Acta Correctoris cleri civitatis et diocesis Pragensis annis 1407–1410 comparata
Correctional activities of the clergy, first established by Archbishop Arnošt of Pardubice (1343–1364), gradually transformed from individual verifications into a permanent office of a criminal judge over the clergy and which included some of the powers of the archdeacon. This distinctive office remained an ecclesiastical administrative specific entity of the Prague Archdiocese. The edition provides access to the only volume of correctional reports that has been preserved from his work. It includes the years 1407–1410, i.e. approximately the second half of the episcopate of Archbishop Zbyněk Zajíc of Házmburk (1403-1411). The correctional procedure completes the triple series of previously published clerical books of the Archbishopric of Prague (Libri confirmationum, Libri erectionum, Acta iudiciaria), thus representing an important and unique source for understanding church (inter alia) history of this period.
Excerpts (in pdf):

458 pages, hardcover
ISBN 978-80-7007-524-1