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  •  27 September 2021
Open access

Identifying and Characterizing Subsurface Tropical Instability Waves in the Atlantic Ocean in Simulations and Observations

  •  14 September 2021

Key Points

  • Subsurface tropical instability waves (subTIWs) are identified in simulations and observations in the tropical Atlantic Ocean for the first time

  • SubTIWs are generated by baroclinic and barotropic conversion both north and south of the Equator

  • Despite similar characteristics, surface and subsurface TIWs are distinct waves which both impact thermocline dynamics

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The Influence of Preexisting Stratification and Tropical Rain Modes on the Mixed Layer Salinity Response to Rainfall

  •  14 September 2021

Key Points

  • The salinity structure following rain in the tropics depends on the patterns of rainfall and preexisting stratification

  • Preexisting stratification slows downward mixing and lengthens the duration that surface salinity anomalies persist following rain

  • The timing of stratiform rain, relative to convective rain, influences the timing and depth of observed salinity anomalies

Open access

Hydrate Formation on Marine Seep Bubbles and the Implications for Water Column Methane Dissolution

  •  1 September 2021

Key Points

  • In deepwater marine environments, some methane bubbles emerging from the seafloor acquire gas hydrate shells before they release

  • Gas hydrate shells form when bubble release rates from seeps within the hydrate stability zone are slower than ∼10 s per bubble

  • Within 1.5 m of rise, most bubbles grow shells, with initially shelled bubbles having ∼5% more gas than initially clean bubbles

Open access

Swell Generation Under Extra‐Tropical Storms

  •  28 August 2021

Key Points

  • Wave generation by a moving extra-tropical storm is described using a Gaussian wind field and a parametric model of wave development

  • A new developed machine-learning algorithm triangulates the space-time evolving source point of swell systems from buoy measurements

  • This model describes the distance between swell source and the storm's maximum wind speed and reveals sensitivities to storm's parameters

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Turbulence Properties of a Deep‐Sea Hydrothermal Plume in a Time‐Variable Cross‐Flow: Field and Model Comparisons for Dante in the Main Endeavour Field

  •  27 August 2021

Key Points

  • Shear production of turbulent kinetic energy is balanced by dissipation

  • For thermal variance, the vertical transport and its flux divergence balance the dissipation

  • Hydrothermal discharge at the Dante sulfide mound modeled with a heat transport of 50 MW over a 4 × 4.5 m2 area is comparable to observations

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Issue Information

  •  26 August 2021
Open access

Wind‐Driven Variability in the Spitsbergen Polar Current and the Svalbard Branch Across the Yermak Plateau

  •  26 August 2021

Key Points

  • Bottom geostrophic velocity anomaly in the Spitsbergen Polar Current and the Svalbard Branch is calculated from ocean bottom pressure and CTD measurements

  • Significant correlation is found between the wind stress curl over the northeastern Fram Strait and volume transport anomaly across the Yermak Plateau

  • More frequent winter-cyclones will increase the volume transport variability and pulses of warm water to the shelf areas north of Svalbard

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Dissolved Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn in the Arctic Ocean

  •  26 August 2021

Key Points

  • The transpolar drift is one of the major transport mechanisms of silicate, dissolved Cu, Fe, Mn, and Ni into and through the Arctic Ocean

  • In the Makarov Basin, Pacific waters are a source of dissolved cadmium, copper, manganese and nickel, but not of iron

  • The longer residence time of waters in the Makarov basin result in a decrease of dissolved metal concentrations

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Changes in Under‐Ice Primary Production in the Chukchi Sea From 1988 to 2018

  •  26 August 2021

Key Points

  • The northern Chukchi Sea has been amenable to under-ice bloom formation since at least 1988

  • Under-ice blooms account for nearly half of total net primary production in the northern Chukchi Sea between 1988 and 2018

  • Variation in under-ice net primary production (NPP) was the most important driver in interannual changes in total annual NPP

