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Long‐Lasting Marine Heatwaves Instigated by Ocean Planetary Waves in the Tropical Indian Ocean During 2015–2016 and 2019–2020

  •  27 October 2021

Key Points

  • Long-lasting marine heatwaves (MHWs) occurred in the upwelling regions of the tropical Indian Ocean during 2015–2016 and 2019–2020

  • The recent long-lasting MHWs are related to the super El Niño in 2015–2016 and extreme Indian Ocean dipole in 2019

  • Oceanic downwelling waves induced-thermocline warming plays a crucial role in the long-lasting MHWs

Open access

Oceanic Harbingers of Pacific Decadal Oscillation Predictability in CESM2 Detected by Neural Networks

  •  27 October 2021

Key Points

  • Artificial neural networks (ANNs) predict Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) persistence and transitions in CESM2

  • Explainable AI unveils regions used by ANNs for predicting the PDO on inter-annual timescales

  • Predictable PDO transitions can be preceded by a heat build up in the off-equatorial western Pacific

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Diurnal Variation of Overshooting Tops in Typhoons Detected by Himawari‐8 Satellite

  •  27 October 2021

Key Points

  • A greater overshooting top density (OTD) appears in stronger typhoons within six times the radius of maximum wind of the typhoon center

  • A greater OTD and diurnal variation occur in rapid intensification (RI) typhoons than in non-RI typhoons

  • The maximum (minimum) OTD in the early morning (afternoon) in RI typhoons is related to the diurnal phase of intensification

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Varying Partitioning of Surface Turbulent Fluxes Regulates Temperature‐Humidity Dissimilarity in the Convective Atmospheric Boundary Layer

  •  27 October 2021

Key Points

  • Temperature-humidity (urn:x-wiley:00948276:media:grl63271:grl63271-math-0021) similarity varies with Bowen ratio (β) in the convective boundary layer (CBL) over homogeneous surface

  • urn:x-wiley:00948276:media:grl63271:grl63271-math-0022 dissimilarity with varying β is mostly linked to the large-scale eddies

  • Disproportional variations of σθ2 and σq2 by asymmetric top-down and bottom-up transport of θ and q explain the dissimilarity with varying β

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Issue Information

  •  26 October 2021
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A Surface pCO2 Increasing Hiatus in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean Since 2010

  •  25 October 2021

Key Points

  • The pCO2 in the equatorial Pacific features a significant long-term trend and decadal to interdecadal variability

  • The increasing pCO2 in the Niño 3.4 region shows stagnation since 2010 due to El Niño events and the increasing phase of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation

  • Pacific natural climate variability mitigates the large CO2 source in the tropical Pacific Ocean

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Evaluation of Rainfall‐Snowfall Separation Performance in Remote Sensing Datasets

  •  25 October 2021

Key Points

  • Snowfall determination accuracy varies greatly among four remote sensing datasets ranging from 42% to 96%

  • More than half of the snowfall indicated by Global Precipitation Measurement Mission (GPM) dual frequency precipitation radar (DPR) is rainfall on the ground

  • MERRA2 temperature close to the surface is noticeably colder than observed, leading to more rainfall being classified as snowfall

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Climate variability drives watersheds along a transporter‐ transformer continuum

  •  3 November 2021

Key Points

  • Watersheds transition along a transporter-transformer continuum across a range of precipitation anomalies in tropical and temperate biomes

  • Synergistic effects of dry conditions and warming temperatures may affect the export of biologically reactive solutes in temperate systems

  • Higher nitrate flux occurred during negative precipitation anomalies than during the largest positive precipitation anomalies

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Contribution of Ekman transport to the ENSO periodicity estimated with an extended Wyrtki index

  •  3 November 2021

Key Points

  • Equatorial wind stress pattern associated with ENSO drives the Ekman transport, which acts to slow down the ENSO recharge-discharge process

  • We extended a theoretical ENSO period index to demonstrate the role of meridional Ekman transport that lengthen the ENSO periodicity

  • Ekman transport contributes to lengthening the ENSO period by 30% relative to the estimation by geostrophic transport alone

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How well do we know the surface impact of sudden stratospheric warmings?

