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This article reports on a new empirical study evaluating crime concentration at places in a postsocialist city. We use principles of the law of crime concentration at places and the Cambridge Crime Harm Index to measure crime count and crime harm concentration at the level of street segments. The research found differences between crime concentration in a post-socialist city and crime concentration reported by recent studies from US or UK cities.
When developing anti-poverty policies, policymakers need accurate data on the prevalence of poverty. In this paper, we focus on subjective poverty, a concept which has been largely neglected in the literature, though it remains a conceptually appealing way to define poverty. The primary goal of this study is to re-examine the concept of subjective poverty measurement and to estimate trends in subjective income poverty rates in the European Union.
This study investigated family scholarly culture’s effects on parental educational aspirations, with special attention paid to gender differences based on the ideas of stratified parenting and a sociocultural approach to parenting. Two-level structural modeling was applied to nationally representative Czech Household Panel Survey data from 2015 – 2016.
Following recent literature, this study focused on the mediating mechanisms through which cultural capital leads to students’ higher grades and academic ability.
‘Homeless’ people are usually considered as citizens without property. The absence of ownership, especially in terms of housing, co-creates the very idea of homelessness in current societies. Despite this fact, ‘homeless’ citizens negotiate and experience their property, things, or the shelter in which they dwell. This paper sheds light on how this property is negotiated and experienced and how it influences home-making.
We introduce 9 guiding principles to integrate Participatory Design (PD) methods in the development of Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems. The adoption of PD methods by NLP will help to alleviate issues concerning the development of more democratic, fairer, less-biased technologies to process natural language data.
Survey-based measures of subjective well-being are increasingly often analyzed cross-culturally. However, international comparison of these measures requires measurement invariance. Therefore, the major goal of this study was to investigate the cross-country comparability of the 5-item subjective well-being scales used in the International Social Survey Programme (2011, 2017).
Recent HCI scholarship has critiqued anthropocentrism in design as contributing to the ecological crisis. The current paper contributes theoretically and empirically to this area, adopting the lens of Socio-Ecological Relations, inspired by Environmental History and STS. We argue that a socio-ecological lens can offer practical tools to HCI and Interaction Design to overcome the separation between humanity and nature-as-a-resource.
Kniha je interdisciplinární a multimetodologickou studií bezdomovectví v Česku. Autor v ní čtenáři ukazuje, jak se bezdomovectví zhmotňuje na průsečíku politickoekonomických faktorů, jako jsou demokratizace společnosti nebo integrace do globální ekonomiky, a specifických doprovodných logik vznikajících na pomezí kultury ulice a určitých podmínek charakteristických pro českou společnost.
The popularity and character of secular last rites in Czechoslovakia were admired by many other Communist countries in Central and Eastern Europe, at least in the 1950s and 1960s. The author questions this adulation through an analysis of the origins and development of secular funerals (and cremation) in the country, exposing its much earlier roots, misuse by the Communists and its dysfunctions following the fall of Communism. He maintains that there was a lack of ideological anchoring, i.e.
For decades, social stratification research has focused on the effect of families’ cultural capital on their offspring’s educational attainment. However, few studies have focused on the shaping of individuals’ cultural capital. This study aimed to examine the effects of family background, individual, partner, and household characteristics on individuals’ reading preferences and cultural participation.
Policy Brief Series has been prepared as part of Work Package 5 led by Ana Puy, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spain, in cooperation with Lydia González Orta, Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology and Marcela Linková, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
ISBN 978-80-7330-344-0 (print) | ISBN 978-80-7330-345-7 (PDF)
This document is an outcome of the research project Analysis of Barriers to and Support Strategy for Gender Equality in Science and Research implemented in 2017 and 2018 by the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences as part of the Operational Programme Employment (Reg. No. CZ.03.1.51/0.0/0.0/15_02 8/0003571).
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