The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

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IPP is happy to announce the application opening for its 18th Summer Training School called SUMTRAIC.

26 Apr 2021


Final Design Review of the COMPASS-U Tokamak Assembly


An international workshop on the Final Design Review (FDR) of the new COMPASS-U tokamak assembly was held on April 13 to 16, 2021. More than 60 scientists, engineers and technicians from the Czech Republic, Europe, and the USA attended the workshop in the form of a videoconferencing remote connection.

22 Apr 2021


Nikita Medvedev won a prize of JINR


The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR in Dubna near Moscow) awarded the JINR Prize for 2020 to the team whose member is Dr. Nikita Medvedev (Laser Plasma Dept.); the team won the first prize in the category of the Applied Physics Research for an article entitled “Experimental study and multiscale modeling of latent tracks structure in radiation resistant dielectrics”.

8 Mar 2021


New system for heat flux control in tokamaks


International team lead by researchers from DIFFER institute in Eindhoven with contribution of scientists from the Institute of Plasma Physics of CAS has developed multispectral device MANTIS, which allows to control edge plasma temperature in tokamak discharges.

23 Feb 2021


The first deliveries for the new COMPASS-U tokamak realized


At the end of last year, the first technological components of the power supply system of the new COMPASS-U tokamak were delivered. This complex system powering the tokamak systems will have the maximum power input of up to 263 MW from the flywheel generators and the short-term peak power of semiconductor converters of up to 525 MW. 

20 Feb 2021


Cold sprayed coatings EBSD analyses image selected for cover page of Materials and Design journal


The image of cold spray deposited metallic materials microstructure acquired by EBSD analysis was selected for the cover page of the jubilee 200th volume of Materials and Design journal.

20 Jan 2021