  •  3 November 2021

Key Points

  • Uncertainty in the surface climate response to sudden stratospheric warmings is assessed from bootstrapped composites of 39 observed events

  • The bootstrapped composites show robust but highly variable patterns over the Northern Hemisphere

  • The spread across the composites is due to tropospheric variability that is independent of the stratospheric conditions sampled

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Cold anomaly over Nova Zembla‐Ural Mountains: A precursor for the summer long‐lived heat wave in Northeast Asia?

  •  3 November 2021

Key Points

  • Long-lived heat wave (last for 5 days and more) in Northeast Asia contributed 27.8% (54.0%) of total 252 heat waves (956 heat wave days)

  • The enhanced and slow-moving Cold anomaly over Nova Zembla-Ural Mountains usually leads the long-lived heat wave in Northeast Asia

  • Cold anomaly appears and strengthens about 6 days before long-lived heat wave and stimulates anticyclonic anomaly over Northeast Asia

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Modulation of Whistler Mode Waves by Ultra‐Low Frequency Wave in a Macroscale Magnetic Hole: MMS Observations

  •  3 November 2021

Key Points

  • We found whistler-mode waves and donut-shaped PADs in the a macroscale magnetic hole

  • The formation of donut-shaped distribution is the result of the combined influence of magnetic hole and ULF wave

  • The butterfly distribution is considered to be the excitation mechanism of whistler-mode waves

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Strengthening of Calcite Assemblages through Chemical Complexation Reactions

  •  2 November 2021

Key Points

  • We examined how the formation of surface complexes affects fracture-driven consolidation in granular assemblages of calcite

  • More fracturing and faster consolidation of calcite grain packs are observed in fluids containing anions with weak affinity for calcium

  • Strongly complexing anions can effectively shield crack tips from hydrolysis reaction and modify deformation rates and total strains

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Mining can exacerbate global degradation of dryland

  •  2 November 2021

Key Points

  • Increasing mineral production depletes groundwater storage but promotes vegetation growth in drylands

  • Mining-induced dewatering reversed normal positive relationships between vegetation growth conditions and groundwater storage

  • Unsustainable irrigation bonuses mask the potential risk of long-term vegetation degradation in drylands

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Cratering Records in the Chang’e‐5 Mare Unit: Filling the “Age Gap” of the Lunar Crater Chronology and Preparation for its Re‐calibration

  •  2 November 2021

Key Points

  • We obtain a direct measurement of density of impact craters ≥1 km (N(1) value) of the Chang’e-5 mare unit as (1.696 ± 0.221) × 10-3 km-2

  • The Chang’e-5 mare basalts is estimated as ∼1.3–2.7 Ga old in various lunar chronologies, younger than all collected Apollo/Luna basalts

  • Our N(1) value can be combined with radio-isotopic ages of Chang’e-5 samples for a re-calibration of lunar crater chronology

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The missing magmatic arc in a long‐lived ocean from the western Kunlun‐ Pamir Paleo‐Tethys realm

  •  2 November 2021

Key Points

  • There is no record of a magmatic arc during oceanic basin closure in the Mazar-Kangxiwa suture zone between ca. 300 – 250 Ma

  • This Paleo-Tethyan oceanic basin opened at ca. 340 Ma and closed by ca. 250 Ma

  • Oceanic crust underthrusting was a potential mechanism to account for oceanic basin closure and the absence of a magmatic arc

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Space Weather Observations with InSight

  •  2 November 2021

Key Points

  • We report the first surface magnetometer observations of space weather on Mars

  • We observe the magnetic field at the InSight landing site before, during and after a coronal mass ejection (CME)

  • We observe increased magnetic field amplitudes and increased variability in the field after the CME

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Evidence linking Arctic amplification to extreme weather in mid‐latitudes

Key Points

  • Enhanced Arctic warming reduces poleward temperature gradient
  • Weaker gradient affects waves in upper-level flow in two observable ways
  • Both effects slow weather patterns, favoring extreme weather