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The cause of an extremely low salinity anomaly in the Bay of Bengal during 2012 spring

  •  30 September 2021

Key points

  • An extremely low salinity anomaly was observed in the Bay of Bengal from various in situ and satellite observations in the spring of 2012

  • Reversing circulation anomalies caused by a rare co-occurrence of positive Indian Ocean Dipole and La Niña in 2011 explain the extreme event

  • The key process was the modulation of the seasonal monsoon by interannual processes, specifically the rare combination event 2011

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A SQG‐based Dynamical‐Statistical Framework to Retrieve Interior T/S from Ocean Surface

  •  29 September 2021

Key Points

  • The LS-mEOFs algorithm is proposed to retrieve T/S fields from density

  • The combination of LS-mEOFs and SQG-based reconstructions proves to be a robust T/S reconstruction framework

  • The proposed dynamical-statistical framework outperforms conventional algorithms in retrieving subsurface-intensified eddie

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High and variable drag in a sinuous estuary with intermittent stratification

  •  29 September 2021

Key Points

  • The drag in a sinuous estuary is greater than expected from bottom friction alone, and it varies at tidal and seasonal time scales

  • Form drag due to flow separation at sharp bends can explain the high drag and its tidal asymmetry

  • Overbank flow and stratification may inhibit flow separation and decrease the associated form drag

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Ocean temperature and color frontal zones in the Gulf of Mexico: Where, when, and why

  •  29 September 2021

Key Points

  • Ocean frontal zones in the Gulf of Mexico between 2002 and 2019 are determined from MODIS temperature and ocean color data

  • Major frontal zones are mostly found in nearshore waters within the 130-m isobath rather than in offshore waters

  • Both SST and CI frontal gradient magnitudes (FGMs) show strong seasonality while their seasonality differ

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Interannual variability of the Latitude of Separation of the Brazil Current: Teleconnections and Oceanic Rossby Waves Propagation

  •  29 September 2021

Key Points

  • The interannual variability of the latitude of separation of the Brazil Current is modulated at three distinctive periodicities: 2, 4 and 10 years

  • Interannual modulations are associated to Rossby Waves in the Atlantic basin

  • Rossby waves are excited by leading climate modes of variability characteristic of each ocean basin

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Influence of riverine discharge and timing of ice retreat on particle sedimentation patterns on the Laptev Sea shelf.

  •  28 September 2021

Key Points

  • New insights on the impact of riverine discharge and time of ice retreat on vertical particle fluxes in the Laptev Sea is presented

  • The effect of the river discharge was manifested by the increase of the total particle flux dominated by the lithogenic component

  • The timing of ice retreat is crucial in determining the patterns of vertical export with higher fluxes observed soon after ice break up

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Impacts of Diverse El Niño Events on North Tropical Atlantic Warming in their Decaying Springs

  •  28 September 2021

Key Points

  • Diverse El Niño events produce different impacts on the North Tropical Atlantic (NTA) sea surface temperature (SST) in the decaying springs

  • The NTA warms in EP and CP-II El Niño events but fails to warm as expected in CP-I El Niño events

  • The distinct responses of the NTA to diverse El Niño events are attributed to the different patterns of SSTs in the tropical Pacific

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A seasonal harmonic model for internal tide amplitude prediction

  •  28 September 2021

Key Points

  • An empirical model using seasonal harmonics is developed to characterise internal tide variability

  • Seasonal variations in standing internal tides generated from multiple sources lead to temporal modulations of individual harmonics

  • Internal tide predictability at a site is dependent on standing wave node locations

Open access

Quantifying importance of macrobenthos for benthic‐pelagic coupling in a temperate coastal shelf sea

  •  27 September 2021

Key Points

  • A novel 3D numerical model resolves interactions among macrobenthos, bioturbation, oxygen consumption and carbon early diagenesis

  • The role of bioturbation in benthic oxygen consumption is twofold and dependent on sediment properties and hydrodynamics

