Acting as If: Prefigurative Politics in Theory and Practice
Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic presents
Radical Religious Communities in Premodern Societies
A conference on the occasion of the (postponed) 600th anniversary of the foundation of Tábor
Vstup volný
Jan Jesenius, renesanční Evropan
Pořádá Evangelická církev augsburského vyznání v ČR, COLLEGIUM EUROPAEUM FFUK & FLÚ AV ČR a Lutherova společnost.
Národní 18, Praha 1, 7. patro
Juraj Hvorecký, David A. Procházka: Robot, který se stará
Pořádá Centrum Karla Čapka pro studium hodnot ve vědě a technice
Hungry Emotional Beings I
For the Strategy AV21 Czech Academy of Sciences - Research ProgramFor the Strategy AV21 Czech Academy of Sciences - Research Program“Resilient Society for 21st Century” in collaboration with Culinary Mind
The Bounds of Religious Cognition: Study of cognitive and cultural factors in Czech and Polish societies
Department of Analytical Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Science presents