Open access

A global inventory of lakes based on high‐resolution satellite imagery

Key Points

  • Earth has 117 million lakes > 0.002 km2
  • Large and intermediate lakes dominate the total surface area of lakes
  • Power law-based extrapolations do not adequately estimate lake abundance

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Large wildfire trends in the western United States, 1984–2011

Key Points

  • Number of large fires and large fire area have increased across the western U.S.
  • Fire activity trends were most significant in southern and mountain ecoregions
  • Increased fire in these ecoregions coincided with increased drought severity

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Open access

The Global Fingerprint of Modern Ice‐Mass Loss on 3‐D Crustal Motion

Key Points

  • Early 21st century ice-mass loss generates a global pattern of 3-D crustal motion

  • Deformation driven by melting of Greenland Ice Sheet and Arctic glaciers extends across the Northern Hemisphere

  • Far-field motions are several tenths of a millimeter per year, with horizontal rates often exceeding vertical rates

Plain Language Summary

As ice sheets and glaciers melt and water is redistributed to the global oceans, the Earth's crust deforms, generating a complex pattern of 3-D motions at Earth's surface. In this study, we use satellite-derived constraints on early 21st century ice-mass balance of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets and a global database of mountain glaciers and ice caps, to predict how the crust has deformed over the last two decades. We show that, rather than only being localized to regions of ice loss, melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet and Arctic glaciers has caused significant horizontal and vertical deformation of the crust that extends over much of the Northern Hemisphere. This 3-D surface motion is on average several tenths of a millimeter per year, and it varies significantly year-to-year. We conclude that future work analyzing measurements of crustal motion (across various fields in Earth science) should correct for the deformation associated with modern ice-mass loss at sites distant from melting ice.

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A high‐accuracy map of global terrain elevations

Key Points

  • A high-accuracy global digital elevation model (DEM) was developed by removing multiple height error components from existing DEMs
  • Landscape representation was improved, especially in flat regions where height error magnitude was larger than actual topography variation
  • The improved-terrain DEM is helpful for any geoscience applications which are terrain dependent, such as flood inundation modelling

Plain Language Summary

Terrain elevation maps are fundamental input data for many geoscience studies. While very precise Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) based on airborne measurements are available in developed regions of the world, most areas of the globe rely on spaceborne DEMs which still include non-negligible height errors for geoscience applications. Here we developed a new high accuracy map of global terrain elevations at 3" resolution (~90m at the equator) by eliminating multiple error components from existing spaceborne DEMs. The height errors included in the original DEMs were separated from actual topography signals and removed using a combination of multiple satellite datasets and filtering techniques. After error removal, global land areas mapped with ±2m or better accuracy increased from 39% to 58%. Significant improvements were found, especially in flat regions such as river floodplains. Here detected height errors were larger than actual topography variability, and following error removal landscapes features such as river networks and hill-valley structures at last became clearly represented. The developed high accuracy topography map will expand the possibility of geoscience applications that require high accuracy elevation data such as terrain landscape analysis, flood inundation modelling, soil erosion analysis, and wetland carbon cycle studies.

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Polar Drift in the 1990s Explained by Terrestrial Water Storage Changes

Key Points

  • Past climate-driven polar motion was quantified by modeling terrestrial water storage under two different scenarios

  • One scenario was based on GRACE and reanalysis data; another scenario was based on extra glacier change observations

  • Rapid terrestrial water storage decline caused by ice melting over glacial areas drove the polar drift toward the east in the 1990s

Plain Language Summary

The Earth's pole, the point where the Earth's rotational axis intersects its crust in the Northern Hemisphere, drifted in a new eastward direction in the 1990s, as observed by space geodetic observations. Generally, polar motion is caused by changes in the hydrosphere, atmosphere, oceans, or solid Earth. However, short-term observational records of key information in the hydrosphere (i.e., changes in terrestrial water storage) limit a better understanding of new polar drift in the 1990s. This study introduces a novel approach to quantify the contribution from changes in terrestrial water storage by comparing its drift path under two different scenarios. One scenario assumes that the terrestrial water storage change throughout the entire study period (1981–2020) is similar to that observed recently (2002–2020). The second scenario assumes that it changed from observed glacier ice melting. Only the latter scenario, along with the atmosphere, oceans, and solid Earth, agrees with the polar motion during the period of 1981–2020. The accelerated terrestrial water storage decline resulting from glacial ice melting is thus the main driver of the rapid polar drift toward the east after the 1990s. This new finding indicates that a close relationship existed between polar motion and climate change in the past.

