Cluj-Napoca, 2010, 352 p. ISSN: 2067-1016
- În căutarea fericirii. Viaţa familială în spaţiul românesc în sec. XVIII-XX [In Search of Happiness. Family Life in the Romanian Area of the 18th–20th Centuries], under the supervision of Ioan Bolovan, Diana Covaci, Daniela Deteşan, Marius Eppel, Crinela Elena Holom, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, 361 p. ISBN: 978-973-595-138-2
- Instituţiile Bisericii Ortodoxe din Transilvania (1850-1918). Studii [The Institutions of the Orthodox Church in Transylvania (1850–1918). Studies], Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, 414 p. under the supervision of Nicolae Bocşan, Marius Eppel, Ioan Vasile Leb, Gabriel Gârdan) ISBN: 978-973-610-961-4
- Masoneria în Transilvania. Repere istorice [The Masonry of Transylvania. Historical Landmarks], third edition revised and abridged, Editura Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, 329 p. + illustr. (in collaboration with Tudor Sălăgean) ISBN: 978-973-109-135-8
- Polifonii politico-ecleziastice. Discursurile elitei clericale din Camera Superioară a Parlamentului Ungariei (1867–1918), Ediție, studiu introductiv și note de Marius Eppel, Andreea Dăncilă-Ineoan, Ovidiul Emil Iudean, Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2018, 400 p. ISBN: 978-606-543-874-3
- Drumul spre episcopie: Vicariatul ortodox de la Oradea (1901–1916) [The Roads to Bishopric: the Orthodox Vicarage of Oradea (1901–1916)], Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2011, 224 p. ISBN: 978-973-595-279-2
- Instituţii ecleziastice. Compendiu de legislaţie bisericească (sec. XIX) [Ecclesiastic Institutions. A Compendium of Ecclesiastic Code of Laws], edition, introductory study and notes by Ioan Vasile Leb, Gabriel Gârdan, Marius Eppel, Pavel Vesa, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, 360 p. ISBN: 978-973-610-980-5
- Ciclul vieţii familiale la românii din Transilvania în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea şi începutul secolului XX [The Cycle of Family Life among the Transylvanian Romanians in the Second Half of the 19th Century and Beginning of the 20th Century], edition, introductory study and notes by Ioan Bolovan, Diana Covaci, Daniela Deteşan, Marius Eppel, Elena Crinela Holom, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, 380 p. ISBN: 978-973-610-937-9
- Legislatia ecleziastica si laica privind familia romaneasca din Transilvania in a doua jumatate a secolului al XIX-lea [The Ecclesiastic and Secular Code of Laws Regarding the Romanian Family of Transylvania in the Second Half of the 19th Century edition, introductory study and notes by Ioan Bolovan, Diana Covaci, Daniela Detesan, Marius Eppel, Crinela Elena Holom, Academia Romana, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, 913 p. ISBN: 978-973-7784-42-1
- Vasile Mangra. Corespondenţa [Vasile Mangra. Correspondence], second vol., Editura Presa Universitara Clujeana, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, 470 p. (edited by Marius Eppel); ISBN: 978-973-610-616-3
- Vasile Mangra. Corespondenţa [Vasile Mangra. Correspondence], first vol., Editura Presa Universitara Clujeana, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, 527 p. (edited by Marius Eppel); ISBN: 978-973-610-565-4
Articles in other peer-reviewed journals
- Dukhovenstvo pravoslavnoi i greko-katolicheskoi tserkvei Transil'vanii: opyt sozdaniia bazy dannykh in Izvestia. Ural Federeal University Journal, vol. 21, No. 3/2019, pp. 138–151 (with Oana Sorescu-Iudean).
- The Politics of Birth in Composite States: Midwives in Transylvania (19th – 20th Century), Journal of Population Studies, Volume: 2019, XIII, Issue: 1, pp. 7–28 (with Luminița Dumănescu).
- Negotiating National Consensus in Troubled Times. The Dialogue between the Romanian Ecclesiastical Elite in Transylvania and the Hungarian State during the Great War, Transylvanian Review, volume 26, supplement No. 2, 2017, pp. 259–273 (with Andreea Dăncilă-Ineoan).
- L’edification d'une camere ecclesiastique pendant la Premiere Guerre mondiale. L’histoire d’une prelat orthodoxe de Transylvanie, Transylvanian Review, volume 26, No. 4, 2017, pp. 3–17.
- The Ties That Divide. Nationalities and Confessions in the Debate on Civil Marriage in the Hungarian Parliament (1894–1895), Transylvanian Review, vol. XXV, No. 4, Winter 2016, pp. 109-–24 (with Andreea Dăncilă-Ineoan).
- The Romanian emigration to the United States until the First World War. Revisiting opportunities and vulnerabilities, Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, vol. 11, issue 32 (Summer 2012), pp. 256–287 (with Gabriel Gardan).
- The Representatives of the Oradea Vicarage in the Eparchial Synod of Arad between 1900 and 1918, Transylvanian Review, vol. XIX, Supplement No. 5, 2010, pp. 165–173.
- Les prémises et la genèse du Vicariat orthodoxe d’Oradea, Transylvanian Review, vol. XX, Supplement No. 4, 2011, pp. 275–286.
- The Bishopric and the Bishopric Vicarage in the Orthodox Church of Transylvania in the Nineteenth Century, Transylvanian Review, vol. XIX, Supplement No. 3, 2010, pp. 143–150.
- Normes fondamentales d’organisation et fonctionnement des institutions ecclésiastiques orthodoxes en Transylvanie au XIXe siècle, Transylvanian Review, vol. XIX, No. 3, Autumn 2010, pp. 72–81.