Photosynthetica, 2003 (vol. 41), issue 1


The PsbH Protein of Photosystem 2

J. Komenda, D. Štys, L. Lupínková

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):1-7 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025827808212

The PsbH protein belongs to a group of small protein subunits of the photosystem 2 (PS2) complex and genes encoding PsbH homologues have been so far found in all studied oxygenic phototrophs. This single helix membrane protein is important for the proper function of the PS2 acceptor side and for stable assembly of PS2. Its hypothetical function as an analogue of the H subunit of the bacterial reaction centre as well as a putative role of its phosphorylation is evaluated.

Reddy, K.R., Hodges, H.F. (ed.); Climate Change and Global Crop Productivity.

J. Čatský

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):8 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025857806820

Physiological Impacts of Elevated CO2 Concentration Ranging from Molecular to Whole Plant Responses

O. Urban

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):9-20 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025891825050

The dynamics of the terrestrial ecosystems depend on interactions between a number of biogeochemical cycles (i.e. carbon, nutrient, and hydrological cycles) that may be modified by human actions. Conversely, terrestrial ecosystems are important components of these cycles that create the sources and sinks of important greenhouse gases (e.g. carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide). Especially, carbon is exchanged naturally among these ecosystems and the atmosphere through photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition, and combustion processes. Continuous increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has led to extensive...

C4 Plants in the Vegetation of Tibet, China: Their Natural Occurrence and Altitude Distribution Pattern

R.Z. Wang

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):21-26 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025844009120

Floristic composition, life forms for C4 species, and the pattern of altitude distribution were studied on Tibetan Plateau. 79 species, in 7 families and 46 genera, were identified with C4 photosynthesis. 95 % of these C4 species belong to Gramineae (51 species), Cyperaceae (14 species), and Chenopodiaceae (10 species), indicating that C4 plants mainly occur in very few families (7 of 204) on the Tibetan Plateau. High altitude distribution for all the Chenopodiaceae C4 species (> 3 000 m above sea level) suggests that plants of this kind have large tolerance to cold,...

Combined Effect of Irradiance and Water Regime on Sorghum Photosynthesis

Qingzhang Xu, M.B. Kirkham

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):27-32 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025896025959

Grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. cvs. TX430 and KS82] was grown in a Haynie very fine sandy loam (coarse-silty, mixed, superactive, calcareous, mesic Mollic Udifluvents) under constant 47 % shade or full irradiance in a greenhouse under two watering regimes to see the combined and individual effects of low irradiance (LI) and low water (LW) on the sorghum genotypes. Under the high-irradiance (HI) and high-water (HW) treatment (control) and the LI-HW treatment, TX430 grew taller than KS82. Both LI and LW reduced several times the fresh and dry masses. Under the control conditions, TX430 reached its maximum net photosynthetic rate (PNmax)...

Characteristics of Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Membrane-Lipid Peroxidation During Senescence of Flag Leaf in Different Cultivars of Rice

Demao Jiao, Benhua Ji, Xia Li

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):33-41 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025848110029

With japonica rice 98-08, indica hybrids Shanyou 63, Gangyou 881, and X07S/Zihui 100, and sub-species hybrid Peiai 64S/9311 as materials, chlorophyll (Chl) content, Chl a fluorescence parameters, and membrane lipid peroxidation in flag leaf were measured at late developmental stages under natural conditions. Fv/Fm, qP, ΦPS2, and electron transport rate gradually decreased while qN increased conversely. Excessive photon energy led to the accumulation of active oxygen (O2-), H2O, malonyldialdehyde, and products of membrane lipid peroxidation,...

Murray, J.D.: Mathematical Biology. II: Spatial Models and Biomedical Applications. 3rd Ed.

L. Nátr

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):42 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025805822749

Natural Occurrence and Backwater Infection of C4 Plants in the Vegetation of the Yangtze Hydropower Three Gorges Project Region

R.Z. Wang

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):43-48 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025800226867

Natural occurrence of C4 species, life form, altitude pattern, and infection by the Three Gorges Project (TGP) were studied in the TGP region. 76 species (about 2.5 % of the total 2 685 vascular plant species in the region), in 6 families and 42 genera, were identified with C4 photosynthesis. 91 % of these C4 species belong to Monocotyledoneae, e.g. Cyperaceae (14 species), Gramineae (54 species), and Commelinaceae (1 species). Of these C4 species, Gramineae was the leading C4 family: 54 C4 grass species (71 % of the total C4 species), about 36...