Open access

Climate Impacts of COVID‐19 Induced Emission Changes

Key Points

  • COVID-19 induced lockdowns significantly altered emissions of aerosols, leading to simulated changes in cloud properties in two Earth System Models

  • Aerosol Cloud Interactions from reduced emissions result in significant increases in radiative forcing, up to +0.29 ± 0.15 Wm−2

  • Aerosol radiative forcing reductions are the largest contributor to surface temperature changes

Plain Language Summary

The COVID-19 pandemic changed emissions of gases and particulates. These gases and particulates affect climate. In general, human emissions of particles cool the planet by scattering away sunlight in the clear sky and by making clouds brighter to reflect sunlight away from the earth. This paper focuses on understanding how changes to emissions of particulates (aerosols) affect climate. We use estimates of emissions changes for 2020 in two climate models to simulate the impacts of the COVID-19 induced emission changes. We tightly constrain the models by forcing the winds to match observed winds for 2020. COVID-19 induced lockdowns led to reductions in aerosol and precursor emissions, chiefly soot or black carbon and sulfate (SO4). This is found to reduce the human caused aerosol cooling: creating a small net warming effect on the earth in spring 2020. Changes in cloud properties are smaller than observed changes during 2020. The impact of these changes on regional land surface temperature is small (maximum +0.3 K). The impact of aerosol changes on global surface temperature is very small and lasts over several years. However, the aerosol changes are the largest contribution to COVID-19 affected emissions induced radiative forcing and temperature changes, larger than ozone, CO2 and contrail effects.

Open access

BedMachine v3: Complete Bed Topography and Ocean Bathymetry Mapping of Greenland From Multibeam Echo Sounding Combined With Mass Conservation

Key Points

  • We present a comprehensive, seamless bed topography across the ice-ocean margin around Greenland
  • Two to 4 times more glaciers have calving fronts grounded below 200 m compared to previous mappings
  • Total ice volume of Greenland is 2.99 ± 0.02 times 106 km3, yielding a potential sea level rise of 7.42 m, 7 cm greater than previous estimates

Open access

Californian Wildfire Smoke Over Europe: A First Example of the Aerosol Observing Capabilities of Aeolus Compared to Ground‐Based Lidar

Key Points

  • Smoke from the extraordinary 2020 Californian wild fires traveled within 3–4 days toward Europe

  • Highest Aerosol Optical Thickness ever measured in the free troposphere over Leipzig, Germany, Central Europe, with ground-based lidar

  • Unique opportunity for a first assessment of the aerosol optical profiles of the spaceborne wind lidar mission Aeolus

Plain Language Summary

In September 2020, extremely strong wildfires in the western USA (i.e., mainly in California) produced large amounts of smoke. These biomass burning aerosol (BBA) layers were transported from the US west coast towards central Europe within 3-4 days. This smoke plume was observed above Leipzig, Germany, for several days turning the sky milky and receiving high media attention - it was the highest perturbation of the troposphere in terms of AOT ever observed over Leipzig. The first smoke plume arrived on 11 September 2020, just in time for a regular overpass of the Aeolus satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA). Aeolus accommodates the first instrument in space that actively measures profiles of a horizontal wind component in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. Aeolus has been launched to improve weather forecasts while assimilating the Aeolus wind profile data in near–real time. But Aeolus also delivers profiles of aerosol and cloud optical properties as spin-off products. We performed a first assessment of the aerosol profiling capabilities of Aeolus while precisely analyzing the smoke plume above Leipzig with a ground-based multiwavelength-Raman-polarization lidar. But we also show the dramatic impact of fires in the western USA on atmospheric conditions over central Europe.

