Authors: Lacina, Tomáš
Authors: Brokl, Lubomír, Zdenka Mansfeldová
This provocative and stimulating book argues that the structures and processes of elite politics in postcommunist Eastern Europe are critical determinants of democracy and political stability in the region. The East European regime transition were initiated and carried through pr...
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka, Barbora Špicarová Stašková
The chapter focuses on national and European identity and examines, whether Europe is united or still divides concerning the new European identity. First part outlines the multiple natures of identity and different types of territorial attachment; the second one examines the posi...
Authors: Machonin, Pavel, Milan Tuček
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka, Barbora Špicarová Stašková
The article examines the perception of national and European identities from the viewpoint of political and economic elite. It examines the components of both identities, the relationship between national and European identities. The study is based on quantitative survey and comp...
ESF Scientific Network Project, co-ordinated by Heinrich Best (University of Jena) and Maurizio Cotta (University of Siena).
Project duration: 2002 - 2004
13. 10. 2005
ELITY A ROZŠÍŘENÍ EU, Praha 17.-18. 2. 2006, třetí z řady šesti mezinárodních workshopů networku pro výzkum elit, na téma: Resistence a podpora veřejnosti pro různé typy integrace do EU mezi novými členskými zeměmi ze střední a východní Evropy.
16. 2. 2006
V pátek 17. února ve 13.00 bude zahájena ve vile Akademie věd ČR Lanna (V sadech 1, Praha 6) dvoudenní mezinárodní sociologická konference na téma „Elity a rozšiřování Evropské unie“.
Tomáš Kostelecký, Jana Vobecká (eds.): Regional Elites 2004, Jana Stachová: Civil Society in the Regions of the Czech Republic
19. 11. 2020
What is the nature of citizen-politician linkages in the 21st century? This question is highly relevant today due to the crisis of representative democracy, decreasing trust in political elites and democratic institutions. At the same time, established parties are faced with the...
Authors: Benáček, Vladimír
The project The Adjustment of the Czech Labour Force: Changing Job Structures, Wage Disparities and Work Orientations aimed to use various data sources to describe changes in the field in the last decade. Studies on various topics are collected to provide a multidimensional pictu...
Authors: Nešpor, Zdeněk R.
The article presents and analyses prosopographical data on the elite of contemporary Czech sociological academia.
30. 9. 2016
migrace, bezpečnost a maskulinita
NKC - gender a věda Sociologického ústavu AV ČR zve na diskuzi pořádanou v rámci evropské Noci vědkyň a vědců. Přijďte se dovědět a diskutovat o tom, jaký pohled na role žen a mužů ve společnosti nám nabízí diskuse o bezpečnosti, jakou roli hraje fakt, že bezpečnostní politiku i...
Authors: Křížková, Alena
The aim of this text is to reveal the position of the Czech government and government officials who were responsible for gender and equality issues during the preparation for the Czech Republic’s accession to the EU. Based on this insight I argue that it was the government...
Authors: Gatnar, Lumír, Lane, David
<p><strong>Popular opposition and support for different types of the EU integration</strong></p>Lumí<p>Lumír Gatnar and David Lane (Editors)</p><br><p>Selected papers from the third international conference </strong>Elites and...
Authors: Poláková, Markéta, Kostelecký, Tomáš
The article focuses on an analysis of the professions of Czech deputies in the interwar period and in the period after 1989. Based on the theoretical framework of representation we assume that voting decisions are influenced not only by party electoral programs, but also by the i...
The department of Political Sociology focuses on the systematic study of the basic processes in the democratic political system of the Czech Republic and some of its bodies. Attention is also paid to the social changes in contemporary Czech society, the nature and determinants of...
Head of department: PhDr. Zdenka Mansfeldová, CSc.
Authors: Machonin, Pavel, Milan Tuček
The study summarizes the results of the authors’ nearly decade-long effort (related to thestudy of the post-socialist transformation of Czech society) to gain an empirical and theoreticalknowledge of the process of how social elites are created and consolidated. Socialelite...
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Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., Centrum pro výzkum veřejného mínění, Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1, tel./fax: +420 286 840 129, +420 210 310 591