Interaction of Cytokinins and Abscisic Acid During Regulation of Stomatal Opening in Bean Leaves

J. Pospíšilová

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):49-56 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025852210937

Effects of benzyladenine (BA) and abscisic acid (ABA) applied separately or simultaneously on parameters of gas exchange of Phaseolus vulgaris L. leaves were studied. In the first two experimental sets) 100 μM ABA and 10 μM BA were applied to plants sufficiently supplied with water. Spraying of leaves with ABA decreased stomatal conductance (gs) and in consequence transpiration rate (E) and net photosynthetic rate (PN) already 1 h after application, but 24 h after application the effect almost disappeared. 10 μM BA slightly decreased gas exchange parameters, but in simultaneous application...

Photoinhibition Characteristics of a Low Chlorophyll b Mutant of High Yield Rice

Xinbin Dai, Xiaoming Xu, Wei Lu, Tingyun Kuang

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):57-60 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025804327776

The low chlorophyll b mutant of high yield rice had a lower light-harvesting complex 2 content than the wild type. The stability of oxygen evolution side of photosystem 2 was only slightly lower. A lower photon absorption rate and a stronger xanthophyll cycle capacity of this mutant led to a higher endurance to strong irradiance and a lower photoinhibition as compared with the wild type rice.

Photosynthetic Characteristics of Two New Chlorophyll b-Less Rice Mutants

Zhi-Fang Lin, Chang-Lian Peng, Gui-Zhu Lin, Zhi-Ying Ou, Cheng-Wei Yang, Jing-Liu Zhang

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):61-67 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025856311846

Two yellow rice mutants VG28-1 and VG30-5 were obtained during the tissue culture process from a rice plant (cv. Zhonghua No.11 japonica) with inserted maize Ds transposon element. Absorption spectra and pigment composition showed that two mutants had no chlorophyll (Chl) b and lower Chl a content in comparison to the wild type (WT). Net photosynthetic rate (PN), total electron transport rate (JF), photochemical quenching (qp), quantum yield of PS2 dependent non-cyclic electron transport (ΦPS2), fraction of Prate, and leaf area were lower but Fv/Fm...

Hindák, F.: Fotografický atlas mikroskopických siníc. [Atlas of Freshwater Cyanophytes.]

J. Vána

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):68 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025897420932

Control Mechanisms of Photosynthetic Capacity Under Elevated CO2 Concentration: Evidence from Three Experiments with Norway Spruce Trees

O. Urban, R. Pokorný, J. Kalina, M.V. Marek

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):69-75 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025808428684

Twelve-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) were exposed to ambient (AC) or elevated (EC) [ambient + 350 μmol(CO2) mol-1] CO2 concentration [CO2] using the facilities of open-top-chambers (OTCs) and glass domes (GDs). A combination of gas exchange measurements and application of a biochemical model of photosynthesis were used for the evaluation of CO2 assimilation characteristics. Morphological change was assessed on the base of specific leaf area (SLA). Nitrogen (N) content in the assimilation apparatus was considered a main factor influencing the biochemical capacity. Three...

Kluwe, R.H., Lüer, G., Rösler F. (ed.): Principles of Learning and Memory.

Z. Šesták

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):76 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025845404094

Hindák, F.: Mikroskopické sinice a riasy. [Microscopic Cyanobacteria and Algae.]

Z. Šesták

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):76 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025886109538

Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Analysis in Response to Excitation Irradiance in Bean Plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) Submitted to High Temperature Stress

E.S. Costa, R. Bressan-Smith, J.G. Oliveira, E. Campostrini

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):77-82 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025860429593

Bean plants Phaseolus vulgaris L. (cv. Carioca and Negro Huasteco) and Vigna unguiculata L. Walp (cv. Epace-10) were grown in a growth chamber with a photosynthetic photon flux density of 200 μmol m-2 s-1 at leaf level and air temperature of 25+1 °C. Fully expanded, first pair leaves of 12-d-old plants were submitted for 90 min to high temperature (25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 48 °C). Chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters (ETR, qP, qN, and F0) were investigated using a modulated fluorimeter at 25 °C during recovery considered here as 48 h after stress induction period. An accentuated...

