Applied mathematics and computer science & IT4Innovations

Current topics in the series of expert lectures.
29.09.2021  09:00
Guided demonstration given by Ing. Marek Pecha during the Researchers' night event.
24.09.2021  17:00
One evening invigorating hundreds of science buildings. Science labs, experiments and current topics.
Advances and challenges of research activities across work groups of the EURAD project.
16.03.2021  –  18.03.2021
Online meeting of the DONUT working teams within the EURAD project.
27.01.2021  –  28.01.2021
Conference Seminar on numerical analysis and winter school, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
25.01.2021  –  29.01.2021
One evening invigorating hundreds of science buildings. Science labs, experiments and current topics.
Workshop ENDORSE and EDZ
Workshop dedicated to topics solved within the TACR ENDORSE project.
27.02.2020  –  28.02.2020
What is artificial intelligence?
Lecture given by Ing. Marek Pecha during the Week of science and technology.