Mgr. Martin Svojtka, PhD
head of department, scientist Phone:
+420 233 087 242, +420 233 087 297 E-mail:
Rozvojová 269, 165 00 Praha 6 - Lysolaje, Czech Republic Room number:
Suchdol 215, 344 Workgroup:
Department of Geological Processes Specialization:
geochronology and isotope geology
Research projects:
- Cherts and carbonates as geochemical proxies of paleoenvironmental conditions and Ocean Plate Stratigraphy : 2020 - 2022, GACR, 20-13644S
- Geological correlation of intra-Alpine crustal fragments with the Bohemian Massif : 2020 - 2021, MŠMT, 8J20AT004
- Late Archean granites: markers of modern-style plate tectonics? : 2019 - 2021, GACR, 19-080666S