
2018 "Spektroelektrochemie nových diimin-karbonylových komplexů manganu a jejich aktivita v elektrokatalytické redukci oxidu uhličitého"
v pátek 20. dubna v 10:30 hod v zasedací místnosti 108.
2018 « Thermalisation in water nanodroplets » and « Differential ion mobility separation and infrared identification of isomers of amino acids »
Tuesday, April 17th, 14:00, in room Nr. 11
Dr. Francis Berthias, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France
2018 "Elektrochemicky řízené periodické rozvinování uhlíkové nanorole"
pátek 6. dubna v 10:30 hod v zasedací místnosti 108
2018 "Tajemné nulmocné železo"
pátek 16. března v 10:30 hod v zasedací místnosti 108
2018 Pevné a pastové amalgámové elektrody - 20 let vývoje a zkoumání
pátek 2. března v 10:30 hod v zasedací místnosti 108.
2018 Laser Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Spectroscopy of Molecules and Supramolecular Complexes
Wednesday February 28, at 1 p.m. in room no. 108
Francisco Gamez Marquez
2018 Low energy electron induced decomposition of bimetallic FEBID precursors (FEBID = Focused Electron Beam Induced Deposition)
25.1.2018 at 13:00 in room 108
Dr. Ragesh Kumar (the University of Iceland, Reykjavik)
2018 Time-resolved molecular chirality in the gas phase
8.1.2018 at 13:00 in room 108
Vít Svoboda (Laboratorium für Physikalische Chemie, ETH, Zürich Switzerland)
2017 EU funding of research beyond GAČR and TAČR. The past and the future perspectives
December 11th 2017, at 10:30 am, R. Brdička lecture hall
2017 From Probing to Transforming: Chemistry and X-rays in Liquid Phase
November 30, 2017 at 10:00 in R. Brdička lecture hall
Petr Slavíček (Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Chemistry and Technology)
2017 The reaction of RO2 radicals with OH radicals and its impact in remote environments
November 27, 2017, at 14:00 in room 108.
Christa Fittschen (PhysicoChimie des Processus de Combustion et de l'Atmopshère CNRS - Université Lille 1, France)
2017 Reactive ion-surface interactions: Deuterium impacts Beryllium
November 20, 2017, in room 108, at 14:00.
Lorenz Ballauf (Institut für Ionenphysik und Angewandte Physik, University of Innnsbruck, Austria)
2017 Seminář Moderní AFM-Raman techniky v současné vědě
středa 8.11.2017, 8:15-16:30, přednáškový sál v budově ÚFCH JH.
Organizátor za ÚFCH JH : Mgr. Otakar Frank, Ph.D.
2017 Two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy and its applications for the study of photosynthesis
November 6th, 2017, at 13:00 in the seminar room 108.
Jakub Pšenčík (MFF UK Praha)
2017 Spectroscopic Snapshots of the Proton Transfer Mechanism in Water
2.10. 2017 at 14:00 in room 108
Prof. Knut Asmis (Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Universität Leipzig)
2017 Electronic structure of gold clusters in the relativistc two-component methods
20.9.2017 at 10:00 in room 108.
Maria Barysz (Nicolas Copernicus University, Department of Quantum Chemistry, Toruň, Poland)
2017 Definované TiO2 vrstvy, nanášené elektroforetickou depozicí, a širší souvislosti
12.9.2017 od 14 hodin v místnosti 108
2017 The German Research Ombudsman: An Instrument Dealing with Scientific Misconduct
29 August 2017, at 11:00 in R. Brdička lecture hall
prof. Joachim Heberle (Freie Universität Berlin)
2017 Heavy elements? calculations at the edge of accuracy: from high-precision spectroscopy to tests of fundamental physics
23.8.2017 at 14:00 in room 108
Ephraim Eliav ( PhD School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, Israel)
2017 Nanoscience with molecular nanostructures
9.8.2017 at 10:00 in room 108
2017 Modeling of Nanoparticles Self-assembly into Functional Superstructures
30.6. 1017 at 10:30 in room 108
Prof. Petr Král (University of Illinois at Chicago)
2017 Axonal failure in Alzheimer's disease and Traumatic Brain Injury
20.6.2017 at 10:00 in room 108
Dr. G. Stokin (director of ICRC FNUSA Brno)
2017 Redox behaviour of metal-β-diketonato complexes containing one or more redox active centres
16.6.2017 v sále Rudolfa Brdičky ÚFCH JH, od 10:30
Prof. Jeanet Conradie (Department of Chemistry, University of the Free State, South Africa)
2017 Domain-based Local Pair-Natural Orbital Coupled-Cluster Theory for Open-Shell Species
15.6.2017 at 13:00 in room 108
Masaaki Saitow (Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Energiekonversion, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany)
2017 Silicon as a mechanical material
5.6.2017 at 10:30 in room 108
Dr. Frank W. DelRio (Material Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO, USA)