Gender, Equal Opportunities, Research, 2007 (vol. 8), issue 1
Genderové aspekty multikulturní reality


Genderové aspekty multikulturní reality

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1)

The gender files

A Global Man and a Local Woman? Feminist Perspective on Globalization

Marta Kolářová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 1-5  

The paper presents a feminist critique of globalization. The mainstream theories of globalization have a masculine bias. Bringing gender aspects to globalization characterizes global actors and creates a framework for global issues. Mostly the economic globalization and the changes of the organization of labour globally are addressed. The link between the hegemonic form of masculinity and feminized production is described. The global production is dependent on cheap women's work in factories of transnational corporations in the global South. Flexibilization and informalization of labour is associated with its feminization. Globalization processes are...

Domestic Work Dynamic from the Global Perspective

Tereza Hendlová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 6-12  

The article covers the topic of women's migration from poorer countries to the so called First World to provide domestic work and care giving. On the one hand, their movement is caused by the demand for domestic labour in rich countries where double career couples resolve the dilemma of reconciliation of public and private spheres by externalization of domestic work. On the other hand, the supply is significant. Migration and provision of domestic service is often the only survival strategy available to women from developing countries due to high unemployment and few working opportunities. The practice of hiring a migrant as domestic worker creates...

Towards a Feminist Critical Theory of Misrecognition

Marek Hrubec

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 13-15  

The paper deals with an issue of social recognition of women and an articulation of their resistance to misrecognition. It analyses claims on recognition as requirements based on a direct or indirect experience with various forms of misrecognition. A negative experience of misrecognition is explained as a cause of the critique of misrecognition, on the one hand, and a moment which creates the background of new forms of recognition, on the other. First, the paper concentrates on relation among (1) misrecognition, (2) a critique of misrecognition, and (3) recognition. Second, following that relation and Nancy Fraser's and Axel Honneth's theoretical works,...

Kulturní diverzita

Marginalization, Representation and Identity of the Subjected in the Context of Contemporary Indian Society

Blanka Knotková-Čapková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 16-24  

The Indian society is "in-between" tradition and modernity. Religious archetypes and subsequent social and gender stereotypes prevail in many respects but they are in a process of dynamic changes. Conceptualizing identity still faces the shadow of the colonial heritage. An independent national discourse may not, however, always overcome marginalization inside the society, both the gender and ethnic ones. Some Indian feminists do not see Hinduism as a religion principally subjecting women; they stress the tradition of a strong female element in mythology and its appeal on community solidarity and sharing. Others rather strive for secularism, often connecting...

Culture, Gender and Immigration: Social-psychological Perspective of Socialization of Indian Immigrants in the United States of America

Martina Rašticová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 25-32  

The aim of this paper is to discuss theoretical approaches of gender role studies in the context of immigration. In the first part of this paper are defined three interrelated aspects of an immigrant's social experience: representation of culture; social location and marginality; idealized cultural identities. The main part of this paper focuses on a minority group of Indian immigrants in the USA. A few Indian mythological stories (The myth of Ekalaivya, The story of Pativirda and Pattini) help us to understand the specifics of Indian culture (the social class differences and the cast system). The second part of this paper focuses on the gender role...

Inscribing Difference: Autobiographical Responses of Indigenous Women in Australia and North America to Mainstream Feminism

Martina Horáková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 33-39  

The article focuses on the strategies of inscribing difference within the feminist discourse in the texts of three contemporary Indigenous writers, Jackie Huggins' Sistergirl (1998), Lee Maracle's I Am Woman (1996) and Paula Gunn Allen's The Sacred Hoop (1986). I argue that these texts, by communicating perspectives on Indigenous women's identities, representations, and their common struggles in the 20th century, help to deconstruct the universalistic and homogeneous category of Woman, developed by the second-wave first-world mainstream feminism. In their engagement in multi-generic, experiential and subjective writing, such representations offer a...


Immigrant Women in Greece. A Biographical Study of Domestic Workers

Catherine Vassilikou

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 40-45  

The article discusses immigrant women arriving in Greece since 1990 from the Balkans and the former socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Immigrant women in Greece are usually domestic workers responding to the local population's needs for services connected mainly with children and the elderly. Using the biographical method based on life stories, the paper examines their actual position, their identity crisis and their status in relation to social welfare. The analysis concludes with the following observation: these women are vulnerable first as illegal immigrants and also because of the serious identity problem caused by the precariousness...

Gender and Race: 'Women's Question' in the Third Reich

Hana Klamková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 46-51  

This article seeks to analyze gender perspective in scholarly studies dealing with the Holocaust and the national-socialist Germany. The first books discussing women and the Holocaust are concerned with two issues - first, whether these women were discriminated not only as non-Aryans but also as women and second, how did women's experience in the Holocaust differ from the men's. More recent studies bring to attention pre-war socialization and the trio race-class-gender constellation for the understanding of Holocaust testimonies. Scholarly works studying the role of healthy Aryan women in this period are mostly concerned with the question of guilt....


JAKO FACKA: Vizuální útok v pražských ulicích

Beth Lazroe

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 52-55  

Péče jako nedoceněná nájemní práce v globální ekonomice

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 56-59  

Demokracie a univerzální lidská práva

Ondřej Lánský

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 61-62  

Bílý a multikulturní feminismus: sebekritika a proměny feministického hnutí

Hana Víznerová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 63-65  

Odkrývání "neviděné" dimenze evropské migrace

Šárka Hastrmanová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 66-69  

Slabost politiky v globální době

Ondřej Štěch

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 70  


Gender a občanství v multikulturní Evropě

Hana Hašková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 56-59  

Gender v centru globalizace

Alena Křížková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 60  

Zpráva z mezinárodní konference "Community, Work and Family: Making the Connections in a Global Context"

Marta Vohlídalová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 66-69  

Zpráva ze semináře "Souvislosti soukromého a pracovního života v ČR"

Marta Vohlídalová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 71  

Feministické ozvěny Jednoho světa

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 72-73  

Kvóty jako podmínka fungující soutěže - evropské komisařky u kulatého stolu

Alena Křížková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2007, 8 (1): 74