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Ústav dějin umění Akademie věd ČR, v. v. i.

Musicological Bibliography

Musicology Bibliographic Database

The Musicological library of the IAH creates and manages the Database of Czech musicological literature. It includes works of the Czech researchers published in the Czech Republic and abroad as well as works of foreign researchers who work in Czech Republic or whose publications relate to the Czech music. It includes monographies, music editions, proceedings, articles in specialized journals, selected reviews and other scholarly outputs. The database currently contains over 23,000 records and it constantly grows up.
Individual entries include brief resumes in both Czech and English, allowing international researchers to use the database.

Supported by the Digital humanities program (Strategy AV 21) since 2015, a retroconversion of annual bibliographic reviews of Czech musicological production since 1970 has been underway, originally published in the journal Hudební věda and other previously created bibliographies.

The Musicology Bibliographic Databases is a part of the Library Catalogue of the CAS and is among the specialized bibliographies registered by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Information about articles are forwarded to the Database of Czech Articles (ANL) through the Library of the CAS.

Entry to the Musicology Bibliographic Databases.