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  •  27 September 2021
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Distribution and Mobility of Platinum‐Group Elements in the Late Cretaceous Ni‐Laterite in the Northern Oman Mountains

  •  21 September 2021

Key Points

  • Platinum-group elements (PGE) can be mobilized in different proportions in the surficial environment

  • PGE might be hosted as nanoparticle within the oxy-hydroxides minerals or as a residual accumulation of chromite in the oxide/clay-rich zone

  • The high content of PGE can be considered as a by-products resource if adequate extraction processes applied for possible future Ni mining

Open access

How do Laboratory Friction Parameters Compare With Observed Fault Slip and Geodetically Derived Friction Parameters? Insights From the Longitudinal Valley Fault, Taiwan

  •  21 September 2021

Key Points

  • Laboratory-determined frictional parameters are compared with those obtained geodetically and with observed fault slip behavior

  • Derived friction parameters correspond well with each other and are distinctive for creeping and partially locked sections of the fault

  • Upscaling of laboratory measurements of fault frictional properties reflects the large-scale slip behavior of faults well

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Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Relocated Deep Low‐Frequency Earthquakes Beneath 52 Volcanic Regions in Japan Over an Analysis Period of 14 Years and 9 Months

  •  20 September 2021

Key Points

  • Deep low-frequency earthquakes beneath many volcanoes in Japan are clustered

  • The temporal activity patterns of the earthquakes are classified into episodic type associated with seismic swarms and non-episodic type

  • Spatiotemporal characteristics of deep low-frequency earthquakes may be interpreted by magmatic fluid movement

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Quantifying Contributions of Magnetic Inclusions Within Silicates to Marine Sediments: A Dissolution Approach to Isolating Volcanic Signals for Improved Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction

  •  20 September 2021

Key Points

  • Dissolution behavior of unprotected magnetic particles follows the sequence from superparamagnetic particles, finer grains, and to coarser grains

  • Magnetic inclusions within silicates are characterized of broad coercivity distribution of 10–300 mT

  • Magnetic residues after dissolution contain dominantly volcanic components in marine environment

Open access

Repeating Nontectonic Seasonal Stress Changes and a Possible Triggering Mechanism of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence in California

  •  18 September 2021

Key Points

  • Our horizontal cGPS analysis for the last 13 years shows seasonal nontectonic strain anomalies in regions surrounding Ridgecrest, CA

  • The associated Coulomb stress changes peak every early summer including June 2019, during the month prior to the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes

  • More earthquakes have occurred in the Ridgecrest region when the stress changes favor the failure of right-lateral faults

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The Finicky Nature of Earthquake Shaking‐Triggered Submarine Sediment Slope Failures and Sediment Gravity Flows

  •  17 September 2021

Key Points

  • New processing approaches reduce water column temperature and pressure influence, producing coherent, but propagating signatures

  • Generation and detection of slope failures and sediment gravity flows require satisfying multiple physical and observational criteria

  • No evidence of these phenomena within the Nankai Dense Oceanfloor Network system for Earthquakes and Tsunamis array despite plausible triggering shaking, environment, and history

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From Interseismic Deformation With Near‐Repeating Earthquakes to Co‐Seismic Rupture: A Unified View of the 2020 Mw6.8 Sivrice (Elazığ) Eastern Turkey Earthquake

  •  16 September 2021

Key Points

  • 2020 earthquake partially ruptured a segment with heterogeneous coupling and high rate of seismicity without any surface slip

  • The asperities were loaded by interseismically creeping sections. Near-repeater clusters are detected below the 2020 rupture zone

  • The duration and complexity of the source time function reflects the complexity of the rupture process

Open access

Scale Dependence of Earthquake Rupture Prestress in Models With Enhanced Weakening: Implications for Event Statistics and Inferences of Fault Stress

  •  16 September 2021

Key Points

  • Local shear prestress varies significantly within and among ruptures, being close to the quasi-static fault strength in nucleation regions

  • Efficient weakening allows rupture propagation over areas of lower prestress, leading to lower average prestress over larger rupture areas

  • Fault models with more efficient dynamic weakening produce fewer smaller events and result in systematically lower b-values

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Deciphering Fine Electrical Conductivity Structures in the Crust From MT Data Using the Equivalent Conductivity Formula

  •  16 September 2021

Key Points

  • Reformulate the formula to calculate the equivalent resistivity of 3-D laminated structure with anisotropy

  • The formula can be applicable to refine the interpretation of smooth resistivity derived from MT data

