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Helena Illnerová received the Silver medal of the President of the Senate (30.9. 2021)

Helena Illnerová obdržela 28.9. 2021 Střibrnou medaili předsedy Senátu. Toto ocenění uděluje předseda Senátu při příležitosti zářijového Dne české státnosti. Stříbrné medaile předsedy Senátu se udělují od roku 2007 významným osobnostem z řad vědců, umělců, sportovců a dalších veřejných činitelů, kteří vynikají ve svých oborech nebo svými zvláštními činy či schopnostmi. Prof. Illnerové gratulujeme! Medailonek Heleny Illnerové

Foto: Stanislava Kyselová

František Vyskočil received the medal of the Faculty of Science of Charles University (17.8. 2021)

On Monday, June 21, 2021 awarded the Dean of the Faculty of Science prof. Jiří Zima ten personalities with the memorial medal of the Faculty of Science of Charles University. Prof. František Vyskočil was one of ten awarded personalities. More information

Prof. Tomáš Radil has died (9.8. 2021)

With deep sorrow we announce that on April 8, died at age of 90, Prof. MUDr.Tomáš Radil, DrSc, the exceptional person and emeritus researcher of the Institute of Physiology of the CAS. Honor his memory. Memory of the Prof. Radil



The one-week summer course on Advances in Selected Areas of Biomedicine for Students of Medical Faculties will be held in September 6-10, 2021.

The course will focus on acquiring new knowledge and practical experience with biomedical research. The aim is to increase the qualification of graduates of medical faculties of the Charles University in Prague in the field of biomedical research and to increase their interest in postgraduate education.The course is primarily, but not exclusively, intended for 1st and 2nd year students, it will be in English and its capacity is limited to 20 participants. Deadline for application is July 302021. Applicants will be selected on a first come, first-serve basis. The course is free of charge. Summer course reached maximum capacity and is CLOSED. More information about the course

Michaela Tencerová succeeded in the competition L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science (28.6. 2021)

The project L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science was founded in Paris in 1998. It is aimed at women scientists under the age of 40. The project began in 2006 in the Czech Republic.  66 women scientists signed up for the domestic version of the international program this year. A jury composed of representatives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, UNESCO and L'Oréal, selected 13 semi-finalists. In the end, neurologist Petra Laššuthová, plant geneticist Terezie Mandáková and physiologist Michaela Tencerová became the laureates. Congratulations!

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