Microfluidic analysis system for monitoring of amino acids in biological fluids.
Grant Agency
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Molecular Electrocatalysis.
Year from
Year to
The aim of the proposed research is to develop the microfluidic analysis system (MAS) for the monitoring of amino acids in biological fluids. There are three main objective in the project: (1) solution of the problem of the sensitive detection of underivatized amino acids, (2) design of the microchip for capillary electrophoresis (CE), and (3) the standard protocol for the use of MAS in monitoring of amino acids in blood plasma and urine. As a part of the research programme, we shall investigate electrochemistry of amino acids on noble and non-noble transition metal electrodes, and examine the contactless conductivity and amperometric metal sensors in the conventional CE determination of amino acids. The computer-operated microchip for capillary electrophoresis will be constructed to integrale the pre-concentration and separation channels, as well as the electrochemical detector. Suitability of the MAS vs. conventional CE analysis will be compared.
The aim of the proposed research is to develop the microfluidic analysis system (MAS) for the monitoring of amino acids in biological fluids. There are three main objective in the project: (1) solution of the problem of the sensitive detection of underivatized amino acids, (2) design of the microchip for capillary electrophoresis (CE), and (3) the standard protocol for the use of MAS in monitoring of amino acids in blood plasma and urine. As a part of the research programme, we shall investigate electrochemistry of amino acids on noble and non-noble transition metal electrodes, and examine the contactless conductivity and amperometric metal sensors in the conventional CE determination of amino acids. The computer-operated microchip for capillary electrophoresis will be constructed to integrale the pre-concentration and separation channels, as well as the electrochemical detector. Suitability of the MAS vs. conventional CE analysis will be compared.
+420 26605 3895