  • Determine the lamellae in the lower crust of Basin and Range Province to be trapped mafic melt with high melt fraction

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The stress‐memory effect of fracture stiffness during cyclic loading in low‐permeability sandstone

  •  30 September 2021

Key Points

  • Cyclic loading experiments with fractured sandstone to investigate the evolution of fracture closure, permeability and specific stiffness

  • Demonstration of a stress-memory effect of fracture stiffness during progressive loading, similar to the "Kaiser Effect" in intact rocks

  • Progressive cyclic loading possibly leads to less permeability reduction compared to continuous cyclic loading

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Inflation and Asymmetric Collapse at Kīlauea Summit during the 2018 Eruption from Seismic and Infrasound Analyses

  •  30 September 2021

Key Points

  • We characterized the large seismic events at the Kīlauea summit using particle motion, infrasound, and seismic moment tensor inversion

  • Near-field seismic observation is essential to resolve the isotropic contribution due to inflation of the Halema’uma’u reservoir

  • Two independent moment tensor inversions show that the caldera collapsed asymmetrically along the northwest corner

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Estimation of seismic moment tensors using variational inference machine learning

  •  30 September 2021

Key Points

  • Ensemble of moment tensors of earthquakes are determined with Bayesian Neural Networks trained on synthetic waveforms

  • Uncertainties in centroid location and time as well as uncertainties in Earth's structure are considered by variational inference

  • Application to a subset of the 2019 Ridgecrest sequence and comparison to independent moment-tensor estimates shows robust performance

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A theory of inter‐granular transient dislocation creep: Implications for the geophysical studies on mantle rheology

  •  30 September 2021

Key Points

  • Plastic deformation at small and large strain is controlled by different rheological properties

  • The threshold strain between transient and steady-state deformation in on the order of elastic strain

  • The strength contrast between two regimes is determined by the plastic anisotropy of minerals

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Orogen‐parallel migration of exhumation in the eastern Aar Massif revealed by low‐T thermochronometry

  •  29 September 2021

Key Points

  • Inversion of thermochronometry data reveals significant diachrony in the timing of exhumation along the strike of the Aar Massif

  • Timing and pattern of exhumation are in good agreement with independent kinematic and age constraints from exposed shear zones

  • Neogene exhumation was mainly controlled by thick-skinned compressional tectonics and efficient erosion of overlying sedimentary units

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Rift Focussing and Magmatism During Late‐Stage Rifting in Afar

  •  29 September 2021

Key Points

  • From Sentinel-1 InSAR and GNSS observations, we resolve 3D average surface velocities from 2014-19 across the whole Afar rift zone

  • Extension is tightly focused around magmatic segments in northern Afar, but is distributed over 80-160 km in central and southern Afar

  • We observe current surface deformation at the Dallol, Erta'Ale, Nabro and Dabbahu-Manda-Hararo volcanic centres demonstrating their activity

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Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Southeastern United States from Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave Dispersion

  •  29 September 2021

Key Points

  • Crustal and mantle structure for the top 180 km beneath southeastern U.S. was imaged using receiver functions and Rayleigh wave dispersion

  • Results support lower crustal delamination/relamination in the Carolina Terrane and Inner Piedmont of the southern Appalachian Mountains

  • High crustal Vp/Vs values observed in the Grenville Province suggest mafic intrusion associated with the Proterozoic Midcontinent rift

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Defining the Coseismic Phase of the Crustal Deformation Cycle with Seismogeodesy

  •  29 September 2021

Key Points

  • Earthquake’s coseismic phase time windows can significantly vary depending on the observer’s location

  • High-rate GNSS displacements together with seismic instruments reveal the onset of early postseismic deformation in various tectonic environments

  • GNSS-derived static offsets based on daily positioning can bias magnitude estimates and fault slip models by conflating coseismic and postseismic deformation

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Magnetic and Gravity Surface Geometry Inverse Modelling of the TAG Active Mound

  •  29 September 2021

Key Points

  • Seafloor massive sulfide deposits can be modelled in 3D by inverting seafloor magnetic and gravity data

  • Geophysical inverse modelling enhances 3D deposit models, improving models derived from sparse drilling

  • An updated massive sulfide tonnage estimate of 2.17 Mt was determined for the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse active mound

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The development and evaluation of the Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008)

Key Points

  • Document the development of first ever gravity model to degree 2190
  • Demonstrate EGM2008's performance
  • Compare EGM2008 with other models

Open access

ITRF2014: A new release of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame modeling nonlinear station motions