Diurnal and Seasonal Changes in Photosynthesis and Photosystem 2 Photochemical Efficiency in Prosopis juliflora Leaves Subjected to Natural Environmental Stress

P.A. Shirke, U.V. Pathre

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):83-89 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025864513663

The plants of Prosopis juliflora growing in northern India are exposed to large variations of temperature, vapour pressure deficits (VPD), and photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) throughout the year. Under these conditions P. juliflora had two short periods of leaf production, one after the winter season and second after summer, which resulted in two distinct even aged cohorts of leaves. In winter with cold nights (2-8 °C) and moderate temperatures during the day, the plants showed high rates of photosynthesis. In summer the midday temperatures often reached <45 °C and plants showed severe inhibition of photosynthesis. The leaves...

Björn, L.O. (ed.): Photobiology. The Science of Light and Life.

Z. Šesták

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):90 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025849505002

Comparison of Aerial and Submerged Leaves in Two Amphibious Species, Myosotis scorpioides and Ranunculus trichophyllus

M. Germ, A. Gaberščik

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):91-96 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025816614572

Both amphibious species, Myosotis scorpioides and Ranunculus trichophyllus, thrive in a stressful environment (alternated flooding and drying), which is variable regarding water and radiation regimes. Plants from the field and plants grown under controlled water table maintained at 40 cm were analysed for content of chlorophyll (Chl) and UV-B screening compounds, and the efficiencies of PS2 and electron transport systems. We detected no significant differences in contents of Chl and UV-B screening compounds between submerged and aerial leaves. The measurements of respiratory potential and photochemical efficiency revealed the presence...

Composition and Characteristic Differences in Photosynthetic Membranes of Two Ecotypes of Reed (Phragmites communis L.) from Different Habitats

X.Y. Zhu, S.M. Wang, C.L. Zhang

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):97-104 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025820731410

As compared with the swamp reed (SR) ecotype of Phragmites communis growing in the desert region of northwest China, plants of the dune reed (DR) ecotype from the same region possessed lower chlorophyll (Chl) content in leaves, and less thylakoids and grana stacks in chloroplasts. Tube gel electrophoresis without stain showed that the contents of Chl-protein (Pro) components related to photosystem 2 (PS2) were markedly lower in the DR thylakoid membranes than in the SR thylakoid membranes, while the contents of Chl-Pro components associated with PS1 were almost the same in both types. SDS-PAGE analysis indicated that the content of polypeptides...

Gas Exchange, Leaf Structure, and Hydraulic Features in Relation to Sex, Shoot Form, and Leaf Form in An Evergreen Shrub Sabina vulgaris in the Semi-Arid Mu Us Sandland in China

W. M. He, X. S. Zhang, M. Dong

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):105-109 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025872815480

We examined differences in net photosynthetic rate (PN), transpiration rate (E), water use efficiency (WUE), ratio of substomatal to atmospheric CO2 concentration (Ci/Ca), cuticle thickness (CT), epidermis cell size (ECS), mesophyll cell size (MCS), vascular bundle size (VBS), tissue density (TD), and coefficient of water loss (k) in Sabina vulgaris as related to sex, shoot form, and leaf form. PN, E, WUE, Ci/Ca, MCS, VBS, and k varied with sex, whereas CT, ECS, and TD did not. These differences in...

Lobban, C.S., Harrison, P.J.: Seaweed Ecology and Physiology.

J. Květ

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):110 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025853705911

Comparison of Photosynthetic Traits Between Two Typical Shrubs: Legume and Non-Legume in Hunshandak Sandland

S.L. Niu, G.M. Jiang, Y.G. Li, L.M. Gao, M.Z. Liu, Y. Peng, L. Ding

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):111-116 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025824916389

In Huanshandak Sandland, China, net photosynthetic rate (PN), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (gs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), water use efficiency (WUE), photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2 (Fv/Fm), and leaf nitrogen content were compared for Hedysarum fruticosum var. mongolicum (H.f.m.), a nitrogen fixing shrub, and Salix gordejevii (S.g.), a nitrogen non-fixing shrub. PN, E, and gs of the two shrubs were similar in trends, i.e. two peaks were...

Changes in Chloroplast Ultrastructure in Pssu-ipt Tobacco During Plant Ontogeny

H. Synková, R. Pechová, R. Valcke

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):117-126 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025829017298

Changes in chloroplast ultrastructure and total content of endogenous cytokinins (CK) were studied during different phases of plant development in transgenic Pssu-ipt tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Petit Havana SR1). Permanent overproduction of CK was found in both rooted (SE) and grafted (G) Pssu-ipt plants in all phases of plant development with the peak in vegetative and flowering phase in the latter ones. No such a correlation was observed in SE on the contrary to control non-transgenic plants (SR1) and grafts (SRG), which showed also CK increase at juvenile and flowering phases. No significant differences in parameters...