  • Bioturbation-induced oxygen transport contributes to more than half of the total benthic oxygen fluxes in the German Bight

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Long‐Term Observations of Shoaling Internal Solitary Waves in the Northern South China Sea

  •  27 September 2021

Key Points

  • Current speed, amplitude, and propagation speed of internal solitary waves were greater in summer than winter, modulated by stratification

  • Nearly 25% of internal solitary waves on the upper continental slope in the South China sea evolved to a state of convective instability

  • Convectively breaking internal solitary waves were observed to maintain a state of marginal instability

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EN4: Quality controlled ocean temperature and salinity profiles and monthly objective analyses with uncertainty estimates

Key Points

  • EN4 dataset of quality-controlled temperature and salinity profiles is described
  • Dataset covers 1900 to present and includes monthly objective analyses
  • A novel method is presented to estimate uncertainty in the objective analyses

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Observation of rogue wave holes in a water wave tank

Key Points

  • Experimental generation of rogue wave holes
  • Rogue waves holes within the framework of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation
  • Rogue wave holes modeled by the Peregrine soliton

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A Global Perspective on Microplastics

Key Points

  • The sources, behavior, fate, and effects of microplastics are inexplicably tied to those of their plastic product and macrodebris precursors, as well as the nanoplastics into which they fragment
  • Microplastic sampling and characterization methods are evolving, but their inadequacies still hamper efforts to evaluate the true extent of their presence and consequences in the built and natural environments
  • Microplastics are a global/multimedia phenomenon; hence, they cannot be adequately understood, or related concerns resolved, in the context of the marine environment alone or a single discipline

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Seasonal and interannual variability of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Fresh Pool

Key Points

  • Satellite SSS in synergy with complementary EO data allows studying the seasonal and interannual dynamics of the Eastern Pacific Fresh Pool
  • Fresh pool zonal displacements and links between surface and subsurface processes respond to freshwater fluxes, wind stress, and currents
  • Fresh pool interannual variability is related to ENSO phases, a maximal extension was reached in 2015 coinciding with a strong El Nino event

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Enhanced sea‐air CO2 exchange influenced by a tropical depression in the South China Sea

Key Points

  • Surface water diluted by heavy rain had low pCO2,sw
  • Passage of a tropical depression led to high pCO2,sw by eddy-driven uplifting
  • The depression turned local water from a carbon sink to a source temporarily

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Understanding Arctic Ocean Circulation: A Review of Ocean Dynamics in a Changing Climate

Key Points

  • Major features of Arctic Ocean circulation are reviewed and interpreted theoretically
  • Fundamental ocean dynamics are set in the context of a changing Arctic climate
  • We describe how Arctic dynamics might change in the future

Plain Language Summary

The Arctic region is experiencing the most rapid environmental changes on Earth, with unparalleled air temperature increases, a warming ocean, and melting permafrost, snow, and ice. The ocean is a central control via Arctic Ocean warming, freshening, and circulation dynamics that link to the sea ice, atmosphere, and terrestrial environment. Given the rapid pace of Arctic change, it is vital to take stock of present understanding of the ocean circulation to address knowledge gaps and make viable future predictions. Present understanding of the principal geophysical fluid dynamics of Arctic Ocean circulation is synthesized here, and we speculate on how the dynamics of the ocean-ice-atmosphere system might change in a warming Arctic.

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Role of Baroclinic Processes on Flushing Characteristics in a Highly Stratified Estuarine System, Mobile Bay, Alabama

Key Points

  • Baroclinic processes, particularly the density-driven circulation, are important in the flushing of the stratified estuary
  • Without the baroclinic processes, the flushing time can be overestimated by onefold under low to moderate river discharge conditions
  • This is the first study to summarize the full three-dimensional general circulation in Mobile Bay, whose pattern is primarily regulated by river discharge and modulated by wind forcing

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