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  •  26 October 2021
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Storm‐Scale and Fine‐Scale Boundary Layer Structures of Tropical Cyclones Simulated With the WRF‐LES Framework

  •  25 October 2021

Key Points

  • Numerical simulations with the horizontal grid spacing decreasing from the turbulent gray zone to large-eddy scale are performed

  • Storm-scale and fine-scale structures can be well simulated when the horizontal resolution is about or less than 100 m

  • No significant differences in storm-scale, fine-scale structures are found when the horizontal grid spacing decreases from 111 to 37 m

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Changes of Precipitation‐Runoff Relationship Induced by Climate Variation in a Large Glaciated Basin of the Tibetan Plateau

  •  22 October 2021

Key Points

  • Modified Budyko equation for quantifying glacier melt contribution to runoff in the Yarlung-Zangpo River (YR) basin

  • Changed precipitation-runoff relations by the acceleration of glacier melt and permafrost thaw under climate warming in the YR basin

  • Reduced climate warming effect on increasing runoff by the increase of vegetation coverage in the YR basin

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Multi‐GNSS Airborne Radio Occultation Observations as a Complement to Dropsondes in Atmospheric River Reconnaissance

  •  22 October 2021

Key Points

  • Flights over northeast Pacific atmospheric rivers provide dense airborne radio occultation and dropsonde data for assimilation in models

  • The first Galileo RO profiles are compared with nearby Global Positioning System (GPS) profiles to assess accuracy in the troposphere

  • The model refractivity anomaly distinguishes key characteristics of the atmospheric river including the low-level jet and tropopause fold

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Hydroclimate Correlations Between the Alxa Desert and Adjacent Mountains in Northwestern China: Evidence From Meteorological and Tree‐Ring Data

  •  22 October 2021

Key Points

  • Precipitation and SPEI indicate wetter trends in Mt. Qilian but drier trends in Mt. Helan and Hasi ranges from 1960 to 2017

  • Precipitation, relative humidity, and SPEI in western and central (eastern) Alxa desert resemble conditions in Mt. Qilian (Helan and Hasi)

  • Tree-ring proxies from nearby mountains can faithfully represent the hydroclimate history of the Alxa desert

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Enhanced Summertime Surface Warming Effects of Long‐Term Urbanization in a Humid Urban Agglomeration in China

  •  22 October 2021

Key Points

  • Long-term urbanization-induced climate effects in Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration region were examined based on analyzing observations and performing numerical simulations

  • Warming effect of urbanization was enhanced in both the magnitude and affected area in the late stage of urbanization

  • Altered energy partitioning between sensible and latent heat fluxes by urban expansion was the key factor of warming atmosphere

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Vertical Structure of Tropical Deep Convective Systems at Different Life Stages From CloudSat Observations

  •  22 October 2021

Key Points

  • Tropical deep convective systems (DCSs) are objectively identified and categorized into different life stages from CloudSat observations

  • As DCS evolves, newly formed ice particles are likely to accumulate around convective pillars rather than being transmitted to anvil clouds

  • Precipitation occurs in a narrow region within the pillar during developing stage, widens at mature stage and shrinks at dissipating stage

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Isolating the Contributions of Seasonal Climate Warming to Permafrost Thermal Responses Over the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau

  •  22 October 2021

Key Points

  • Contributions of seasonal warming to permafrost thermal responses are isolated by specially designed experiments based on historical records

  • Permafrost in the Three River Source region and the Qiangtang High Plateau is vulnerable to thermal degradation induced by winter warming

  • 1°C air temperature warming in summer lead to an increase of 0.35 m in active layer thickness (ALT) and of 0.20°C in mean annual ground temperature (MAGT), while in winter,an increase of 0.16 m, 0.13°C

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Box Model Intercomparison of Cloud Chemistry

  •  22 October 2021

Key Points

  • Five box models participated in a cloud chemistry intercomparison representing a case at Whiteface Mountain Observatory

  • Model results were often quite different indicating a need for recommended equilibria and aqueous-phase reaction rate constants

  • Comparisons of simple to detailed chemistry schemes show need for development of effective simplified organic aqueous chemistry schemes

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Study on the Sensitivity of Initial Perturbations to the Development of a Vortex Observed in Southwest China

  •  21 October 2021

Key Points

  • Conditional nonlinear optimal perturbations were used to identify sensitive areas for the development of a southwest vortex (SWV)

  • Three sensitive areas were identified; two were located on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau and the third was in the Eastern Sichuan Basin

  • The dynamical effect is dominant at the initial stage of SWV, while diabatic heating is more notable during the intensification stage

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Triggered negative lightning‐leaders that propagated into thunderstorm lower positive charge

  •  5 November 2021

Key Points

  • Triggered negative leader boundaries lie within low positive cloud boundaries positivecloud boundaries

  • Lightning-charge densities (-4.2 to -1.8 C/km^$3$) are within the range of cloud-charge densities deduced from airborne measurements

  • Step recoil waves propagate farther than 3 km backward from negative leader steps

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The role of atmospheric drivers in a sudden transition of California precipitation in the 2012/13 winter

  •  5 November 2021

Key points

  • California experienced a wet-to-dry transition during 2012/13 winter, but it was not predicted in the seasonal prediction models