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The 2020 Eruption and Large Lateral Dike Emplacement at Taal Volcano, Philippines: Insights From Satellite Radar Data

Key Points

  • We present a comprehensive interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)-based data, analyses, and models of Taal’s pre- to post-eruptive state

  • During the eruptive crisis, Taal’s magma reservoir lost 0.531 ± 0.004 km3 of volume while a 0.643 ± 0.001 km3 lateral dike was emplaced

  • Low-latency InSAR-derived products provided crucial and significant information to PHIVOLCS during the January 2020 eruptive event

Plain Language Summary

Taal volcano in the Philippines erupted on January 12, 2020. Here, we present the pre-, co-, and post-eruption data, model, and analyses using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data acquired by various satellite systems. We find that: (1) prior to the eruption, the volcano experiences a sequence of long-term (>1 year) deflation followed by short-term (≤1 year) inflation as a result of the depressurization-pressurization of its ∼5 km depth magma reservoir; (2) during the eruption, the magma reservoir lost a volume of 0.531 ± 0.004 km3 while a 0.643 ± 0.001 km3 lateral dike was emplaced; and (3) post-eruption analyses reveal that the magma reservoir is in recovery starting ∼3 weeks after the main eruptive phase. We propose a conceptual analysis to explain the 2020 Taal eruption and the dike emplacement. We also report the unique and significant contribution of remote sensing data, particularly InSAR during the peak of the crisis.

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Quasi‐Stationary Intense Rainstorms Spread Across Europe Under Climate Change

Key Points

  • Following an ingredients-based method, future changes in intense rainstorms in Europe are studied using convection-permitting simulations

  • Environments favoring high rainfall rates are projected to be 7× more frequent by 2100, while the figure for quasi-stationary ones is 11×

  • Reduction in storm speeds due to weaker jets, possibly via Arctic Amplification, can enhance accumulations further increasing flood risk

Plain Language Summary

Intense rainstorms are expected to be more frequent due to global warming, because warmer air can hold more moisture. Here, using very detailed climate simulations (with a 2.2 km grid), we show that the storms producing intense rain across Europe might move slower with climate change, increasing the duration of local exposure to these extremes. Our results suggest such slow-moving storms may be 14× more frequent across land by the end of the century. Currently, almost-stationary intense rainstorms are uncommon in Europe and happen rarely over parts of the Mediterranean Sea, but in future are expected to occur across the continent, including in the north. The main reason seems to be a reduced temperature difference between the poles and tropics, which weakens upper-level winds in the autumn, when these short-duration rainfall extremes most occur. This slower storm movement acts to increase rainfall amounts accumulated locally, enhancing the risk of flash floods across Europe beyond what was previously expected.

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Satellite and Ocean Data Reveal Marked Increase in Earth’s Heating Rate

Key Points

  • Satellite and in situ observations independently show an approximate doubling of Earth's Energy Imbalance (EEI) from mid-2005 to mid-2019

  • Anthropogenic forcing, internal variability, and climate feedbacks all contribute to the positive trend in EEI

  • Marked decreases in clouds and sea-ice and increases in trace gases and water vapor combine to increase the rate of planetary heat uptake

Plain Language Summary

Climate is determined by how much of the sun's energy the Earth absorbs and how much energy Earth sheds through emission of thermal infrared radiation. Their sum determines whether Earth heats up or cools down. Continued increases in concentrations of well-mixed greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and the long time-scales time required for the ocean, cryosphere, and land to come to thermal equilibrium with those increases result in a net gain of energy, hence warming, on Earth. Most of this excess energy (about 90%) warms the ocean, with the remainder heating the land, melting snow and ice, and warming the atmosphere. Here we compare satellite observations of the net radiant energy absorbed by Earth with a global array of measurements used to determine heating within the ocean, land and atmosphere, and melting of snow and ice. We show that these two independent approaches yield a decadal increase in the rate of energy uptake by Earth from mid-2005 through mid-2019, which we attribute to decreased reflection of energy back into space by clouds and sea-ice and increases in well-mixed greenhouse gases and water vapor.

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