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The emergence of dissenting and radical religious groups was a logical consequence of the pursuit of renewal in premodern Christianity. The separation of such groups from the mainstream can in turn be seen as resulting from the diversity of solutions to the tension between religious idealism and the demands of social and political stability. The relatively intensive research of late medieval and early modern religious separatism has operated in a field demarcated by concepts such as heresy, reform and reformation, revolution, religious movements, apocalypticism, and others. By building upon this research tradition, but not limited by the restraints of any single terminology, this conference has a twofold aim: to facilitate a more comparative approach by bringing together scholars of various religious communities of premodern Europe, and to situate the study of dissident religion within its local social, political, and communal context.
Founded in February 1420, Tábor is just one—albeit in many respects an exceptional—example of a radical religious community. Born from millenarian expectations, Tábor underwent swift development, from a sectarian revolutionary commune to a military-political power within Hussitism and a properly established medieval town. In other cases like Florence, Zürich, Münster, Prague, and many more, religious radicalism settled into the pre-existing social and political structures of municipal communities, while other radical groups pursued a clandestine or secluded existence. This conference will deal with the religiously motivated group-formation from the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries, focusing on movements and ideologies such as (but not limited to) Waldensianism, Wycliffism, Hussitism, spiritual Franciscanism, the radical Reformation, and various other utopian and religiously-inspired visions.
Speakers are invited to explore the social dimension of radical religion in the medieval and early modern periods. Instead of social-economical determinism, we would like to focus on local networks, interpersonal bonds, and communal dynamisms. As a counterpart to the study of intellectual influences and ideological pedigrees, we propose to examine how emerging religious groups strove to propagate their message. While investigating the reactions of the of society, we hope to look beyond the mere reproduction of the 'image of the other' to more practical deliberations about possible solutions to religious separatism, as well as to proposals for reintegration of radical groups.
The conference programme will be structured by the following themes:
• The social background of radical ideologies: group identity and goals; means of recruitment; media of mobilisation; signs and conditions of success and failure; norms and authority
• Religious leadership in urban communities: old and new elites; theocratic tendencies and the extent of clerical influence; longevity of religious enthusiasm; the 'stabilisation' of the situation
• Reactions to religious separatism: strategies of dealing with dissident religious groups; the limits of inclusion; the aim of persecution (extermination, or reintegration); redefining the semantics of difference
The conference is organized jointly by the Centre for Medieval Studies (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences) and the Hussite Museum in Tábor. Papers will be allotted 20-25 minutes. The conference language is English, with simultaneous translation into Czech. Speakers will be offered accommodation in Tábor. Limited funding to cover travel expenses (economy train or air tickets) is available, though limited. A collection of the contributions is planned for publication.
Organizing committee: Pavlína Cermanová, Robert Novotný, Martin Pjecha, Jakub Smrčka, Pavel Soukup, Zdeněk Vybíral
Please send a paper title with a 300-word abstract and a short CV before 31 July, 2020.
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10.30 Introduction
11.00 Session I: Networking radicals
Marina Benedetti (Milano): Religious Books and Inquisitorial Trials: circulation of men, ideas and manuscripts
Reima Välimäki (Turku): Late medieval Waldensian communities in Pomerania: a social network analysis
Robert Novotný (Praha): Tábor and Its Allies
12.45 Lunch break
14.30 Session II: Charismatic leadership and socio-political context
Martin Čapský (Pardubice): Authoritarian Preachers and Theocratic Tendencies in Central-European Towns
Phillip Haberkern (Boston): Legalizing Radical Reform: Law and Justice in the Wake of Revolt
15.40 Coffee break
Frances Kneupper (Mississippi): The Social Status of Late Medieval German Prophets and their Readers (online)
Tamar Herzig (Tel Aviv): Female leadership in the Savonarolan movement (online)
17.15 Tábor walking tour
9.30 Session III: Opposing religious sectarianism
Luciano Micali (Praha): The struggle against Beghards and Lollardies in the works of Felix Hemmerlin (1388-1458)
Pavel Soukup (Praha): Hussite Factionalism seen from outside: Bohemian 'sects' in the imagination and diplomatic strategy of Catholic churchmen
10.40 Coffee break
11.00 Session IV: Ideal and practice of radical community
Martin Pjecha (Praha) – Matthias Riedl (Budapest): Knowing the elect from the damned: Politics of discernment and segregation in the Hussites and the Radical Reformation
Zdeněk Žalud – Zdeněk Vybíral (Tábor): Hussite Memory in Post-Hussite Tábor
12.15 Lunch break
Stella Marega (Trieste): The Monastic Community as Model of Social "Perfectio" in Joachim of Fiore
Delfi I. Nieto-Isabel (Barcelona/Harvard): Radical Poverty: Community Building and System Disruption within an Alternative Philo-Franciscan Religious Culture (online)
Michael Van Dussen (Montreal): Wycliffite Views on Communal Fasting
15.45 Coffee break
16.00 Session V: Testing the borders of orthodoxy
Georg Modestin (Zürich): The Waldensians of Strasbourg: religious radicalism and social conformism (1400)
Yeliz Teber (Oxford): Muslim Heretics in Ottoman Europe during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries
Pavlína Cermanová (Praha): Radical 'Sects' in Hussitism: Conflict and negotiation between Hussite groups
18.30 Banquet & Music performance in the Gothic hall of Tábor's Old Town Hall
10.00 Commemorative event on the occasion of 600th anniversary of the extermination of Picart radicals in Tábor-Klokoty, organized by the City fo Tábor and the Hussite Museum (optional)
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