The Ultrastructure of Chloroplasts, Content of Photosynthetic Pigments, and Photochemical Activity of Maize (Zea mays L.) as Influenced by Different Concentrations of the Herbicide Amitrole

R. Pechová, J. Kutík, D. Holá, M. Kočová, D. Haisel, A. Vičánková

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):127-136 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025841313902

The effect of three different concentrations of amitrole (AM), a bleaching herbicide affecting carotenogenesis, on chloroplast ultrastructure, photosynthetic pigment contents, and photochemical activity was studied in two maize genotypes differing in photosynthetic characteristics. The content of photosynthetic pigments in leaves of plants treated with low (20 μM) AM concentration was similar to control plants and no damaging effect of the herbicide on the ultrastructure of either mesophyll (MC) or bundle-sheath (BSC) cell chloroplasts was observed. Higher (60 and 120 μM) concentrations of AM caused a significant decrease in the content of carotenoids...

Expression of vde Gene Integrated Into Tobacco Genome in Antisense and Overexpressed Ways

Ying Deng, Rong-Cheng Lin, Yu-Xiang Jing, Qiang Wang, Liang-Bi Li, Bo-Lin Liu, Ting-Yun Kuang

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):137-141 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025833118206

Violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE) is localised in the thylakoid lumen of chloroplasts and catalyses de-epoxidation of violaxanthin into antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin. Tobacco vde gene was inserted into a binary vector pCAMBIA1301 with the hygromycin resistant gene for selection in antisense and overexpressed ways. Two constructs with antisense and overexpressed vde gene were introduced in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404, PCR and Southern blot analyses demonstrated that the exogenous gene was integrated into genome of tobacco plants. VDE activity assay and HPLC analysis of pigments...

Zamski, E., Schaffer, A.A. (ed.): Photoassimilate Distribution in Plants and Crops. Source-Sink Relationships.

J. Šantrůček

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):142 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025809923658

Photosynthetic Pathway and Morphological Functional Types in the Steppe Vegetation from Inner Mongolia, North China

R.Z. Wang

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):143-150 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025837202277

Photosynthetic pathway (C3, C4, and CAM) and morphological functional types were identified for the forage species from steppe vegetation in Inner Mongolia, China, using the data from both field survey and references. Of the total 136 identified vascular species, in 29 families and 89 genera, 78 % were found with C3 photosynthesis, including dominant herbs, e.g. Stipa grandis P. Smirn., S. krylovii Roshev., and Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. These C3 species covered about 90 % of the total herbage production in the steppe. 20 % were found with C4 photosynthesis and 2 % with...

Photoinhibition and Active Oxygen Species Production in Detached Apple Leaves During Dehydration

H.S. Jia, Y.Q. Han, D.Q. Li

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):151-156 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025889219115

In the course of dehydration, the gas exchange and chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence were measured under irradiance of 800 μmol m-2 s-1 in detached apple leaves, and the production of active oxygen species (AOS), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), superoxide (O2-), hydroxyl radical (-OH), and singlet oxygen (1O2), were determined. Leaf net photosynthetic rate (PN) was limited by stomatal and non-stomatal factors at slight (2-3 h dehydration) and moderate (4-5 h dehydration) water deficiency, respectively. Photoinhibition occurred after 3-h dehydration,...

Grain Yield in Pearl Millet in Relation to Source Size and Proximity to Sink

A.K. Joshi, J.N. Pandya, K.V. Buhecha, H.R. Dave, K.V. Pethani, C.J. Dangaria

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):157-159 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025841320024

Two pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. emend. Stuntz] hybrids GHB-30 and MH-179 were given defoliation treatments prior to anthesis comprising zero leaf to intact control. Keeping or removing even flag leaf only significantly altered the grain yield. With increasing leaf area (leaf numbers) the grain yield also significantly increased. Test mass showed more or less a similar trend. The leaves in the upper portion (nearer to sink) showed a greater contribution to the grain yield than the lower ones (away from sink). However, the highest leaf efficiency in terms of contribution per unit leaf area and the contribution by the whole...

Laimer, M., Rücker, W. (ed.): Plant Tissue Culture. 100 Years Since Gottlieb Haberlandt.

Z. Vondráková

Photosynthetica 2003, 41(1):160 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1025801621841