Founded in 1967, this has been the principal journal for the publication of fundamental research on the Sun for five decades. All aspects of solar physics are reported on. Coverage ranges from the internal structure of the Sun and its evolution to the outer corona and solar wind in interplanetary space. Solar Physics publishes papers on solar-terrestrial physics and on stellar research as well, where they contribute directly to our understanding of the Sun.
Commonly used title abbreviations: SoPh, Solar Phys., Sol. Phys.
- Leading journal published since 1967
- Ranges in focus from the internal structure and evolution of the Sun to the outer corona and solar wind in interplanetary space
- Offers relevant papers on stellar research and solar-terrestrial physics
- 90% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
Journal information
- Editors-in-Chief
- John Leibacher,
- Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi,
- Christina H. Mandrini,
- Michael S. Wheatland
- Publishing model
- Hybrid (Transformative Journal). Learn about publishing Open Access with us
Journal metrics
- 2.503 (2019)
- Impact factor
- 2.484 (2019)
- Five year impact factor
- 44 days
- Submission to first decision
- 174 days
- Submission to acceptance
- 202,474 (2020)
- Downloads
Latest issue

Latest articles
GLE # 67 Event on 2 November 2003: An Analysis of the Spectral and Anisotropy Characteristics Using Verified Yield Function and Detrended Neutron Monitor Data
Authors (first, second and last of 4)
Temporal and Spatial Association Between a Solar Flare, CME, and Radio Burst on 19 November 2013
Authors (first, second and last of 5)
Aurora Observations from the Principality of Transylvania from the 16th to the 18th Century CE
Journal updates
Editor's Choice & Invited Reviews
Highlight articles in Solar Physics
Solar Physics is publishing an annual series of memoirs by distinguished solar scientists.
Topical Collection on Irradiance Variations published
Special article collection on "Irradiance Variations of the Sun and Sun-like Stars" published in Solar Physics
Call for papers: "Celebrating a Solar Cycle of Discovery with SDO"
Topical Collection on “Celebrating a Solar Cycle of Discovery with SDO”
Societies, partners and affiliations
About this journal
- Electronic ISSN
- 1573-093X
- Print ISSN
- 0038-0938
- Abstracted and indexed in
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