  • The wet conditions in November-December were driven by the tropical SST, which was missed in the seasonal prediction models

  • The subseasonal prediction models that predicted the MJO were also able to predict the dry conditions in January

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Photosensitized degradation of DMSO initiated by PAHs at the air‐water interface, as an alternative source of organic sulfur compounds to the atmosphere

  •  5 November 2021

Key points

  • Laser flash photolysis demonstrate that excited triplets of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons initiate degradation of dimethylsulfoxide

  • A number of organic sulfur compounds that are known secondary organic aerosol precursors are formed

  • Theoretical calculations support the mechanistic pathways describing the formation of organic sulfur compounds

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2016 Monsoon Convection and its place in the Large‐Scale Circulation using Doppler Radars

  •  5 November 2021

Key Points

  • Indian Doppler Weather radars are used to analyse cell-top height during the 2016 monsoon season

  • Cell-top height exhibits clear diurnal and intraseasonal variation

  • Cell-top height varies by region and is affected by local features and the wider monsoon circulation

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Life cycle of shallow marine cumulus clouds from geostationary satellite observations

  •  4 November 2021

Key Points

  • The life cycle of shallow marine cumulus clouds is inferred using a passive space-based geostationary instrument

  • Life cycle is quantified by top temperature/height, cloud extent, cloud water path, optical thickness, droplet radius/number concentration

  • Cumulus clouds of a certain horizontal extent, cloud top height as well as droplet radius live longer if they are optically denser

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Evaluation of CloudSat Radiative Kernels Using ARM and CERES Observations and ERA5 Reanalysis

  •  3 November 2021

Key Points

  • Observation-based CloudSat radiative kernels are evaluated with field observations for six ARM sites with different climate characteristics

  • The kernels are found to be valuable for reconstructing observed radiative flux anomalies at the surface and top-of-atmosphere

  • The CloudSat kernels are the least skilled in reconstructing the observed changes in longwave radiative flux at the surface

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Vertical Profiles of Ozone Concentrations in the Lower Troposphere Downwind of New York City during LISTOS 2018‐2019

  •  3 November 2021

Key Points

  • Vertical ozone profiles below 2 km can exhibit layering with little connection to surface concentrations

  • Sea breeze circulation during stagnation near the land-water interface often induces layering

  • Vertical shearing as a result of low-level jets or sea breeze circulation provides mechanisms for formation of layers

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Indirect measurements of the composition of ultrafine particles in the Arctic late‐winter

  •  2 November 2021

Key Points

  • Indirect measurements suggest that background ultrafine particles are comprised of oxidized organic species and ammoniated sulfates

  • Two ultrafine particle growth events were observed and were likely influenced by marine emissions

  • Newly formed particles were highly hygroscopic and relatively volatile, the latter property not consistent with primary sea salt aerosol

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Regional characteristics of variability in the Northern Hemisphere wintertime polar front jet and subtropical jet in observations and CMIP6 models

  •  1 November 2021

Key Points

  • Northern Hemisphere wintertime polar front jet variability is associated with lower tropospheric baroclinicity anomalies

  • Pacific tropical convection anomalies are linked to variations of the Northern Hemisphere wintertime subtropical jet at most longitudes

  • Tropical convection in CMIP6 models is often displaced westward when compared to observations, reflecting a climatological bias

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Impacts of biomass burning in peninsular Southeast Asia on PM2.5 concentration and ozone formation in southern China during springtime – A case study

  •  1 November 2021

Key points

  • Biomass burning in peninsular Southeast Asia (BB-PSEA) significantly increase near-surface PM2.5 concentrations in southern China

  • NH3 emission from the BB-PSEA plays a key role in the enhancement of secondary inorganic aerosols in southern China

  • The aerosol-radiation and aerosol-photolysis interactions from BB-PSEA decrease O3 concentrations in southern China

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Quantifying Progress Across Different CMIP Phases With the ESMValTool

Key Points

  • Temperature, water vapor, and zonal wind speed show improvements in CMIP6 with amplitudes of many long-standing biases smaller than CMIP3/5
  • High-resolution models show significant improvements in their historical CMIP6 simulations for temperature and precipitation mean biases
  • Spread in effective climate sensitivity in CMIP6 is larger than in previous phases

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Application of USDM statistics in NLDAS‐2: Optimal blended NLDAS drought index over the continental United States

Key Points

  • To develop an objective approach to blend NLDAS drought indices
  • To establish the linkage between USDM statistics and NLDAS drought indices
  • To reconstruct long-term OBNDI

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Thirty Years of Regional Climate Modeling: Where Are We and Where Are We Going next?

Key Point

  • The paper reviews accomplishments, outstanding issues, and future research directions in regional climate modeling

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The Complex Refractive Index of Volcanic Ash Aerosol Retrieved From Spectral Mass Extinction

Key Points

  • The complex refractive indices of eight samples of volcanic ash aerosol were retrieved from measurements of spectral mass extinction and size and showed considerable variability
  • Verification retrievals were performed on measurements of high-purity silica aerosol. The Rayleigh CDE scattering model outperformed Mie theory
  • Nonspherical scattering effects can have a significant impact on refractive indices derived from extinction spectra

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