Events at CERGE-EI

Wednesday, 8 September, 2021 | 13:00 | Defense - PhD

Jan Šedek: "Essays on Allocations in Two-Sided Markets"

Let us invite you to the dissertation defense of Jan Šedek which is going to take place online (password: 5749).


Title of Dissertation: Essays on Allocations in Two-Sided Markets

Defense Committee:

Krešimir Žigić (CERGE-EI, Chair)

Ole Jann (CERGE-EI)

Ondřej Kalenda (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University)


Dissertation Committee:

Jan Zápal (CERGE-EI, Chair)

Jakub Steiner (CERGE-EI)

Filip Matějka (CERGE-EI)



Antonio Miralles (Barcelona Graduate School of Economics)

Marco Serena (Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance)