Acta Comeniana 11
Internationale Revue für Studien über J. A. Comenius und Ideengeschichte der frühen Neuzeit. International Review of Comenius Studies and Early Moderne Intellectual History
The volume of Acta Comeniana 11 (XXXV) comprises seven articles devoted to the intellectual history and history of philosophy of the Early Modern Period and presents two hitherto unpublished historical materials. The volume also includes an extensive book review section and obituaries dedicated to the deceased scholars Jiří Daňhelka (written by M. Nedvědová), Wim Rood (J. Polišenský), Johannes Schurr (I. Tretera), Josef Janáček (J. Pánek), Jana Matlová (M. Steiner) and Jan Marinus van der Linde (Z. R. Dittrich). All the contributions are in English or German.
Stanislav Sousedík deals with the political thinking of Jan Jessenius and calls him the ideologist of the Bohemian revolt 1618–1620. Guido Giglioni puts forth an interpretation of some seventeenth-century doctrines of universal animation. Käte Meyer-Drawe, using the well-known mechanical metaphorics, presents and contextualizes the claim of René Descartes for a thinking as precise as a clockwork. Vladimír Urbánek deals with the so far neglected issue of Comenius’ political theory: his criticism of the Machiavellian political-philosophical principles. Mark Greengrass investigates the question of the financing of Comenius’ activities in the years 1637–1641. Antonín Kostlán examines the spread of the Antitrinitarian heterodoxy of Arianism in the Bohemian society before the Thirty Years’ war. Slavomír Wollman deals with the works and ideas of Dmitro Tschižewskij in the context of the discipline known as comparative literature. Jiří Beneš puts forth some new Comeniana from Zürich and Mark Greengrass publishes two manuscripts from the Hartlib papers.
Published ten or more years ago, therefore, the price has been reduced to half.