Conference: One Biography, Multiple Places: The Life and Work of Shmuel Hugo Bergmann Between Prague and Jerusalem (1883–1975)

Datum konání: 
3. 11. 2021, 0:00 - 4. 11. 2021, 0:00

Conference program


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Venue: Faculty of Arts, Prague 1, Jan Palach Square 1/2, room 201

8:30–9:00 Registration

9:00–11:00 First Panel: Bergmann in Prague

Chair: Zbyněk Tarant

  • Jan Fingerland (Czech Radio in Prague): Bergmann’s Prague Years 1883–1919: A Man beyond Categories of his Era
  • Julius H. Schoeps (Moses Mendelssohn Centre for European-Jewish Studies, Potsdam, Germany): Hugo Bergmann, Theodor Lessing and the “Prague Circle”
  • Štěpán Balík, Marie Brunová, Jiří Holý, Hana Nichtburgerová, Olga Zitová (The Centre for the Study of the Holocaust and Jewish Literature, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague): Hugo Bergmann about the Yiddish, and Yiddish Research in the Czech Republic
  • Anna-Dorothea Ludewig (Moses Mendelssohn Centre for European-Jewish Studies, University of Potsdam, Germany): “The lifeline”: Max Brod and Hugo Bergmann

11:30–12:30 Second Panel: Bergmann and Czech Lands

Chair: Marie Brunová

  • Blanka Soukupová (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague): The Jewish National Movement in the Czech Lands, the National Jewish Council, and Hugo Bergmann
  • Zbyněk Tarant (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic): From Lanškroun to the World Stage – Life and Work of Leo Hermann

14:00–15:30 Third Panel: Philosophy and Theology

Chair: Enrico Lucca

  • Daniel M. Herskowitz (University of Oxford, Wolfson College, UK): Bergmann as a Conduit of European Philosophy: The Case of Martin Heidegger
  • Guy Paz (Adam Waldorf High School in Jerusalem, Israel): Embracing an Anthroposophical Vision of Judaism: Shmuel Hugo Bergmann reads Ernst Müller
  • Nicham Ross (Department of Jewish Thought, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel): An Existential Reading of the Bible and A Leap of Faith: Between Buber and Bergmann

17:00 Ceremonial Opening – Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, doc. PhDr. Michal Pullmann, Ph.D.

Venue: Patriots Hall (Vlastenecký sál), Carolinum, Ovocný trh 3–5, Prague 1

Partner institutions’ greetings

  • Centre for the Study of the Holocaust and Jewish Literature, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (Prof. Jiří Holý, Dr. Marcela Menachem Zoufalá)
  • Goldstein-Goren Department of Jewish Thought, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Prof. Boaz Huss)
  • Leibniz-Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow (Dr. Enrico Lucca)
  • S. H. Bergmann Center for Philosophical Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Dr. Michael Roubach)
  • The Masaryk Institute and Archive of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Dr. Luboš Velek)
  • The Moses Mendelssohn Center for European Jewish Studies, University of Potsdam (Dr. Olaf Glöckner)
  • The European Association of Israel Studies (Prof. Joanna Dyduch)

17:30 Keynote

  • Hillel J. Kieval (Washington University in St. Louis, U.S.): Shmuel Hugo Bergmann from Prague to Jerusalem: Continuities and Ruptures

Chair: Joanna Dyduch


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Venue: Faculty of Arts, Prague 1, Jan Palach Square 1/2, room 201

9:00-10:30 Fourth Panel: Bergmann in Palestine and Israel

Chair: Shimon Lev

  • Boaz Huss (Department of Jewish Thought, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel): Shmuel Hugo Bergmann and the Formation of Israeli Esoteric and Alternative Spiritual Culture
  • Olaf Glöckner (Moses Mendelssohn Centre for European-Jewish Studies, Potsdam, Germany), Marcela Menachem Zoufalá (Centre for the Study of the Holocaust and Jewish Literature, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Czech Republic): Hugo Bergmann between Philosophy, the Zionist Dream and the Search for Justice
  • Zvi Leshem (The National Library of Israel, the Gershom Scholem Collection for Kabbalah and Hasidism, Jerusalem, Israel): “Shmuel Hugo Bergmann: To be a librarian in 1920 – What did that mean?!”

11:00–13:00 Fifth Panel: Bergmann in the World

Chair: Boaz Huss

  • Arie M. Dubnow (Department of History, George Washington University, U.S.): A Part of Asia or Apart from Asia? S. H. Bergmann, the Asian Relations Conference in Delhi, and the boundaries of Zionist Asianism, 1947–56
  • Shimon Lev (Independent researcher, Tel Hai Academic college & curator, Israel): “I Read Sri Aurobindo to Find Some Light in our Difficult Days”: Hugo Bergmann’s Encounter with India, Aurobindo, and the Mother
  • Samuel Glauber-Zimra (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel): “I Frequently Hold a Telepathic Dialogue with You”: The Correspondence of Shmuel Hugo Bergmann and R. Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
  • Enrico Lucca (Leibniz-Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow, Leipzig, Germany): Fighting for the Future of European Jewry: Hugo Bergmann in Sweden (1947–1948)


The conference will be held under the kind auspices of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, doc. PhDr. Michal Pullmann, Ph.D.

To attend the event, please register by sending an email to:

We are grateful for the support of our sponsors and partners.


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