Key Points

  • ITRF2014 benefits from accurate modeling of station annual and semiannual displacements
  • ITRF2014 benefits from accurate modeling of postseismic deformations for sites affected by major earthquakes
  • Leading to the determination of accurate and robust secular frame and site velocities

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Open access

Dynamic weakening of serpentinite gouges and bare surfaces at seismic slip rates

Key Points

  • Gouge friction approaches that of bare surfaces at high normal stress
  • Dehydration reactions and bulk melting in serpentinite in < 1 m of slip
  • Flash heating causes dynamic frictional weakening in gouge and bare surfaces

Open access

Mapping Deep Electrical Conductivity Structure in the Mount Isa region, Northern Australia: Implications for Mineral Prospectivity

Key Points

  • Magnetotelluric data reveal crustal architecture of the eastern margin of the Proterozoic Mount Isa Province
  • Magnetotelluric models demonstrate spatial correlation between the crustal-scale Carpentaria conductivity anomaly and the Gidyea Suture zone
  • Crustal-penetrating structures act as potential pathways for transporting metalliferous fluids to form mineral deposits in the upper crust

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Three‐Dimensional Crustal Architecture Beneath the Sikkim Himalaya and Its Relationship to Active Deformation

Key Points

  • Importance of the 3-D deformation of the crust in the continent-continent collision regime is highlighted
  • Clear observation of the ramp-flat-ramp geometry of the MHT has been made as well that of the regional scale heterogeneity within the crust
  • The Role of transverse tectonics in shaping the observed structure in the Sikkim Himalaya is proposed

Plain Language Summary

Sikkim is an Indian state between Nepal and Bhutan. The style of convergence between India and Eurasia changes from head-on collision (Nepal Himalaya) to oblique convergence (Eastern Himalaya) across this region (Sikkim Himalaya). We study the crustal structure of this region using broadband seismological data recorded by a local network of stations. The Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT) separates the downgoing Indian Plate from the overriding Himalayan wedge. The MHT and the other major discontinuities within the crust, viz., the Moho and the midcrustal discontinuity are seen to dip northward. But all of these discontinuities also have higher-order lateral variations. The MHT has a ramp-flat-ramp geometry with two ramps in the Lesser Himalaya and the Tethyan Himalaya, respectively. The ramp in the Lesser Himalaya is like a dome and upwarps the overlying thrust faults. The thickness and average shear wave velocity of underthrusting Indian crust is very similar to that of the Peninsular Indian crust. The Moho also has dome-like structure separated by elongated, deeper sections trending NW-SE. We conjecture that these alternate shallow and deep segments of the Moho are a consequence of several cycles of strike-slip displacements on transverse faults known to be active here.

Open access

Philippine Sea and East Asian plate tectonics since 52 Ma constrained by new subducted slab reconstruction methods

Key Points

  • Twenty-eight East Asia subducted slabs mapped from tomography and unfolded to constrain plate reconstructions
  • Slab evidence for a subducted 8000 × 2500 km “East Asian Sea” that existed between the Pacific and Indian Oceans in the early Cenozoic
  • Miocene arc-arc collision between the northern Philippine Sea plate and the Ryukyu-SW Japan Eurasian margin ~15–20 Ma

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The development and evaluation of the Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008)

Key Points

  • Document the development of first ever gravity model to degree 2190
  • Demonstrate EGM2008's performance
  • Compare EGM2008 with other models

Open access

ITRF2014: A new release of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame modeling nonlinear station motions

Key Points

  • ITRF2014 benefits from accurate modeling of station annual and semiannual displacements
  • ITRF2014 benefits from accurate modeling of postseismic deformations for sites affected by major earthquakes
  • Leading to the determination of accurate and robust secular frame and site velocities

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Evidence for the Innermost Inner Core: Robust Parameter Search for Radially Varying Anisotropy Using the Neighborhood Algorithm

Key Points

  • The “neighborhood algorithm” provides a robust methodology for testing layered anisotropy in the Earth's inner core

  • There is no significant change observed in the strength of anisotropy with depth in the inner core

  • The innermost inner core is defined as a gradual change in the slow propagation direction of anisotropy

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Single‐station automated detection of transient deformation in GPS time series with the relative strength index: A case study of Cascadian slow slip

Key Points

  • We develop a single-station automated transient detection algorithm based on the RSI
  • The transient detections agree well with previous studies in Cascadia
  • Transient detections are correlated with tremor and correlation attenuates with slab depth

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