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People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni

19 November, 2020

Andrei Matveenko, our PhD in Economics graduate from 2019 works as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Copenhagen. How was his first year at this position, and what is he up to? Read about it in the latest interview published on CERGE-EI blog.

"All the doors were always open and I had a chance to have many consultations. The professors helped to make some of my research ideas better and patiently explained why some of my ideas were not that good. Also, as I said earlier, several of my papers are written together with fellow students – it shows that people at CERGE-EI are very open to cooperation," said Andrei about CERGE-EI.

Andrei also gave us a hint on what the Rational Inattention theory is about. "The main idea in this strand of literature is that our attention is limited and we cannot take into account all relevant aspects of the choice problem. Instead, we choose the aspects that are the most important to us – we are rationally ignoring some sources of information," Andrei explained.

Read the full interview here.

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