The Institute of Physics has participated in the following projects within Operational Programmes financed from the European Structural and Investment Funds.
OP Research, Development and Education
- ADONIS - Advanced research using high intensity laser produced photons and particles
- AUGERII.CZ - Future of the Czech participation at the Pierre Auger Observatory II (AUGER-CZ)
- BIATRI - Advanced designing of functional materials: From mono- to BI- and TRI-chromatic excitation with tailored laser pulses
- CARAT - Carbon allotropes with rationalized nanointerfaces and nanolinks for environmental and biomedical applications
- CERN-CD - Investments for Data processing and Detector Testing for the CERN-CZ RI
- CoGraDS - Cosmology, Gravity, and the Dark Sector of the Universe
- CTAO_II_CZ - European support of the Czech participation in construction of CTA observatory II (CTA-CZ)
- ELIBIO - Structural dynamics of biomolecular systems
- Fermilab-CZ2 - Collaboration on the Fermilab experiments 2
- HiFi - High Field Initiative
- HiLASE CoE - HiLASE Centre of Excellence
- HR AWARD FZU - Improving quality of the strategic management in the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- LNSM - Laboratory of Spintronics
- MOBILITY FZU 2 - Mobility of Researchers of Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences 2
- MOBILITY MSCA FZU - International mobility MSCA-IF II FZU
- MOBILITY MSCA FZU - International mobility MSCA-IF IV FZU
- SOLID21 - Solid state physics for the 21st century
- STIMUL - Strategic Creation of Intensive Capacity Development at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences